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Whats the fastest way to level now? also what seems to be the go to class for the new season.

See my post above about 10 up from this.

Me and a friend are going to start season 5 together, im going barb, not played one properly not sure on his pick yet.

What happens to the char when the season is over?

It'll transfer to live with it's gear intact. Your paragon points are added to your non-season total at the end and all the gear you have in your stash is mailed to you.
Steal the dagger from Enchantress or Spear from the Templar when you start the game, they have a much better weapon than your basic wand. If you start in Act 1 you can also quickly grab the blacksmiths book and the one just inside the door at the Inn, they give a bubble of experience per book. This isn't necessary though. Few ways after that you can go (rifts, bounties, etc), but you should check the vendors at 7 and 11 for rings and amulets respectively for x-y damage stuff as they'll massively increase your damage. After that you just rift.

You can also just do bounties until 11 and clear a full act. Leave the hand in until your level 23 though. You'll get a bunch of crafting recipes from the bag and ideally you'll get either/both of Cains and Borns which have +% experience bonuses but you'll only get that at 23+. If you do that route make sure you do the "Bonus" act for the extra bag.

Also when you're about to level, try to grab a huge chunk of monsters then ding yourself. The AoE damage you do when you level is massive and can obliterate a champion pack which is extremely helpful for picking up the pace. Same as if you do a boss bounty and you're getting near a level. If the boss has an add like Magdha kill an add near her and take 30%~ of her health off although this is only really effective for boss bounties at lower levels as there generally won't be enough adds to level you up when you're higher level.

Also remember to swap to story mode at some point and kill Leoric for his crown - but don't kill him until you're at least level 20 (the drop isn't guaranteed until then) stick the highest ruby you have in the crown for the extra XP (with the reduced xp with the new season some people are saying not to bother but since the minimum xp boost you'll get is about 20% at level 20 going up to 40% at higher levels I think it's still worth it.
Also remember to swap to story mode at some point and kill Leoric for his crown - but don't kill him until you're at least level 20 (the drop isn't guaranteed until then) stick the highest ruby you have in the crown for the extra XP (with the reduced xp with the new season some people are saying not to bother but since the minimum xp boost you'll get is about 20% at level 20 going up to 40% at higher levels I think it's still worth it.

I remember reading the numbers on this a while back and it came out that it's only really viable now to do this if you can get someone to give you the way point (or close to it) as it's going to take 20 minutes (ish) to reach him by yourself. You'll still get levels from doing the story but twice as slowly as rifts would be. If you run it solo then by the time you've caught up from the extra bonus in the crown compared to just rifting with a general helmet it's not worth it.
Yea thats cool but i was wondering if it will then remain open once the season ends or will i still need to run through the game outside of seasons to unlock it for when theres not a season on if that makes sense

Just play the season on adventure and then when you get a bit bored one day just blast through the story with your seasonal characte before the season ends. With a half decently geared char you will fly through it given you can pick and choose the difficulty anyway.
Just play the season on adventure and then when you get a bit bored one day just blast through the story with your seasonal characte before the season ends. With a half decently geared char you will fly through it given you can pick and choose the difficulty anyway.

Ok will do this, so doing it this way will unlock adventure mode for me to play after the season ends, thanks for clearing that up! Played it enough on console lol just want to di the end game
I would think so, everything else rolls into non-season. Worst case if it doesn't work you have to spend an hour or so doing it when the season ends.
Also remember to swap to story mode at some point and kill Leoric for his crown - but don't kill him until you're at least level 20 (the drop isn't guaranteed until then) stick the highest ruby you have in the crown for the extra XP (with the reduced xp with the new season some people are saying not to bother but since the minimum xp boost you'll get is about 20% at level 20 going up to 40% at higher levels I think it's still worth it.
This method isn't efficient, you'll fall further behind even with a waypoint from somebody, bonus XP does next to nothing outside of greater rifts.

While not the fastest way to level, doing 4 man split bounties till 70 on whatever difficulty is the most efficient is a very good way to level. As once you're 70 you'll have a crap ton of horadric legendary materials. Each cache will give 1 material of the act it was farmed from up until level 65 when it starts to get multiplied by difficulty. That can add up, especially since they removed the pre lv70 regular materials so you'll get a lot of forgotten souls too.

It's boring, about 50% slower than rifts but it will give you a huge headstart on others with materials, and you won't have to do as many initial level 70 bounties as others at which point you could out Grift them and beat them in XP and gear.
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Did much change in the ptr class-balance wise? I've a level 70 of each character, I have played them all - but my main class is the barb (and has been from very early on) last season I decided to level another barb, I just know it very well - what gear to go for,build/s to run and I managed to finish all the seasonal journal, this time I am tempted to perhaps level and gear another class this time (and just swap all the gear over at the end of the season)

An recommendations?
Can't even join a game now..

Diablo III servers are busy
Estimated wait : 23 minutes lol

Same, I was in and going well. Got to level 34, then decided I would be better off xp wise if I just roll in a group as I was not getting very good massacre bonus. So I leave game and attempt to join a public game, had a 6 minute estimated wait time. That time has since increased to 10 minutes. So I don't foresee me getting back in any time soon.
Got straight up robbed by a bug in the game. Got the 3rd and 4th piece items from the set for Crusader. Went to equip the shoulders and they just vanished, didn't equip, not in my inventory... just gone :/ Got 5pc now, having to spam Kadala trying to get them again.


Only managed to get to lvl 30 after a hr and a bit, how many hrs does it take riffing to ding 70?

Not sure 2.5/3?


Had some fun last night and this morning - Got to level 60 - Went quick after i found cains plans - Stayed away from rifts and just tried chaining massacre while doing some bounties - worked quite well.
Had a great start to the season, played through to like 4 am so 12 hour session. As others have said the queues were a bit suprising, dead game eh.

I also noticed a lot of new streamers for Diablo this season, Kingkongor, Kaceytron Streamerhouse etc.

In the end i rolled DH, levelling seemes a lot quicker than last season, we just di a few opf the one shot bounties in between rift spam, and got a waypoint for Leorics Crown at 20.

The free set was insanely easy to get all 6 pieces and meant your basically straight into the XP farm this season.
I also noticed a lot of new streamers for Diablo this season, Kingkongor, Kaceytron Streamerhouse etc.

kongor and streamerhouse aren't new D3 streamers they've been streaming it for years. How can you watch D3 streams and never hear some form of drama surrounding kongor? Not even heard the story of the legendary kingbooger? :D
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