*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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ah well , that was £100 down the pan :D I cant play this to save my life! The biggest problem is the controller setup. Ive a Saitek x45 which looks all right and working in the windows properties page but the deadzones in game are so huge as to make it totally unusable regardless of how i set the deadzone sliders. I have to literally move the stick 45 degrees from vertical to get any movement registered and then its all over the place, no delicate small movements at all, plus i dont really know what the majority of key bindings mean :D so im stuffed at the moment and cant get past mission 3 single player. Very frustrated. Im sure it will all sort out at some point tho.

I notice in the ControlSchemes folders are a lot of named stick configs. How do you select them in the game options screen? Maybe i can rename the x52 file and use that as a starting point?

I have an X45 too but haven't got the game, yet. I asked if others had had success with the X45 and got a few positive responses so presume someone can help you sort out your deadzone/controllability issue. I will be interested to hear how you get on...
Found this on the official forums - it also recommends setting controls to default first:

Stumbled across the solution by accident. I had pitch up/down and roll left/right both set to individual axis in the control settings. I had no idea that doing this means that you are set to digital. So ignore my statements on gradiation of control that I said I had, that must have been an impression that I gave myself via throttle!

The fix was to blank each axis that I defined and simply choose the "Pitch axis" choice for configuring instead of "Pitch up" and "Pitch down" individually. I can't help but think that "Pitch up" all the other individual axis controls need to be labelled as digital though, as this is very misleading?

I only spotted this by reading a thread on someone else who was wondering if they had appalling flight skills and the fix was hinted at.
cheers, got it all set up now and its nice and responsive. Makes a hell of a difference when your ship moves at the same time as your joystick :)

Yeah i got a little confused with all the digital/analog options. They should have just filtered out all the unnecessary digital options if you choose analogue. It would make the binding screen a little more readable.
I'm loving this game right now. Though I really look forward to when I can go offline SP only. Too many griefers.
I have an X45 too but haven't got the game, yet. I asked if others had had success with the X45 and got a few positive responses so presume someone can help you sort out your deadzone/controllability issue. I will be interested to hear how you get on...

Another X45 owner here - and absolutely loving them, I don't seem to be having anywhere near as many problems as Flambingo. The deadzones are quite large but certainly not 45 degrees - more like 5 or 10, and I've not got them set to the minimum ingame either. Having played with them since the start of PB1 I'm familiar and comfortable with them now :)
Since premium beta started (which is the level I pledged) I have not been able to get online reliably :( Infact only about 3 times in total! I have raised a ticket ofcourse, but no luck yet. It's getting into instances where my PC refuses to do so. Internet, while not awesome, has zero issues in any other games.

Bit annoying to pay £100 and not even be able to use the main bulk of it. At least I still get the cool £100 kickstarter stuff and future expansions. But still... most annoying :/
cheers, got it all set up now and its nice and responsive. Makes a hell of a difference when your ship moves at the same time as your joystick :)

Yeah i got a little confused with all the digital/analog options. They should have just filtered out all the unnecessary digital options if you choose analogue. It would make the binding screen a little more readable.

Good to hear. My only dilemma now is when to purchase. It would be a bit annoying if premium beta stops in 15th July and there is a long wait to get on board with standard beta...

I think this will have to be a secret purchase (from the wife) as it did take some persuading that I need my upcoming gfx card upgrade!
the combat zones from PB1 seem to be quiet and desolate. IE low intensity stuff in eranin or distress signals etc.

Where are the good spots now to earn money through combat?

Im not a big trader guy. Still in a side winder with 2 fixed pulse lasers so would rather not tangle with eagle heavy zones.
the combat zones from PB1 seem to be quiet and desolate. IE low intensity stuff in eranin or distress signals etc.

Where are the good spots now to earn money through combat?

Im not a big trader guy. Still in a side winder with 2 fixed pulse lasers so would rather not tangle with eagle heavy zones.

Head to Dahan high intensity zones. Just don't get caught in the middle of a spawn. In the lulls, either move away from the dreadnaught or wingman the blob of friendlies, then pick your targets. Fighters>eagles>cobras>anacondas. Much moneys to be had.

If you are half competent, fit two railguns on your sidewinder and watch the money roll in. You can one shot a fighter from full sheilds, two shot an eagle, and play around a bit with cobras. Just don't miss. Only fire from less than 1500m and take your time. If you loose target track while warming up the railguns let go of your trigger and try again. Fit a heat sink and use it when temps get too high.

