***** The Official Division Thread *****

7 Oct 2013
More details on the 1.2 patch (Sauce)

  • Phoenix Credit cap increased to 2000.
  • Toughness coming to 1.2, to incorporate Armor and Stamina in to a single trait to make Min-Maxing more efficient.
  • Armor cap increasing to 75%.
  • VOIP visuals coming to the DZ, to see if you are actually being heard.
  • Performance Mod buff.
  • Balanced to be fixed next week.
  • Brutal to be balanced in 1.2, where damage was multiplicative instead of additive.
  • Reckless to be fixed in 1.2.
  • Sentry's Call Stalker to be limited to semi-automatic weapons coming in 1.2. Where only Shotguns, Pistols, and Marksman Rifles will be the only guns benefiting from the Sentry Gear Set Stalker buff.
  • Weapon Balance not coming in 1.2, Talent balance coming to 1.2.
  • Gear Score will not be increased with the 1.2 Update.
  • New Gear Sets to be added.
  • "Broken Circle" Incursion will not have a 220 GS requirement, and will instead mirror Falcon Lost.
  • 1.2 Date Announcement Postponed until further notice.
  • Weekly Reward Missing explained, but not fixed.
17 Oct 2002
I take it where they're saying Balanced will be fixed means it'll only apply to the first shot?

Be interesting to see what that Brutal nerf means in real terms.

Fairly large nerf to the Sentrys call 4 piece bonus as well, it'll almost be as useless as the Strikers one. Back to HE pieces over 4 piece bonus I think.
30 Jun 2006
Interesting stuff there.
Sentrys being useless for auto weapons is a pretty huge nerf, I was hoping for their 'never nerf, always buff weakest' idea to improve the other sets in order to make those more attractive.
The brutal change could be a big nerf too, if it takes into account total damage output then adds the % on that currently, it may just calculate it on the weapon damage alone, am I thinking about that right?

Im glad they're not upping the gearscore again too. Things are all out of whack as it is, the last thing we need is another +40 item levels again.

I guess they liked reckless giving more protection so just baked it in for everyone :D

Im still interested to see what they've got planned for the DZ and the pve side of things as they said pve players will be very happy with 1.2 so fingers crossed!
26 Dec 2002
Thanks to judicious swapping with people I have sets of both sentry and striker,but only bother with sentry at the mo,striker is pretty incredible with dps shooting well over 500,000,but only if shooting cardboard targets in range! out and about I see no real benefit,praps I'm just a poor shot.
I'd be happy if they simply scrapped sets and introduced a steady flow of HE armor instead myself.
17 Oct 2002
Interesting stuff there.
Sentrys being useless for auto weapons is a pretty huge nerf, I was hoping for their 'never nerf, always buff weakest' idea to improve the other sets in order to make those more attractive.
The brutal change could be a big nerf too, if it takes into account total damage output then adds the % on that currently, it may just calculate it on the weapon damage alone, am I thinking about that right?

Im glad they're not upping the gearscore again too. Things are all out of whack as it is, the last thing we need is another +40 item levels again.

I guess they liked reckless giving more protection so just baked it in for everyone :D

Im still interested to see what they've got planned for the DZ and the pve side of things as they said pve players will be very happy with 1.2 so fingers crossed!

They also said there'd be mass fighting for the supply drops :p
16 Nov 2003
its really not that hard. communication is all it takes.

35 mins is my best time so far.

If i just join a bunch of randoms are the chances high that i'll get a bunch that know what they are doing? Or will they be lemons?

I.e. when i first started doing the Lincoln tunnel mission people would kill everyone. But no almost all the teams i join, skip the first bunch of dudes by running round them, leave a guy alive while the timer runs out etc etc. This has meant you can now breeze through it pretty quickly. Although I've never got a green.... :mad:
22 Nov 2010
If i just join a bunch of randoms are the chances high that i'll get a bunch that know what they are doing? Or will they be lemons?

