Are the throttle and stick connected to each other by cable or wireless?
Nope each has it own dedicated USB that's what makes the X55 incompatible with some games, although most games are now patched as they see 2 times X & Y axis.
Are the throttle and stick connected to each other by cable or wireless?
Correct. It's going to be a long fortnight.
So I was completing a trade run last night and coming into dock at Azeban City - I was only a couple meters off the landing pad, coming down ever so gently (as I had more than half my credits at stake) when suddenly it was as if a giant hand grabbed my Sidewinder and bounced me off the landing pad.
As a result I went careering off to the side and blew up against the wall. Paid the insurance but of course that doesn't cover what was in my cargo hold. Anyways not that it matters as there's a reset in a couple weeks, but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar bug while landing? This is the second time it's happened to me. I shall raise a ticket over lunch I think!
So how does the reset work? In the last one you got to keep any credits on your account I believe. So should we be selling all our cargo and any addons we have like the extra pulse laser?
so fire free zones around stations mean nothing? I was trying to outrun a pirate last night, thought if i could get to the base the police will come out and take it out for me, but no, i made it to the "safe" zone and the pirate then caught up while i was trying to dock and blew me apart!
So I was completing a trade run last night and coming into dock at Azeban City - I was only a couple meters off the landing pad, coming down ever so gently (as I had more than half my credits at stake) when suddenly it was as if a giant hand grabbed my Sidewinder and bounced me off the landing pad.
As a result I went careering off to the side and blew up against the wall. Paid the insurance but of course that doesn't cover what was in my cargo hold. Anyways not that it matters as there's a reset in a couple weeks, but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar bug while landing? This is the second time it's happened to me. I shall raise a ticket over lunch I think!
So I was completing a trade run last night and coming into dock at Azeban City - I was only a couple meters off the landing pad, coming down ever so gently (as I had more than half my credits at stake) when suddenly it was as if a giant hand grabbed my Sidewinder and bounced me off the landing pad.
As a result I went careering off to the side and blew up against the wall. Paid the insurance but of course that doesn't cover what was in my cargo hold. Anyways not that it matters as there's a reset in a couple weeks, but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar bug while landing? This is the second time it's happened to me. I shall raise a ticket over lunch I think!
So how does the reset work? In the last one you got to keep any credits on your account I believe. So should we be selling all our cargo and any addons we have like the extra pulse laser?
You should have received your credits balance plus the value of your ship and cargo, with a little extra to cover any modules you'd bought (which we weren't tracking server-side). I believe this time round we'll be doing the same.If I recall correctly they didn't let people keep their credit balance (mine certainly got wiped), I believe they refunded people the value for whatever ship they had progressed up to. I've not seen anything to say the same thing is happening with the next round of beta, but just incase I'm trying my best to get up to a Lakon 9 so if we do get a refund I'll get back just over a million![]()
Maybe make sure you have maximum power to shields when docking, it may save you![]()
Its much nicer playing this game with a worthy controller.
T16000M feels fantastic in the scenarios. I'm pairing mine with an N52te at the moment, throttle on the N52te D pad and waiting on my pedals coming.
The T16000Ms throttle does my head in, I love the stick but it's lacking buttons/proper throttle imo. CH throttle incoming soon probably..