When the anaconda spawns come, just stick with the blob and when the shields are down, manoeuvre so you are looking down on the top of the 'conda and target the power generator. KABOOM. Maybe one of the most satisfying things in gaming for 17 years IMHO (the last one being killing a friend with Oddjobs hat in 4 player Goldeneye N64 for the record - which probably pips one shotting an anaconda - but only just).

Keep a close eye on all players. Don't trust anyone. If you are packing two railguns in a sidewinder almost all players will drastically underestimate you. As a certain overly aggressive commander in a Cobra found out tonight at his cost ;) Two shots to take down his shields, coolant purge, then a direct hit on his power gen. See ya!

If you get lag, or your targets are hitting 0% health and not dying and you are not receiving bounties, escape>save and quit>restart.
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Great post thanks,

I'm assuming as Dahan is federation that you side with them in these zones?

Do you use any other zones here or just the high intensity (only appears to be one)

I went for a brief look today, got a few kills but had to log out, definitely a more target rich environment. I've not tried rail guns except in the SP scenarios. I'll perhaps try them again now i've got the HOTAS and my aim has improved. Class 2 fixed lasers are a little sluggish.

I'm thinking of grabbing an eagle, i like the look and the sound of the manoeuvrability over the cobra and given my limited play time the cobra will just take too long.
I go eranin, because if you go fed there is a large blob of eranin fighters including at least two Lacons - these buggers will quite happily ram you to destroy you...

This is the one I have found for the most consistent stream of targets, but then I have not done much exploring in PB2 yet - so close to the cobra that i'm working for that then i'll go take a look around.

The eagle is great (and lethal with 3 railguns :) ) I ran it through PB1, but decided to cash in the chassis with PB2 and head for Cobra... I have tried most combinations of guns on the Eagle, if you get on with railguns then that's the way to go, if not I think its best with 3 fixed multicannons as 3 pulse lasers overheat too quickly and with cannons you can have most of your pips in engines to really maximise its speed and manoeuvrability. The only downside is you have to keep going to buy ammunition. Note I would have said a gimbled laser on the top slot, but gimbled are heavily borked at the moment and not worth it at all. Certainly do not fit gimbled on the lower two slots as the nose prevents them from tracking correctly.

Careful of the missile racks, a full stock of 12 missiles cost 10k. Not cost effective.
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The manoeuvrability of the Eagle may improve the rails a lot more as you can track better. Will certainly give them a try. Again thanks for the tips.
On a side note does upgrading your armour plating reduce manoeuvrability? I'm a bit ingrained by eve where everything has a tradeoff and a classic one is more defence means more mass and less manoeuvrability!
Heat Sinks are a necessity IMHO. Use them to cool overheated lasers in an emergency and dump heat to go cold with silent running to avoid players using gimbled turrets. Other then that only tried defence turrets - these are automatic missile defence turrets and take ammunition that needs to be stocked. Can't say I have really had too much of a problem with missiles so I sold it.
Little update coming today, servers should be down now. From the ED beta forums:

Hello Commanders,

The servers will be shut down today at 2:00pm BST so that we can start the update (Premium Beta 2.01) process. There will be a new thread once the build is available.

This update will not wipe/reset your save.

Really getting the hang of the X55 now. Still in my little sidewinder but it's able to out manouver npc eagles if you know what you're doing. Slap in into reverse as they come close for a flyby and give it some top gun turns and some strafe and then slap it back forwards and you get them right between your guns. I'm still pretty bad at shaking several contacts off my tail. I lack the straight speed to bug out but it's a case of picking fights careful really.

Want that eagle bad but I'm starting to get pretty decent was flying with 2 random wingman earlier and we kicked ass and supported eachother. Did some sick formation flight.

Can't wait until we can communicate and maybe share target details too.
I'm still pretty bad at shaking several contacts off my tail.

Full pips to engines, Boost then Flight assist off and zero throttle, hold about 70% pitch right for about 5 seconds and at the same time hold full thrusters right for about 5 seconds, then let go. This puts you into a wide corkscrew flightpath. Then throttle up you should be away DO NOT BOOST as it will reset your vector.

If you are still getting hit (particularly if its a player) they have gimbled lasers so eject heat sink, switch to silent mode. This will break lock. Watch your temperature.

When clear switch pips to shield to recharge, when recharged, re-engage flight assist, turn, switch pips to weapons and go get some sweet revenge.
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Nice. I've played with fassist a bit but not much in dogfights. I'd prefer maintain pitch/roll/yaw control and just lose the directional thrust compensation. Guess it's all or nothing.
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