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Need two conquests here for the stash - tried the solo 45 without a set on my wizard and even with 1million dps I just couldn't kill fast enough - wizard seems to rely on the set synergy too much (which is why no LON sets are inthe wizard leader boards I guess. Think I might level up a few gems and swap classes for a bit - either that or do all the set dungeons for the wiz (I've already cleared the Firebirds which some people say is the hardest I have all the other sets i think). Annoyingly I've spent every shard this season on gloves and I still havent got a single ancient glove for any of the sets (got almost every other legendary glove ancient). I can't upgrade using the cube because until yesterday all my mats were spent getting weapons (ironically in the end the weapons dropped in Greater Rifts - not ancient though). on the positive side now I have a Wand of Woh i can speed clear a rift in a couple of minutes - though my build isn't optimised yet - need a better Gem of the Hoarder and possibly some more cooldown - still very much faser than my straight firebird build.
I found the 45 with no set pretty trivial on DH but I did have most bits needed to make it work in my stash, just had to gamble for a half decent magefist. I can post specifics later if it helps (I'm at work at the mo)
Need two conquests here for the stash - tried the solo 45 without a set on my wizard and even with 1million dps I just couldn't kill fast enough - wizard seems to rely on the set synergy too much (which is why no LON sets are inthe wizard leader boards I guess. Think I might level up a few gems and swap classes for a bit - either that or do all the set dungeons for the wiz (I've already cleared the Firebirds which some people say is the hardest I have all the other sets i think). Annoyingly I've spent every shard this season on gloves and I still havent got a single ancient glove for any of the sets (got almost every other legendary glove ancient). I can't upgrade using the cube because until yesterday all my mats were spent getting weapons (ironically in the end the weapons dropped in Greater Rifts - not ancient though). on the positive side now I have a Wand of Woh i can speed clear a rift in a couple of minutes - though my build isn't optimised yet - need a better Gem of the Hoarder and possibly some more cooldown - still very much faser than my straight firebird build.

I managed the Gr45 pretty easy kn my wizard, i actually just ran the build I'd been using anyways but swapped out gear, didnt change a single ability - I'l link it
Up a little later (on my phone as mu broadbands off atm :-/)
I've had a bit of free time to play over the last few days, but have suddenly found I can't be chuffed with the game at all. I've normally burned out quite a while into each season, just not normally this suddenly.
I'm loving this game. Bought it recently and now I'm addicted. Why did I not get this game sooner!!

Level 50 monk playing on hardcore season hard and yet I have no clue how half this game works. Crafting is a complete mystery and wtf is the deal with that cube?? Lol
I'm loving this game. Bought it recently and now I'm addicted. Why did I not get this game sooner!!

Level 50 monk playing on hardcore season hard and yet I have no clue how half this game works. Crafting is a complete mystery and wtf is the deal with that cube?? Lol

Welcome to Diablo :)

Here is a beginner's guide that can help if you have not played before. Some of the info is a little out of date but most of the basics are there.

Hardcore might not be the best way to start imo as once u die that it. Whereas dying in software is part of the learning process. Entirely your preference.


After countless tries i finally did the Set dungeon challenge for the earth set. I literally fell over the line. I found this guide from Quin after i managed it. Wished i watched before lol. glad to know i wasnt the only one that had difficulty. I put it into a spoiler for those who want to work it out for themselves.

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I was trying the 4 man wiz twister spec out last night and god I sucked! Sorry HH, Seyline, Sharpy :D When we got the pulls and positioning correct the damage was incredible, it was definitely user error on my behalf though!

I think if we want to push the 80's i'll have to learn though as the arcane orb is capping out for me around 75.
No worries mate, as I said last night, I play for fun mostly. If we're not the highest or the fastest it doesn't really bother me, you have a patient group of us to learn with :)

Just need to learn the positioning mate and we'll be cooking with gas.

I need more toughness as well for my spec, somehow, it's OK but can die if I'm not careful even with the monk buffs.
Yeah, the energy twister build seems a little insane. We were trying it two man the other day, Globe Barb and Wizard. Seems grouping and positioning the mobs is very key.

Does it change much with rift guardians? We got sand shaper and it was a bit of a pain taking him down.
Why is crusader so bad..grrr.

I can solo T1/T2 but slowly so I have ended up getting into the habit now of connecting /disconnecting from pub games until I find a carrier (which are ALWAYS barbs) and then just rolling with it. I currently have two pieces of the Akkhan set, so getting the lot is my ultimate goal obviously, so that I can then aim to do the last couple of quests on Chapter 4.