I.e. when i first started doing the Lincoln tunnel mission people would kill everyone. But no almost all the teams i join, skip the first bunch of dudes by running round them, leave a guy alive while the timer runs out etc etc. This has meant you can now breeze through it pretty quickly. Although I've never got a green.... :mad:

i normally run with 2 others and we get a random in. its really 50/50 as to whether they know what theryre doing though (our only requirement is that they have a mic or they will be kicked)

on the lincoln tunnel it takes minutes to clear the first lot of enemys so i see no reason to skip them (they just chase you anyway so you dont really save any time)
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16 Nov 2003
i normally run with 2 others and we get a random in. its really 50/50 as to whether they know what theryre doing though (our only requirement is that they have a mic or they will be kicked)

on the lincoln tunnel it takes minutes to clear the first lot of enemys so i see no reason to skip them (they just chase you anyway so you dont really save any time)

I must admit on a few occasions I've found myself being sniped because of the snipers that have followed from the beginning... :o Doesn't happen all the time though, depends how close the group is when they run past and whether they open fire or not.
7 Oct 2013
So it seems that if the PS4 master race players change the system time one week ahead, you can pick up the Incursion rewards again :D :rolleyes: Any CM people want to re-run tonight?!
16 Nov 2003
Sometimes i wonder what their game testing actually consisted of!? Some of these issues strike me as real school boy stuff....

Tester puts disk in
Tester installs game
Tester loads game
Tester exits game

Tester: "Yeah, it works like a dream."
2 Jun 2005
So it seems that if the PS4 master race players change the system time one week ahead, you can pick up the Incursion rewards again :D :rolleyes: Any CM people want to re-run tonight?!

That's interesting :p could there be any more bugs in this game. Would be up for running again tonight, might get a piece I can use this time :D
30 Jun 2006
So it seems that if the PS4 master race players change the system time one week ahead, you can pick up the Incursion rewards again :D :rolleyes: Any CM people want to re-run tonight?!

Holy cow, if that works then at this point it just shows total incompetence.
Its just given me a real belly laugh, thanks for that lol.
12 Oct 2006
More details on the 1.2 patch (Sauce)

  • Phoenix Credit cap increased to 2000.
  • Toughness coming to 1.2, to incorporate Armor and Stamina in to a single trait to make Min-Maxing more efficient.
  • Armor cap increasing to 75%.
  • VOIP visuals coming to the DZ, to see if you are actually being heard.
  • Performance Mod buff.
  • Balanced to be fixed next week.
  • Brutal to be balanced in 1.2, where damage was multiplicative instead of additive.
  • Reckless to be fixed in 1.2.
  • Sentry's Call Stalker to be limited to semi-automatic weapons coming in 1.2. Where only Shotguns, Pistols, and Marksman Rifles will be the only guns benefiting from the Sentry Gear Set Stalker buff.
  • Weapon Balance not coming in 1.2, Talent balance coming to 1.2.
  • Gear Score will not be increased with the 1.2 Update.
  • New Gear Sets to be added.
  • "Broken Circle" Incursion will not have a 220 GS requirement, and will instead mirror Falcon Lost.
  • 1.2 Date Announcement Postponed until further notice.
  • Weekly Reward Missing explained, but not fixed.

Any ETA on this. Finding it hard to log on the past week or two to do anything with so many changes coming. Just feels like a waste.

The toughness stat seems to be a step in the right direction as there to many bloody stats in the game
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30 Jun 2006
If i just join a bunch of randoms are the chances high that i'll get a bunch that know what they are doing? Or will they be lemons?

Its skewed the other way in my experience. It usually takes quite a few attempts at finding a decent group, sometimes this isnt the players fault but due to bugs. I dont run it with very low gearscore people, at this point it isnt difficult to get to 170-180 so the 140/150 crowd are just expecting to be carried pretty much, I dont see low item level as being ready for the incursion or that theyve even tried to gear up.
20 Aug 2010
Pontefract, W.Yorks
I thought they'd be bringing in new gear sets. While I know there's loads of gear pieces (most of them useless) it would have given a chance for the ones who didn't glitch to catch up with the ones that did by completely bypassing falcon losts gear and moving on to 1.2 gear.

Looks like I may aswell keep trying to get the current gear then, which will be hard considering I've not been able to do falcon lost yet because I can't get a reasonable group lol.

I was also collecting sentry so may aswell scrap that now, back to the drawing board.
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