*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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So I was completing a trade run last night and coming into dock at Azeban City - I was only a couple meters off the landing pad, coming down ever so gently (as I had more than half my credits at stake) when suddenly it was as if a giant hand grabbed my Sidewinder and bounced me off the landing pad.

As a result I went careering off to the side and blew up against the wall. Paid the insurance but of course that doesn't cover what was in my cargo hold. Anyways not that it matters as there's a reset in a couple weeks, but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar bug while landing? This is the second time it's happened to me. I shall raise a ticket over lunch I think!
So how does the reset work? In the last one you got to keep any credits on your account I believe. So should we be selling all our cargo and any addons we have like the extra pulse laser?
So I was completing a trade run last night and coming into dock at Azeban City - I was only a couple meters off the landing pad, coming down ever so gently (as I had more than half my credits at stake) when suddenly it was as if a giant hand grabbed my Sidewinder and bounced me off the landing pad.

As a result I went careering off to the side and blew up against the wall. Paid the insurance but of course that doesn't cover what was in my cargo hold. Anyways not that it matters as there's a reset in a couple weeks, but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar bug while landing? This is the second time it's happened to me. I shall raise a ticket over lunch I think!

Ouch, that's unlucky. I have experienced 'Judder' where the station suddenly moves whilst coming through the docking port or landing. Luckily I've always managed to survive it, but it sounds like you've just been very unfortunate, either that or some troll Lakon 9 pilot thought it would be funny to park ontop of you ;) I always try to get in and landed as quickly as possible, the longer I mess about lining things up the more chance I feel something could go wrong, oh and try to make sure not to tie up all your credits in cargo incase the worse happens. I lost my first hauler due to overheating and was left with only 9 credits :o

So how does the reset work? In the last one you got to keep any credits on your account I believe. So should we be selling all our cargo and any addons we have like the extra pulse laser?

If I recall correctly they didn't let people keep their credit balance (mine certainly got wiped), I believe they refunded people the value for whatever ship they had progressed up to. I've not seen anything to say the same thing is happening with the next round of beta, but just incase I'm trying my best to get up to a Lakon 9 so if we do get a refund I'll get back just over a million :)
so fire free zones around stations mean nothing? I was trying to outrun a pirate last night, thought if i could get to the base the police will come out and take it out for me, but no, i made it to the "safe" zone and the pirate then caught up while i was trying to dock and blew me apart!
so fire free zones around stations mean nothing? I was trying to outrun a pirate last night, thought if i could get to the base the police will come out and take it out for me, but no, i made it to the "safe" zone and the pirate then caught up while i was trying to dock and blew me apart!

Not implemented yet.
So I was completing a trade run last night and coming into dock at Azeban City - I was only a couple meters off the landing pad, coming down ever so gently (as I had more than half my credits at stake) when suddenly it was as if a giant hand grabbed my Sidewinder and bounced me off the landing pad.

As a result I went careering off to the side and blew up against the wall. Paid the insurance but of course that doesn't cover what was in my cargo hold. Anyways not that it matters as there's a reset in a couple weeks, but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar bug while landing? This is the second time it's happened to me. I shall raise a ticket over lunch I think!

I've seen the station entrance now kind of automatically guides you to the center the entrance now (which could take you towards another ship...) to help big ships get through, maybe there is a bug which moves your ship in the same way near the pad or perhaps the station glitched and you moved around as a result. As you said, raise a ticket with them.

Maybe make sure you have maximum power to shields when docking, it may save you :)
So I was completing a trade run last night and coming into dock at Azeban City - I was only a couple meters off the landing pad, coming down ever so gently (as I had more than half my credits at stake) when suddenly it was as if a giant hand grabbed my Sidewinder and bounced me off the landing pad.

As a result I went careering off to the side and blew up against the wall. Paid the insurance but of course that doesn't cover what was in my cargo hold. Anyways not that it matters as there's a reset in a couple weeks, but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar bug while landing? This is the second time it's happened to me. I shall raise a ticket over lunch I think!

When it comes to landing the best way to look at it is " slow is smooth, smooth is fast"

That doesn't mean to say you should inch your entire way in but take a nice smooth approach maintaining loads of control. Start your lineup as you approach the dock. Then glide it in.

If the dock is right after the hatch then it can be good to approach it nose down directly to centre and once a few meters away pitch up and put it down. No reason to land like a helicopter every time in space.
So how does the reset work? In the last one you got to keep any credits on your account I believe. So should we be selling all our cargo and any addons we have like the extra pulse laser?

If I recall correctly they didn't let people keep their credit balance (mine certainly got wiped), I believe they refunded people the value for whatever ship they had progressed up to. I've not seen anything to say the same thing is happening with the next round of beta, but just incase I'm trying my best to get up to a Lakon 9 so if we do get a refund I'll get back just over a million :)
You should have received your credits balance plus the value of your ship and cargo, with a little extra to cover any modules you'd bought (which we weren't tracking server-side). I believe this time round we'll be doing the same.
Its much nicer playing this game with a worthy controller.

Yeah, I did try it for a bit with my X360 pad to see how it fairs and whilst its good option with a lot of buttons in easy access to both hands, it isn't anywhere near and accurate or fun to use to fly as my Thrustmaster t16000m.
T16000M feels fantastic in the scenarios. I'm pairing mine with an N52te at the moment, throttle on the N52te D pad and waiting on my pedals coming.

The T16000Ms throttle does my head in, I love the stick but it's lacking buttons/proper throttle imo. CH throttle incoming soon probably..
T16000M feels fantastic in the scenarios. I'm pairing mine with an N52te at the moment, throttle on the N52te D pad and waiting on my pedals coming.

The T16000Ms throttle does my head in, I love the stick but it's lacking buttons/proper throttle imo. CH throttle incoming soon probably..

Yeah the T1600M is a great stick, the throttle is... ok. Sliding it with my right thumb with access to the right hand side buttons is not that elegant but functional.

Aren't you left handed as well? I wish someone would make a throttle controller (HOTAS style) which you can use in your right hand!

Is the N52te any good for this? I was looking at the similar G13 mini keyboard.
As someone who has never used a joystick with a PC, what are people recommending?
I have seen the X55 and X52 prices, I can afford it on payday this month, but Im very nervous spending that much on something I have no experience using. Im more tempted by the X52 as a halfway option to reduce risk, but I have no idea how much better the X55 is over the X52
Im also worried that they might spark a flight sim addiction :D
Are there others I should be looking at? Im talking purely for Elite at the moment
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If you've never used a stick before and want to try it out, get something under £40 first give it a shot, learn its pros and cons and if you like it and feel the need to add an extra 400 buttons and 30 hats (you will want this!) then fork out for a HOTAS setup.
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