*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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I'm getting prepared for everything now, rebuilt my rig from scratch yesterday, added 2 x 290's while I was at it so all eye candy can be turned upto max. Still waitng for the x52 pro as it is now overdue, but once that arrives I'm good to go for the single player combat and learning to fly.
Booked Thurs/Fri off next week so I can have a proper bash at it, in the meantime bought the season pass and joined the Elite forums.
Quick question for the X52 owners, was the joystick hard to set up, never owned a joystick before, so I have no idea.
I also plan to try VA, do the settings for this get wiped each time they reset the beta?
I'm getting prepared for everything now, rebuilt my rig from scratch yesterday, added 2 x 290's while I was at it so all eye candy can be turned upto max. Still waitng for the x52 pro as it is now overdue, but once that arrives I'm good to go for the single player combat and learning to fly.
Booked Thurs/Fri off next week so I can have a proper bash at it, in the meantime bought the season pass and joined the Elite forums.
Quick question for the X52 owners, was the joystick hard to set up, never owned a joystick before, so I have no idea.
I also plan to try VA, do the settings for this get wiped each time they reset the beta?

Sorry mate but no Crossfire as yet and forcing on just destroys the textures and its a long way down their list to implement.
I just wish there was a left handers Hotas setup somewhere. I bought the bets last night and have been playing ghe single player missions. My Sidewinder 3d Pro is ok but I think could be improved upon.
I've been umming and ahhing over getting the premium beta for a while now, would cost me £65 once the discount from my Kickstarter payment is applied, and obviously includes the £35 lifetime expansion pack.

Was looking at the £50 beta pre-order this morning and it appears there's no Kickstarter discount applied to this package, so that's made the decision easier for me. :)

I've got an X52 Pro on pre-order (delayed yet again) so looks like I'll buy in and have to make do with my dodgy, off-centre Logitech joystick for now.
I'll get a CH pro throttle at some point, the analogue joypad on it is meant to be great for the lateral/vertical thrusters. Had my Hotas-X for years and years (older version with no buttons on base of throttle) and no complaints so far, just a lack of buttons compared to the more expensive options. Great stick on a budget.
I just wish there was a left handers Hotas setup somewhere. I bought the bets last night and have been playing ghe single player missions. My Sidewinder 3d Pro is ok but I think could be improved upon.

Yep, I would even just settle for a right handed throttle controller as I already have a t16000m. The only thing I've seen is the flight throttle controllers which aren’t really ideal and have no additional buttons etc.

It's also kind of needed if I would ever want to use the Oculus as well.
Sorry mate but no Crossfire as yet and forcing on just destroys the textures and its a long way down their list to implement.

Oh well, at least I will have it for when they do implement it, and I can use it for other games anyway.

I used this vid to help me get my head round the SST software, in the vid he is using an X55 but the principle the same.

Nice find - thanks

Yep but that said it'll run fine on just the one maxed out anyway so don't panic :)

Good to know
Just paid 50 quid for the Beta. Most I've ever spent on a game and feel a bit sick now. Ha ha.

Saying that, I kinda need a decent joystick now. It really doesn't play very well with a 360 pad. What's the best for around 100 quid?
Oh well, at least I will have it for when they do implement it, and I can use it for other games anyway.

Unfortunately multi GPU support mid development can be a bit of a pain as it can seriously cramp your development progress going forward, most devs will go back and tweak the game once its closer to final if stuff breaks multi GPU compatibility. Also unfortunately the nature of a game like ED is going to be a bit of a pain for working multi GPU support, lot of the post processing effects will have unpredictable effects with multi GPU until implemented in their final form.
Decided to treat my self to Beta and all expansions of this since I was not in the first batch of the Oculus Rift dispatches.

I have a logitech Extreme 3d pro joystick which has always served me well for flight sims, do you guys think this will be adequate for Elite?

Looking forward to playing this tonight :D
Decided to treat my self to Beta and all expansions of this since I was not in the first batch of the Oculus Rift dispatches.

I have a logitech Extreme 3d pro joystick which has always served me well for flight sims, do you guys think this will be adequate for Elite?

Looking forward to playing this tonight :D

Doesn't seem to have a throttle control, so you'll have a hand back on your keyboard for throttle and other misc options then.

If it's not got twist you'll also need to think how you control yaw - Couple of key binds.

On my stick I've got the hat doing vertical/horizontal thrust, and twist to yaw. I have a small slider for throttle which is adequate.
Doesn't seem to have a throttle control, so you'll have a hand back on your keyboard for throttle and other misc options then.

If it's not got twist you'll also need to think how you control yaw - Couple of key binds.

On my stick I've got the hat doing vertical/horizontal thrust, and twist to yaw. I have a small slider for throttle which is adequate.

It twists for the yaw and has a throttle slider on the base. It also has a 8 way Hat Switch so I think it might be ok, will give it a go and find out I suppose :D
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