***** The Official Division Thread *****

22 Nov 2010
These are my stats so far:

I quite clearly suck at the loadouts for this game :D

not necessarily. a few things from my build. im using a reckless vest, its broke until 1.2 so boost my dps by 25-30k

im using the 204 aug with brutal/deadly which when hitting those talents increases my dps.

my main focus has been keeping a dps/health balance. (not dropping below 80k health but making dps as big as possible)
18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
How do you guys tackle it? I basically followed them into a bunker type bit in the middle where you are shielded from most things. All you have to do is look out at either set of stairs and any guys/drones jumping down/hovering over the middle. Seemed the best way of doing it? I dread to think what its like on challenging though... :o I also set my gear to heal, support station and the increase damage resistance perk. Seemed to be the way to go as there is always healing to do. :D

Oh and drink water/use explosive/incendiary bullets like they are going out of fashion.

Use the Marco Style Strategy I posted back in April. We did this last night on PS4 and ran straight through first time no problem.

strategy for doing the incursion challenge mode legit. Nice tactic with the mobile cover to stack damage resistance. Any of our usual incursion group fancy giving it a try ?

25 Sep 2011
I seem to have hit abit of a wall now..

My gear score is 189 (although that's my choosing to get better stats, highest I can be is 196).

But nothing I have access to is building me up now. DPS 180 and 125, Health 72, Skill 20.

I've only run FL on Hard, and that's hard simply dependant on the group I get lumbered with as no one seems to know what they're doing when I matchmake.. don't really know anyone personally to group with. But I guess I need to be doing this on challenging to get some 240 pieces.

With Dark Zone, its frustrating me. I'm lvl 30, and PvP doesn't interest me. I just want to lvl up to unlock DZ Blueprints.. Seems to be taking an absolute age. Last night I got randomly pwned twice by two groups of 4 just killing for the fun of it in DZ03. I didn't even have any items on me.

Plus, I'm on xbone, which I believe most of you aren't. But, if you are and fancy teaming up to help try and push me over the edge before the game does, gamertag: RocketRammer2k7

Side Note: Dog chewed the my mic.. I can hear but cant respond. :p
22 Nov 2010
I seem to have hit abit of a wall now..

My gear score is 189 (although that's my choosing to get better stats, highest I can be is 196).

But nothing I have access to is building me up now. DPS 180 and 125, Health 72, Skill 20.

I've only run FL on Hard, and that's hard simply dependant on the group I get lumbered with as no one seems to know what they're doing when I matchmake.. don't really know anyone personally to group with. But I guess I need to be doing this on challenging to get some 240 pieces.

With Dark Zone, its frustrating me. I'm lvl 30, and PvP doesn't interest me. I just want to lvl up to unlock DZ Blueprints.. Seems to be taking an absolute age. Last night I got randomly pwned twice by two groups of 4 just killing for the fun of it in DZ03. I didn't even have any items on me.

Plus, I'm on xbone, which I believe most of you aren't. But, if you are and fancy teaming up to help try and push me over the edge before the game does, gamertag: RocketRammer2k7

Side Note: Dog chewed the my mic.. I can hear but cant respond. :p

ill add you, my only requirement for incursion is a mic though.
18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
Also got to laugh at all the new gear sets. So much time people have put into min maxing their perfect setup.

Now they are going to have to do it all again as the new gear sets will be higher gear score.

Oh great, so they are making extractions even harder by allowing people to cut the rope! :mad:

It won't be harder. You'll just have to make sure that you leave putting your stuff on the rope to the last minute if other people are around.
16 Nov 2003
They better increase the stash size with the new gear sets.

They'll probably make it smaller... :D This game is quite frustrating. I guess we may be being a bit harsh as Destiny obviously didn't get it right first time. Then again you would've thought they'd have learnt from Destinys mistakes...
16 Sep 2014
West Yorkshire
Didnt realise there was a console thread for the Division! None of my console owning mates are ever online after they all convinced me to buy it, and matchmaking is a nightmare on the PS4 version. Anyone fancy a blast then add me please, same username as here.
30 Jun 2006
Also got to laugh at all the new gear sets. So much time people have put into min maxing their perfect setup.

Now they are going to have to do it all again as the new gear sets will be higher gear score.

It won't be harder. You'll just have to make sure that you leave putting your stuff on the rope to the last minute if other people are around.

Unless something has changed recently the max gearscore wont be changing in 1.2, weapons at 204 and sets at 214/240 or high end armor at 204.

Extractions will be harder but mainly just for solo players, no doubt about that. Waiting around longer just gives rogues etc more time to travel the map or random players time to group up to take solo players out. Given the fact that the loot may be slightly better in the DZ and the random lucky dip bags that also need extracting will make it a lot more worthwhile to kill others or capture their extractions. This isnt a bad idea on paper I suppose as Massive are going to push the DZ idea no matter what but given the number of people who hate the so called pvp and DZ in general and have quit or will quit, the games future isnt all that rosey. I thought the last thing we needed was yet more reasons for people to grief others in there, cue the 8 man deathsquads doing the Benny Hill run all round the extraction points in DZ01/02 lol.
25 Sep 2011
I'm online most evenings as well, feel free to add me on the Xbone: BurpSnart77

Added :)

I'm on x1, will add you. Have some nice guys I run the DZ and Falcon on.

Nice! See you on there.

Couldn't sleep last night and went on at about 3am. I actually got a decent matchmaking group for FL on hard! Everyone knew what they were doing, which was surprising as no one had mic's. But ran it quite easily in under 20mins. Got a nice 214 piece to replace a 184 I had :).. Finally some progress. Took me up to 192 dps.
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