Asides from that I have enjoyed getting into it again but definitely choosing a different class next time.
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Why is crusader so bad..grrr.

I can solo T1/T2 but slowly so I have ended up getting into the habit now of connecting /disconnecting from pub games until I find a carrier (which are ALWAYS barbs) and then just rolling with it. I currently have two pieces of the Akkhan set, so getting the lot is my ultimate goal obviously, so that I can then aim to do the last couple of quests on Chapter 4.

Asides from that I have enjoyed getting into it again but definitely choosing a different class next time.

Crusaders are the hardest hitting class in the entire game, you have terrible gear and do not have your invokers from seasonal journey? You get 2 pieces from becoming level 70, another 2 from killing Zultan Kulle in T4 and the final 2 from soloing a Greater Rift Tier 20. Look at the bottom left of the screen for the mail icon, they are in there. But yes Akkhans sucks.
Why is crusader so bad..grrr.

I can solo T1/T2 but slowly so I have ended up getting into the habit now of connecting /disconnecting from pub games until I find a carrier (which are ALWAYS barbs) and then just rolling with it. I currently have two pieces of the Akkhan set, so getting the lot is my ultimate goal obviously, so that I can then aim to do the last couple of quests on Chapter 4.

Asides from that I have enjoyed getting into it again but definitely choosing a different class next time.

Crusader isn't so bad you just aren't geared or probably playing a not so great build. If this is your first 70 on seasonal check the bottom left of your screen for a message icon it will contain 2 legendary set pieces for your crusader. Ask in the clan for a t2 kill of zoltan kulle and that will get you another 2 set items for the same set (thorns) then you need to complete a greater rift 20 solo which is easy with 4 piece and some optimisation and you'll have a full set in just an hour or so.
Crusaders are the hardest hitting class in the entire game, you have terrible gear and do not have your invokers from seasonal journey? You get 2 pieces from becoming level 70, another 2 from killing Zultan Kulle in T4 and the final 2 from soloing a Greater Rift Tier 20. Look at the bottom left of the screen for the mail icon, they are in there. But yes Akkhans sucks.

My Crusader sucks, you need to gear me Omaeka ;)
Welcome to Diablo :)

Here is a beginner's guide that can help if you have not played before. Some of the info is a little out of date but most of the basics are there.

Hardcore might not be the best way to start imo as once u die that it. Whereas dying in software is part of the learning process. Entirely your preference.


After countless tries i finally did the Set dungeon challenge for the earth set. I literally fell over the line. I found this guide from Quin after i managed it. Wished i watched before lol. glad to know i wasnt the only one that had difficulty. I put it into a spoiler for those who want to work it out for themselves.

Cheers bud will check it out
I am in two minds about augmenting gear with extra stats at the moment. I love the general idea, but it does seem to be a serious time commitment to do it. I am also debating at what level I should augment at. At first I was thinking level 50 gems, and then if I want I can upgrade with a second set at a higher level, but when I got 6 gems to 50 I started thinking that I am not sure I can be bothered to go through this again, so maybe just level them to around 70 and leave it there.

It is also a bit if an issue if you want to play more than one spec / class, got to augment a whole new set of gear. Was thinking about trying a Thorns Crusader, but am unsure I want to go through the whole augmenting process again.
It is a complete time sink that's for sure, it's a shame it's more efficient to level them by speed running grifts that are trivial rather than continuing to push higher grifts. If you could apply some factor to the difference between gem current level and grift level to give more upgrade chances (eg a 70 grift gives 8 chances on a level 1 gem or something) it would give more choices on how to level them up.
Honestly doesn't take that long to level a gem to 60 if you have the gold to empower every rift and your char is capable. I think I did one in an hour last night, 13-15 hours to augment all your gear isn't that bad considering how much it benefits you. It's meant to be a time sink anyway to keep people playing.

I've noticed the botters are now farming 100+ GR's but not killing the boss, still gets them 1.3 trillion xp an hour.
The point is it encourages you to bottom feed rather than pushing yourself, which to me is contrary to the point of grifts.
Realy enjoying this Season :). For the first time ever i can breeze through T10 all day long and got upto lvl 62 Grift. Heres me profile http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/UltraDad-2403/hero/71801506 and i am using this build which i find realy easy to use and got geared realy easy as well

Just lvling my gems a bit now and trying to find better drops, not sure how much higher i am gonna get but at least i can farm for myself this season :)
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