Item Flavour Texts
Unique_WizardHat_104_x1 - The Peace Warder Radaugh was a singular being who had the powers of time itself at his command. Unfortunately, this frequently left him in a befuddled state, allowing the upstart cultist Vess to kill him and take the prized Crown of the Primus for his own.
Unique_Gem_018_x1 “The Mage Lord has no vision. He called my ideas a subversion of the natural order and forbade this gem’s creation. I can only assume there is a Jaq`taar Assassin searching for me even now.”-Darum, formerly (fixed from formally) of the Vizerei Mage Clan
P2_Unique_Boots_Set_15: It is said that every step trodden in these enchanted boots shall make the very land tremble.
Unique_Belt_102_p2: “Keep your friends close, and your enemies within dagger throwing range.” Vis-Jaq’taar saying.
Unique_Amulet_003_x1_ConsoleCorrection: "The moonlight shrouds the warrior who walks with the spirits." —Darweshi, Knower of the Clan of the Seven Stones
Unique_Shield_009_x1_ConsoleCorrection: Ashusk had never seen metal like this before. It seemed to be charged with the power of the thundering sky, repelling all attacks against it.
p2_unique_belt_06: “I bought this from an ancient conjurer named Omryn. I believe it traps your enemies while you escape or something? To be honest, I just thought it made me look dangerous. No, the other demon hunters won’t talk to me, why do you ask?”-Darnal of the Wastes
x1_Amulet_norm_unique_25: The Hellfire Amulet is truly a badge of dedication to those who, at great cost to themselves, have sworn their lives to eradicating the demon scourge from the lands of Sanctuary.
Unique_Helm_Set_03_p2: “A demon hunter’s mind must be tuned precisely to the demonic will. Only then can you know the best vantage point for your attack. Waiver and you are dead.”-Kovan the Merciless
Unique_Shoulder_Set_03_p2: “A demon hunter who fully tempers their hatred with discipline will see their vengeance clearly.”-Kovan the Merciless
Unique_Chest_Set_03_p2: “When a demon peers into your heart of hearts, demon hunter, what will he find? Death. Whether it is his or yours depends solely on you. ”-Kovan the Merciless
Unique_Pants_Set_03_p2: “Josen often said that everything is a test, including life itself. How will you fare when your mettle is tested?”-Kovan the Merciless
Unique_Boots_Set_03_p2: “Hell is a state of mind.”-Kovan the Mericless
Unique_Gloves_Set_03_p2: “If you cannot learn to direct your hatred, it will consume you.”-Kovan the Mericless
Unique_Helm_Set_02_p2: “Upon completion, Delsene proclaimed the Shrouded Mask the jewel of his magnum opus, convinced that he had finally achieved perfection. Soon after, however, I found him huddled in a corner in his room, mumbling about his failure and how he must start over from scratch, as well as many things I couldn’t understand. Shortly after, his magnum opus disappeared, as did Delsere. Neither has been seen since.”- High Councilor Valthek
Unique_Shoulder_Set_02_p2: “The truly sad thing in the story of Dalsere was that I have seen few, if any, who were better at crafting magical items. Even as he rejected piece after piece for an inelegant ‘flow’ as he called it, the items he was crafting were leagues beyond what most other artisans could ever hope to accomplish.”- High Councilor Valthek
Unique_Chest_Set_02_p2: “It was when Delsene was crafting this chest piece that I began to truly worry for his state of mind. He continually described his creation as alternatingly brilliant, fabulous, dashing, and even resplendent. Further inquiry into why these things would matter only elicited the coldest of stares and a diatribe about how form is everything. Any praise for his highly advanced magical crafting skills only seemed to infuriate him more.”- High Councilor Valthek
Unique_Pants_Set_02_p2: “Delsere repeatedly crafted these leg guards, with only a minimal increase to their magical properties. When I pointed this out, he called me a visionless cretin and said disemboweling was too good for me. This would all be amusing if I didn’t sense something unsettling deep underneath his well-practiced façade.”- High Councilor Valthek
Unique_Boots_Set_02_p2: “As with many of the students who came to the Sanctum after Mi-Ling’s dramatic exit, Delsere proudly identified himself as a wizard. But, unlike most of the others, Delsere took his fascination with Mi-Ling to ridiculous lengths bordering on obsession. His master work was his homage to her, and he swore one day she would wear it.”- High Councilor Valthek
Unique_Gloves_Set_02_p2: “I first met Delsere when he delivered these gauntlets for critique. He was unconcerned with my comments on how skilled he was with using everyday materials to evoke magical properties, especially for someone so new to crafting; he simply wanted to know how looking at them made me feel. He stormed away exasperated that I did not understand his question.”- High Councilor Valthek
Unique_Gloves_Set_01_p2: Offo of the Henknoc Tribe discovered an ancient barrow in the wastes. Inside, ancient skeletons with filed teeth - guards and retainers - stood arrayed around the body of a great king. Human bones were also scattered in a firepit. Offo left as quickly as he could, taking only the king’s gauntlets.
