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As someone who has never used a joystick with a PC, what are people recommending?
I have seen the X55 and X52 prices, I can afford it on payday this month, but Im very nervous spending that much on something I have no experience using.

I was playing with a standard stick, and have just upgraded to a 'Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X' and can really recommend it. The stick and throttle can be separated so it's a full HOTAS set-up. The pics of it can be misleading as they usually show the two bolted together, but you can separate them easily.

If you search around you can get it for less than the £40 level.

Like you I was nervous about spending so much on the X53/X55, but now I've got the 'Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X' I'm more than happy with that (especially at the price) and don't see the need to spend more.

Having a HOTAS set-up does make the game a lot better to play.
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Elite Dangerous - control list?

Is there a list of the control options that you can print off?

I'm setting up my new joystick and want a printed list for reference (I'm just too lazy to write them down from scrolling through the options menu...)
I was playing with a standard stick, and have just upgraded to a 'Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X' and can really recommend it. The stick and throttle can be separated so it's a full HOTAS set-up. The pics of it can be misleading as they usually show the two bolted together, but you can separate them easily.

If you search around you can get it for less than the £40 level.

Like you I was nervous about spending so much on the X53/X55, but now I've got the 'Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X' I'm more than happy with that (especially at the price) and don't see the need to spend more.

Having a HOTAS set-up does make the game a lot better to play.

I like the idea, but at 40 quid Im concerned over build quality/longevity, and don't you still need a keyboard or are there enough buttons to map everything to?

I have the X52 pro and its amazing for playing elite with... wouldn't do it with anything else :)


Hmm, that is a mighty big vote of confidence, Im leaning towards the X52, especially after I saw some game devs using it in a demo vid.
Will have to see what happens on Fri over stock and I might pick one up as I want one before the beta starts on the 27th.
Needless to say I can't wait....
If you are on a budget I'd recommend the T.16000M (poor throttle, incredibly accurate stick, very few buttons or features) or the Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X (usable throttle, more buttons for pew pew). These are fairly cheap and will last a couple of years if you aren't a raging hulk with them.

Nothing "wrong" with the Saitek X52 though, I owned one for around 6 years until it broke for the final time back in May. Throttle is nice, stick is OK, software is decent. I did personally feel the accuracy was always a little floppy but I do miss that throttle. Bare in mind the X52 was first released in 2004, you are buying old tech regardless of how you cut it. You can mod the stick to improve it but it will never match a cheap hall sensor stick like the T.16000M.

Personally I love how the X55 looks but I'm not convinced it's quality issues are resolved yet, heard too many stories of poor internals so I'm waiting to see if they resolve those.

In the mean time I'll be playing with a T.16000M on my right hand (it's a left or right handed stick), N52te on my left (throttle + buttons galore) and Pro Flight Cessna Rudder Pedals at my feet.

Software wise personally I think the Thrustmaster T.A.R.G.E.T. is immeasurably better than the Saitek equivalent, bare that in mind. The T.16000M is fully supported in the same suite that can be used with the insanely good/expensive Warthog.
If you are on a budget I'd recommend the T.16000M (poor throttle, incredibly accurate stick, very few buttons or features) or the Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X (usable throttle, more buttons for pew pew). These are fairly cheap and will last a couple of years if you aren't a raging hulk with them.

Nothing "wrong" with the Saitek X52 though, I owned one for around 6 years until it broke for the final time back in May. Throttle is nice, stick is OK, software is decent. I did personally feel the accuracy was always a little floppy but I do miss that throttle. Bare in mind the X52 was first released in 2004, you are buying old tech regardless of how you cut it. You can mod the stick to improve it but it will never match a cheap hall sensor stick like the T.16000M.

Personally I love how the X55 looks but I'm not convinced it's quality issues are resolved yet, heard too many stories of poor internals so I'm waiting to see if they resolve those.

In the mean time I'll be playing with a T.16000M on my right hand (it's a left or right handed stick), N52te on my left (throttle + buttons galore) and Pro Flight Cessna Rudder Pedals at my feet.

Software wise personally I think the Thrustmaster T.A.R.G.E.T. is immeasurably better than the Saitek equivalent, bare that in mind. The T.16000M is fully supported in the same suite that can be used with the insanely good/expensive Warthog.
Thought the X52 had hall sensors?

