See, i know nothing
I bought 4 helms got that one, and didnt spend any more! Can i ask why? I guess as at 70 it rolls 70 gear?
What do i do at 70? Really rather new to the end game. Only had 2 level 70s on ps4, and probably like 50 paragon overall and that was over a year ago
You'll want as many Blood Shards as possible when you hit 70 so you can gamble for the level 70 legendaries that your build needs, and/or the set items you need if the free set isn't the one you want. At 70 you'll want to find a guide to a build on that interests you if you haven't already then start acquiring the pieces. You'll want to do the objectives to get your free set pieces. At 70 it's all about greater rifts, you'll want to do rifts and bounties to farm gear then great rifts to get gems and upgrade them and also rank on the leaderboards.