Unique_Boots_Set_01_p2: The Tribe of Thunder was moving through the wastes when a madman with one arm rushed from the snowy twilight, babbling of horrendous acts, both suffered and witnessed. He was clad only in rags and these sabatons.
Unique_Pants_Set_01_p2: Jorkt of the Snake Tribe claimed to have found a mad hermit smith in in the wastes. The smith forged a powerful piece of armor for him, but took Jorkt’s fingers and toes in payment. Jorkt staggered away, the sound of an awful gnawing in his ears, clutching in his stumps this tasset.
Unique_Chest_Set_01_p2: Narthal of the Bear Tribe discovered the aftermath of a great battle between two tribes in the wastes. He did not recognize the dead, but noticed that many had filed their teeth to sharp points. Among the debris of the battle, he found this cuirass.
Unique_Shoulder_Set_01_p2: Forckan of the Shadow Wolf Tribe was captured by cannibals in the wastes. Hours before the great feast at which he was the guest of honor, he escaped. Aware that he could not face the wastes naked, he stole just enough equipment to survive, including these pauldrons.
Unique_Helm_Set_01_p2: Noglar of the Crane Tribe went into the wastes for his rite of adulthood. He returned with tales of horrendous cannibal barbarian tribes, many new scars, and this helm.
Unique_Sword_2H_104_x1: Stories tell of a great paladin who wore a single gauntlet of silver and wielded a mighty sword with a flashing jewel. He dispatched thousands of Risen Dead and Wretched Mothers, but fell to a tragic end. This sword bears some resemblance to the legends, but its jewel is dark and threatening. Perhaps there is more to the story?
P2_Unique_Ring_01: Unscrupulous merchants have often duplicated this much sought-after ring to sell to the unwary.
Unique_Dagger_104_x1: These Xiansai daggers of silver and steel were often carried by Sisters of the Sightless Eye, engraved with oaths of fidelity to their cause. Enemies who closed quickly believed themselves safe from the Sister’s bow. And they were, but not from the Eun-jang-do.
Unique_Sword_1H_113_x1: Carried by the kings of Xiansai in antiquity, this sword was said to harness the speed and lethality of four tiger spirits. One king claimed to have “exorcised” a thousand demons from their hapless victims, using only this blade.
P2_Unique_Quiver_007: "Marteks would not flee before their superior numbers. He knew the time of his death was at hand. He stood his ground, loosing arrow after arrow as he was slowly overwhelmed." —Tales of the Wasteland
P2_HealthPotionLegendary_07: "When you are losing a fight, healing is no help, as you'll just lose that health in turn. No, what you need is a potion that gives you energy. And I know how to make that potion!" -Prisoner Jentulf, in a letter to the King pleading for early release.
P2_Dagger_norm_unique_01: These Xiansai daggers of silver and steel were often carried by Sisters of the Sightless Eye, engraved with oaths of fidelity to their cause. Enemies who closed quickly believed themselves safe from the Sister’s bow. And they were, but not from the Eun-jang-do.
p2_Sword_norm_unique_01: Carried by the kings of Xiansai in antiquity, this sword was said to harness the speed and lethality of four tiger spirits. One king claimed to have “exorcised” a thousand demons from their hapless victims, using only this blade.
P2_Unique_Pants_01: Anywhere her prey could run, Natalya could follow.
P2_Unique_Gloves_01: The Assassin Natalya used these gloves while learning the finer points of murderous archery.
P2_Unique_Pants_02: These ancient breeches belonged to the barbarian berserker Mortick, who believed them to be lucky and never took them off. In later years, enemies always gave him a wide berth, likely due to his battlefield prowess.
P2_Unique_Pants_03: All Horadrim were careful to clothe themselves in garments of subtlety and power. None more so than Tal Rasha.
P2_Unique_Boots_01: The Horadrim Nilfur was so accurate in her spellcasting that she could call meteors to land at her feet.
P2_Unique_Gloves_02: The vizjerei mage Kazzulk had a fondness for items of surpassing power. He also believed them to be quite stylish, and if anyone disagreed, they kept their opinions to themselves.
P2_Unique_Boots_02: Inna, the goddess of the sky, treads upon clouds in the winter and the summer, in the night and the day.
P2_Unique_Gloves_04: When the Goddess of the Sky became displeased with a star, she would don these gloves, and hurl the offending star through the night sky.
P2_Unique_Gloves_03: All witch doctors know that the best way to hear the whispers of Zunimassa is to perform the rituals flawlessly, with fingers nimble and strong.
P2_Unique_Pants_04: Witch doctors learned long ago that some spirits wish to visit our world, and that the correct cloth will act as a beacon to them.
