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ive found my game has started to lock up quite often now. There seems to be an issue with AMD cards and windows 10. Ive tried the suggested fix of copying older DX dll's into the diablo folder but that doesnt seem to have fixed things. The screen just locks up for a few seconds, then goes black, then the game cuts back in. I did think my card was just overheating!


Found a better quiver. Just the amulet now. The push is real <3
ive found my game has started to lock up quite often now. There seems to be an issue with AMD cards and windows 10. Ive tried the suggested fix of copying older DX dll's into the diablo folder but that doesnt seem to have fixed things. The screen just locks up for a few seconds, then goes black, then the game cuts back in. I did think my card was just overheating!

if its driver related download the latest drivers for your gpu and use DDU to remove the drivers and re install after. see if this helps
Been farming bounties for a couple of hours. There is some issue with act 3 bonus cache - unsure exactly what causes it but it can stop you getting the bonus cache sometimes :confused:

I still haven't been able to get a RoRG yet either :mad::mad::mad:
Been farming bounties for a couple of hours. There is some issue with act 3 bonus cache - unsure exactly what causes it but it can stop you getting the bonus cache sometimes :confused:

I still haven't been able to get a RoRG yet either :mad::mad::mad:

You're not doing them all them handing them all in together are you? Just Act 4 and 3 share the same hand-in point and it, if I remember right, always hands in 4 first.
You're not doing them all them handing them all in together are you? Just Act 4 and 3 share the same hand-in point and it, if I remember right, always hands in 4 first.

Hmmmm..... Unsure what bounties were done first as it was a split farm run. Was watching a twitch stream of D3 and they mentioned a problem but didn't go into clear detail
so had a good run last night, paragon up to 174 now also got my full thorns set as the wrists dropped.

any help on improving my Crusader? just farming the max rifts for XP and gear, should I be doing anything else?


just been saving the greater rift keys

I have no ideas about crusaders but get running GRs, good loot and levelling up gems makes a massive difference to DPS
I have no ideas about crusaders but get running GRs, good loot and levelling up gems makes a massive difference to DPS

Thanks for that, would you mind explaining how to level gems please? This is my first season and new to it all. I have three yellow gems which I got from a gr once (I think lol).

I'll do some greater rifts tonight
Been farming bounties for a couple of hours. There is some issue with act 3 bonus cache - unsure exactly what causes it but it can stop you getting the bonus cache sometimes :confused:

I still haven't been able to get a RoRG yet either :mad::mad::mad:

Act 3 bounty clear the Icy pit. The pit/dungeon does not spawn for some reason.
Thanks for that, would you mind explaining how to level gems please? This is my first season and new to it all. I have three yellow gems which I got from a gr once (I think lol).

I'll do some greater rifts tonight

Use a GR key to open a GR, finish the GR (kill the rift guardian) within the time limit to level up a gem, you get 3 attempts.

Unsure what gems are best for crusaders though - i think there is a thorns gem?

If you are in the clan and you see me on line drop me a message and I will take you through it - GRs are the end game - TX is just farming for GR keys :D
Up to Paragon 717 now. Levels are really starting to slow down now though. Currently speed running level 68's to get some gems levelled up for augmenting my ancients.

I think I am finally down to 30 greater rift keys now, so I will have to go hard with my speed farming very soon.
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