*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

Tested out the new IK6R4 Barb build last night and it is pretty powerful, but pretty squishy. I have some pretty good gear so I managed to clear a 70. So far the main problem is my toughness and getting one shot by the rift guardian. I have not augmented any of my gear yet so all that extra strength might help with the toughness.

Overall it is a pretty good spec, but I am not too sure on the whole sprint thing, I might have to test out a R6IK4 build and build for boulder toss damage as I think I might prefer that playstyle.

Still, very happy that Raekor is back in the big leagues.

The build shown on guides have huge paragon levels and augmented items with ancient items, it makes a heck of a difference for survival and quickly killing things.

ty, I will leave the crusader till tomorrow evening then.

is seasonal the same as running through the normal acts or is it different areas all together?

ill be free from 8:30pm Tomorrow night if anyone has any spare spaces in a group :)

Me and my brother will be playing tomorrow from about 5-6 pm you're welcome to join us.

It would be nice if anyone in the OcUK clan would post details on how to join / who to speak to (with btag) so the rest of us who want to join can actually join.
The build shown on guides have huge paragon levels and augmented items with ancient items, it makes a heck of a difference for survival and quickly killing things.

Me and my brother will be playing tomorrow from about 5-6 pm you're welcome to join us.

It would be nice if anyone in the OcUK clan would post details on how to join / who to speak to (with btag) so the rest of us who want to join can actually join.

I can invite you to the clan if you add me. Caphel#2789
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Is it me or does the Invoker set still look like complete and utter trash? Like, it has no damage whatsoever. The damage reduction is real nice and with enough CDR could have a 100% uptime but the damage... There is none, and the gameplay basically consists of spamming generators on things and waiting for your thorns to ramp up enough to do 10% of the damage the other classes can. Where are the 5000% damage increases that other sets have? Thorns was an awesome thing in Diablo 2, such a shame.
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Had a quick blast last night for first time in over a month after sorting storage out.

I like some of the changes i.e finally sorting the buff bar out and tweaking the colours of certain item drops. Not sure if I'm a fan of the new font for the combat log yet though.
It would be nice if anyone in the OcUK clan would post details on how to join / who to speak to (with btag) so the rest of us who want to join can actually join.

If you look at the OP it has a list of people who can invite to the clan, altho it needs updated to remove me now :p
If you look at the OP it has a list of people who can invite to the clan, altho it needs updated to remove me now :p

You are :p Had you in officer bit but removed that when you left a while back. Although it does seem a bit like it's officers then non-officers, was meant to be officers and members then other people who aren't in the clan. I'll split it up so it's less confusing :)

Edit: Done!
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Damn, I thought we were getting 5 extra tabs (4 seasons plus the one you can buy). Looks like only future seasons count to unlocking them. Booo :(.
Ok, plan on getting going on S5......but as i've never run a season before is there anything i can do right now to prepare or is it just go balls out when it starts? :D
Damn, I thought we were getting 5 extra tabs (4 seasons plus the one you can buy). Looks like only future seasons count to unlocking them. Booo :(.

Yeah, sucks :/ Filled my almost immediately, all it did was let me delete a character that was holding gear as all my other tabs are full.

Ok, plan on getting going on S5......but as i've never run a season before is there anything i can do right now to prepare or is it just go balls out when it starts? :D

Not really much to do until tomorrow, just figure out a class to play, what spec you want to go. Depending if you're casual or want 70 immediately then you could pull together something for how you'll level quickly, and possibly with others to speed it up.
Not really much to do until tomorrow, just figure out a class to play, what spec you want to go. Depending if you're casual or want 70 immediately then you could pull together something for how you'll level quickly, and possibly with others to speed it up.

Think i'll roll a wiz, have one already but not played D3 much over the last 6 months so it'll all be fairly new to me.
Recommended way to up the leveling speed apart from grouping up?
Think i'll roll a wiz, have one already but not played D3 much over the last 6 months so it'll all be fairly new to me.
Recommended way to up the leveling speed apart from grouping up?

Steal the dagger from Enchantress or Spear from the Templar when you start the game, they have a much better weapon than your basic wand. If you start in Act 1 you can also quickly grab the blacksmiths book and the one just inside the door at the Inn, they give a bubble of experience per book. This isn't necessary though. Few ways after that you can go (rifts, bounties, etc), but you should check the vendors at 7 and 11 for rings and amulets respectively for x-y damage stuff as they'll massively increase your damage. After that you just rift.

You can also just do bounties until 11 and clear a full act. Leave the hand in until your level 23 though. You'll get a bunch of crafting recipes from the bag and ideally you'll get either/both of Cains and Borns which have +% experience bonuses but you'll only get that at 23+. If you do that route make sure you do the "Bonus" act for the extra bag.

Also when you're about to level, try to grab a huge chunk of monsters then ding yourself. The AoE damage you do when you level is massive and can obliterate a champion pack which is extremely helpful for picking up the pace. Same as if you do a boss bounty and you're getting near a level. If the boss has an add like Magdha kill an add near her and take 30%~ of her health off although this is only really effective for boss bounties at lower levels as there generally won't be enough adds to level you up when you're higher level.
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If you look at the OP it has a list of people who can invite to the clan, altho it needs updated to remove me now :p

I checked a few weeks back and it was well out of date, seems to be up to date now.

If I could that would be great, if you want to add me to your friends list mine is ED209#2210

Request sent

I can invite you to the clan if you add me. Caphel#2789

Great, have sent you a request
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