P2_Unique_Bracer_109: The Patriarchs say that when the spirit waxes, the dangers of this world wane.
P2_Unique_Ring_03: Robbers plundering an ancient tomb near Westmarch discovered forty two skeletons laid out in repose, each wearing one of these rings. Their origins and creators have been lost to the ages, but the Arcstone rings have returned.
Unique_Ring_023_p2: Many an adventurer met his doom searching for this fabled ring in the catacombs beneath the Zakarum cathedral in Tristram.
Unique_Ring_018_p2: Crafted by a mad sorcerer during his long imprisonment within the bitter labyrinths of the Black Obelisk of Vyr.
Unique_Ring_017_p2: The eye of the one god blesses those who seek it out.
Unique_Ring_006_p2: A great melancholy has been known to strike those who wear this ring. Archaic hieroglyphs inscribed on its band tell a tale of unrelenting heartbreak and sorrow.
P2_Unique_Shield_002_x1: This shield hums with the Song of the Arch.
P2_Unique_Belt_04: A gift from the Patriarch Seph to Inhora, a crusader who came to the aid of Ivgorod at a crucial time.
P2_Unique_Bracer_110: The Elder Crusader Drakon believed in precision, and trained his apprentice to strike fewer targets, but with more power. "Would you rather face ten opponents who are slightly injured? Or seven healthy opponents, who are distracted by the three corpses at your feet?"
Unique_Chest_Set_11_x1: Though he was said to be 'awakened to emptiness', Sunwuko could never relinquish his violent ways. In truth, he reveled in them.
Unique_Pants_Set_11_x1: One of the many legends told of Sunwuko maintains that he scaled Shengmu Feng, the tallest mountain in the Guozhi mountain range, planted a flag, and declared himself 'The Great Sage Equal to Heaven'.
Unique_Axe_1H_005_p2: Some say this is the very axe wielded by an ancient god to split the sky from the land.
Unique_Belt_103_p2: You begin to feel terribly hungry. When did you last eat?
Unique_Shield_101_p2: This aged, wolf-crested shield bears scars from hundreds of battles. It was presented to the original Knight Commander of Westmarch by King Korsikk as the first official act after his coronation. Since then, it has been borne by many of the order's greatest heroes, and its bearer is accorded all the respect such a badge of honor deserves.
Unique_Shoulder_002_p2: These vicious pads draw their power from the very life force of your enemies.
Unique_Chest_101_p2: "Being near death tends to focus the mind." —Shi Mizu, Warrior-Philosopher
Unique_Gloves_101_p2: "Archew, the Saint of Entsteig, is remembered for his many duels with the ruffians of that city. It was said that his gauntlet lay on the street more often than on his hand." —Archibald Kerne
Unique_Belt_104_p2: "During battle, confusion quickly gives way to panic, and a frightened enemy is the easiest to defeat." —Rakkis's Strategies of War
Unique_Pants_007_p2: Made from the treated skin of plague victims.
Unique_Boots_007_p2 : Tradition has it that these boots were forged in the heart of the great Challsop Volcano.
Unique_Boots_104_p2: "Good, heavy steel. Nice flex around the ankle, good weight in the toes. A solid pair of boots. What, did you need them to sparkle?" —Kormac the Templar
Unique_Ring_109_p2: "Wishing to sow fear among the angelic defenders of the Pandemonium Fortress, Diablo gifted this ring to Iskatu, who used it to great effect in his battles against the Host. Its power could not sway Imperius, however, and the ring was lost along with Iskatu's arm before the demon could flee the field of battle." —Deckard Cain
Unique_Mace_2H_009_p2: Forged in the frigid wastes of the north to honor the famed Schaefer artisans.
Unique_Helm_003_p2: Some long-forgotten artisan crafted this helmet in the hideous likeness of the Maiden of Anguish. For what purpose, none can say.
Unique_WizardHat_004_p2: "When the sky was torn from the sea, Storm Crow appeared from within the thundering clouds to grant mankind dominion over the living flame." —Legends of the Forgotten World
Unique_Ring_102_p2: This ring was crudely crafted by a barbarian wise woman from the fulgurite left behind after a lightning strike. It still possessed a strong connection to the force that birthed it, and the wise woman used its power to strengthen her own magics in order to defend her tribe from Westmarch invaders.
Unique_Belt_101_p2: Encompassing both form and function, this belt keeps your pants up and your blades sharp.
Unique_Belt_108_p2: Sebor's Nightmare can easily make the difference between staying in this land or passing on to the next. For, though highly unlikely, the opening of a chest can have dire results on occasion.
Unique_Mojo_004_p2: The severed head of a homunculus is the source of much power for a knowledgeable witch doctor.
Unique_Belt_005_p2: Forged in the pits of the Burning Hells using dismembered demons as raw materials.