Q: Toggle for Walk/Run? A: No. Don't see the need, can walk in the Anniversary Dungeon though.
Q: Tathamet, where is he, shouldn't he be about with all the Evils in the Soulstone? A: Can't spoil anything. Maybe?
Q: Necro only gear? A: 1h Scythe, but probably not a shield, that's just a demo thing. Off-hand isn't decided on yet, but will likely be similar to Wizard / With Doctor.
Q: Plans for more lore-heavy dungeons? A: The new zones will have lore moments, especially the Temple of the Firstborn. But since most people play mostly Adventure Mode, the non-linearity is important, so this approach is preferable.
Q: More CGI movies for the story, maybe like Overwatch? A: Wouldn't tease anything in advance here. Want to add more lore to the world, but no specifics to share now.
Q: Hacking on consoles, especially with regards to Leaderboards? A: Engineers are working on it. Seasons on console will be XB1 and PS4 only, so old hacked items won't be there. More details closer to launch.
Q: When killing Diablo in Diablo I, the loot drops but you get a cutscene. Do I get my loot 20 years later? A: Not 20 year old loot, but this time, you'll get to pick it up, including the Legendary Soul Gem.
Q: Bone Wand as main Weapon, fells more at home? A: Not as a weapon type, but possibly as a Legendary/Set item, would fit well.
Q: Corpse explosion felt a bit lackluster, help? A: Was tuned down just before the BlizzCon demo, will be looked at much more.
Q: Challenge Rift strategy in the video: Skip white mobs - you ok with that? A: If it's just for some builds, then yeah. If all builds do that, it's an issue.
Q: Plans for Legendary affixes that are really powerful but not cube-able? A: No plans, no. Legendaries should complement play styles or be cool.
Q: Which other characters were under consideration to put in the game? A: Brand new ones, or fan-favorites like Druid, Amazon, all the ones you'd expect.
Q: Do you want to make more timed content? A: Tend to lean towards permanent content. Depending on how the anniversary event goes, it's possible though. But things feel more special when they aren't always there. Challenge Rifts will kind of do that, though, since they will cycle through and won't return in the same form.
Q: Pet AI can be kind of strange, any plans for improvements? A: Pet AI is being looked at periodically.
Q: Plans to bring the LoN Set back up to par with the other sets? A: Wouldn't say it's not up to par right now, and new Legendaries might just make it stronger passively. Happy with LoN's position right now.
Q: Will Armory actually hold items or do they need to be in your stash/inventory? A: No, will need to be in inv or stash.
Q: Controller support for PC? A: No plans.
Q: Any plans for a boss-only Rift? A: Maybe, the idea has come up.