Wait have they said Diablo 4 will never happen/they're never making another pc game again? I haven't been following the news other than the announcement of immortal in the first place.
No they haven't said they aren't but they been saying a lot of things with little specifics and the same usual cryptics. That latest message from Brandy Camel says it all. It the same tired, trolling message wihich they been repeating for years
- "working multiple Diablo projects" (Immortal is all they got to show?)
- "good things to those that wait". "It's going to take time" (it's been 4+ year since d3)
- "we got things to show you" (Immortal is all they got to show?)
I admit they Done a lot of wok to polish D3 since release but there is a limit of how long you can be strung along.