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I dunno I just want something that is more interesting to play than a melee sader with thorns, or a melee wizard with spinning balls :P

I figure the season is 3 months long, I am not going to rush it this time or spend all my time on it or anything, I will just see if I can have some fun, and if I can't then I'll move on and play something else I guess.
Does DH have a powerful build this season?

They were never used in top groups in the last.

They have a melee build now, and there's a ridiculously broken ring coming out for them that gives them like 60% damage reduction with a 100% uptime, and I think their new set has impale at the highest single target damage the games ever seen. It's different to the usual one buttom spam 2 year old toddler builds the DH normally has. It definitely could be worth trying.
Think I'm settled on Crusader now, two viable specs for pushing solo. I was toying with DH for a little while though as Impale/FoK with Shadow looks super fun but I think it'll struggle to reach other DH specs. Although probably would have ditched both and went Barb is FC wasn't the dominate spec.

Anyone still undecided? If so, spin the wheel :p

Also, the new minor patch has apparently broken Dart builds for WD's, something to do with Fetish AI. Just a heads up for anyone playing them in case they don't hotfix it.
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Really enjoyed playing a Barb last season, but dropped off playing toward the end.
Will definitely be online this weekend for the new season. Thinking either DH or Monk this time around.
I'm now quite fancying playing a WD for this season. It's turning out to be quite hard to settle on a class that'll have a build that's both fun and powerful. While I'm not going to be competing on the leaderboards I don't like to feel gimped because I'm playing a sub par class or sub par build. I still like to tell myself I could do well if I didn't have a wife and two children who take priority over my gaming time :p

I'm not a big fan of builds that rely on chasing tiddler little buffs that stack 20 times but expire after 3 seconds, or builds that require repeated press of a short cooldown in order to remain viable. It's quite difficult to find something that excludes this and also looks fun.
You can also just do bounties until 11 and clear a full act. Leave the hand in until your level 23 though. You'll get a bunch of crafting recipes from the bag and ideally you'll get either/both of Cains and Borns which have +% experience bonuses but you'll only get that at 23+. If you do that route make sure you do the "Bonus" act for the extra bag.

I read this option for level 23 to get recipies but didnt quite follow :o, leave the hand in?

EDit - ah dont turn in the act once u clear it until 23 :p
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As a new comer to the pc version i havent unlocked adventure mode yet as ive not finished the campaign, but if i play seasons and hit 70 there, will it unlock normal adventure mode for out side the season or will i still need to play through in normal mode?

Hope that makes sense! Carried on playing my wizard to 22 and really loving it but now want to start seasons with a wizard so sirt of been a waste of time really
As a new comer to the pc version i havent unlocked adventure mode yet as ive not finished the campaign, but if i play seasons and hit 70 there, will it unlock normal adventure mode for out side the season or will i still need to play through in normal mode?

i think that was in the past. You should be able to go straight into Adventure mode now.

edit just checked and it should be the case :)

You can run through all the acts from start to finish or you can just start straight away with adventure mode. Personally, if it were me, I would be playing all the acts from start to finish at least once so you can experience the full story mode and then just move to adventure mode after that.

Ayahuasca - your video doesnt seem to work ?
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dont worry it be accessible once the season starts. :)

was thinking the same too but Barb FC super OP cookie cutter build is too tempting. Plus last season i started but never finished or really got going :eek:

Yea thats cool but i was wondering if it will then remain open once the season ends or will i still need to run through the game outside of seasons to unlock it for when theres not a season on if that makes sense
Me and a friend are going to start season 5 together, im going barb, not played one properly not sure on his pick yet.

What happens to the char when the season is over?
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