Whats wrong with old tech? Mechanical keyboards are back in vogue.
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Anyone got their OR yet and tried with this? What's it like?

I haven't got an Oculus, but did manage to try ED with one when I went to the video game BAFTAs, and frankly it was something else - looking down at your body in the cockpit was surreal, everything was in proportion and just felt "correct", so to speak.

The other thing that impressed me was how you change to playing with it. While I only had a short time playing I found that I was looking around the cockpit to try and locate ships, as well as watching them fly past when dogfighting, something that I would never do using a controller or joystick.

One drawback was the resolution, it was hard to see ships in the distance and when I first put it on I did feel like I was just really close to a monitor as you could easily pick out pixels. However I believe this is much improved in the new version, I went to a talk about the game from David and he also mentioned the resolution issue, so I'm sure the OR guys will get it right when it gets to the consumer release which I'm pretty sure I will be buying.
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While I like the feel of the x52 pro my first experience with the setup was pretty horrible as in the drivers caused me pretty severe issues. Doesn't help that Saitek customer support is near non existent.
I wonder how the sales graph for the x52 looks since elite was available.

I like the idea, but at 40 quid Im concerned over build quality/longevity, and don't you still need a keyboard or are there enough buttons to map everything to?

Hmm, that is a mighty big vote of confidence, Im leaning towards the X52, especially after I saw some game devs using it in a demo vid.
Will have to see what happens on Fri over stock and I might pick one up as I want one before the beta starts on the 27th.
Needless to say I can't wait....

It is honestly fantastic... you can remap the buttons after a bit of messing around figuring out what is what it is fantastic... miles better then keyboard and mouse and the feel is epic!

I literally bought the x52 for Elite Dangerous and I have not been disappointed!

The alpha has been fantastic and the beta is amazing, now with single player too! Sounds weird but using the same flight stick as the devs has meant that any changes that they have made to the flight controls have made it better :)

While I like the feel of the x52 pro my first experience with the setup was pretty horrible as in the drivers caused me pretty severe issues. Doesn't help that Saitek customer support is near non existent.

I have had no issues using it on Windows 7 and 8, what problems have you had?

It is honestly fantastic... you can remap the buttons after a bit of messing around figuring out what is what it is fantastic... miles better then keyboard and mouse and the feel is epic!

I literally bought the x52 for Elite Dangerous and I have not been disappointed!

The alpha has been fantastic and the beta is amazing, now with single player too! Sounds weird but using the same flight stick as the devs has meant that any changes that they have made to the flight controls have made it better :)


You have convinced me, Ive ordered one today. Roll on the 29th....
All good things to say about ED especially considering it's in a beta state, using a Oculus DK1 in conjunction with a Thrustmaster warhog hotos flight pack probably a bit OTT but I can honestly say this is the most immersive playable experience I've ever had out of PC gaming to date.
The Elite Dangerous web site has been revamped and newsletter #32 is also out with some very nice concept art for planetary landing, a new ship design and walking around the ships :)

Extract on planetary landings:

"That means rich, varied experiences. Not just landing pads, but rich content on the surfaces, surface vehicles, the ability to stash things there, to explore. Clearly ‘doing it right’ like this will take time, but we have a plan and will get there via a series of meaningful releases.

We believe that each stage will be incredible, and the result truly breathtaking. What you will see on the worlds will be a mix of procedurally generated content, particularly the landscapes, cloudscapes, compositions and so on, mixed with hand-crafted elements.

Here is the planetary landing concept:


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All good things to say about ED especially considering it's in a beta state, using a Oculus DK1 in conjunction with a Thrustmaster warhog hotos flight pack probably a bit OTT but I can honestly say this is the most immersive playable experience I've ever had out of PC gaming to date.

You lucky sod!
I would love to get the open beta and and a Thrustmaster X HOTAS stick at the end of the month but unfortunately my cash is commited to the Zombicide KS, so I will have to wait until September and the kids have their new uniform etc.

Can anyone running this game with an OR setup give me an idea of the system requirement needed? I know it will probably change when DK2 support is added but it would help in planning for future spending :D. Thanks.
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