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Anyone use rudder pedals but have them set up for side slip?
Seems like it would be a good option, assuming it can be set up like that.

CPU sorted, well will be in a few days, voice attack purchased,
just got to decide if x52 is worth it over the thrustmaster and get that ordered.
How are people earning initial credits? I'm not too hot on trading really would rather do combat and work towards a viper. Seems on reddit people are saying the eagle has less jump range than the sidewinder and that kind of cripples its effectiveness.

Also, best to play with crossfire off or on? I'm getting much lower performance than previously but I am on a 4K monitor :/
Anyone use rudder pedals but have them set up for side slip?
Seems like it would be a good option, assuming it can be set up like that.

CPU sorted, well will be in a few days, voice attack purchased,
just got to decide if x52 is worth it over the thrustmaster and get that ordered.

X52 (standard not pro) owner for 7 years before mine went terminal in May. I've got a Thrustmaster T16000M, stick wise it's better than the X52, button wise it's poor (fewer, lower quality), throttle wise it's pretty basic. Not sure if that's the Thrustmaster you've ordered though..

Thrustmaster T16000M (Owned for ~3 months)

  • + Stick movement, accuracy and "ease of use" is phenomenal.
  • - Lack of buttons on the stick.
  • - Throttle is poor and built into the base, too basic for anything other than simple flight games.
  • - Base buttons might be ambidextrous and individual but they should be better laid out especially as you need to keep one hand on the throttle.

X52 (Owned for ~ 7 years)

  • + Throttle is excellent, solid unit with tons of functionality and lovely accuracy.
  • + Nice options on the stick for sizing and lots of buttons etc.
  • - Stick movement feels a little floppy, can take a bit of getting use to. Not as "clean" as the T16000M.

I've opted to keep my T16000M and use it with Saitek Cessna Pro pedals and a CH Pro Throttle. I'd love to try a CH Combat/Fighter stick but until I can I can honestly say the T16000M is the most enjoyable stick I've used so I'll hang onto it and the Ch Pro throttle gives me enough functionality to make up for it's lack of buttons/hats.
X52 (standard not pro) owner for 7 years before mine went terminal in May. I've got a Thrustmaster T16000M, stick wise it's better than the X52, button wise it's poor (fewer, lower quality), throttle wise it's pretty basic. Not sure if that's the Thrustmaster you've ordered though..

Thrustmaster T16000M (Owned for ~3 months)

  • + Stick movement, accuracy and "ease of use" is phenomenal.
  • - Lack of buttons on the stick.
  • - Throttle is poor and built into the base, too basic for anything other than simple flight games.
  • - Base buttons might be ambidextrous and individual but they should be better laid out especially as you need to keep one hand on the throttle.

X52 (Owned for ~ 7 years)

  • + Throttle is excellent, solid unit with tons of functionality and lovely accuracy.
  • + Nice options on the stick for sizing and lots of buttons etc.
  • - Stick movement feels a little floppy, can take a bit of getting use to. Not as "clean" as the T16000M.

I've opted to keep my T16000M and use it with Saitek Cessna Pro pedals and a CH Pro Throttle. I'd love to try a CH Combat/Fighter stick but until I can I can honestly say the T16000M is the most enjoyable stick I've used so I'll hang onto it and the Ch Pro throttle gives me enough functionality to make up for it's lack of buttons/hats.

Thanks meant the thrustmaster T-flight really.
Is there much difference between x52 and x52 pro as the price difference isn't huge.
What do you use the pedals for in elite? And how customisable are the controls in elite? Can you assign anything to anything?
Just had an email, DPD delivery for Fri which hopefully will be my X52 pro.

Booked the day off, will download the beta tonight, and then spend Fri setting up Voice attack, playing through the scenarios and crashing into every station I try to dock at, just like old times :D

Can't wait
Thanks meant the thrustmaster T-flight really.
Is there much difference between x52 and x52 pro as the price difference isn't huge.
What do you use the pedals for in elite? And how customisable are the controls in elite? Can you assign anything to anything?

Little difference between them tbh pro is obviously a bit better but usually costs a fair bit more. Controls are very configurable in elite, at the moment I only use pedals for roll but intend to put in large dead zones on the toe brakes and use them as two switches, not sure what for yet maybe radar or targeting I still need to get use to having the pedals tbh but love how involved in flying I feel.
I think lateral thrusters would be good in the pedals.

It does run on laptop, not well and impossible with bluetooth mouse which decides to slowly rotate ship constantly. I will have to wait probably a week, before all computer parts turn up.
I bought this, and the lifetime add-on yesterday before the deadline, then realised I didn't spend the extra cash to get beta access :( DOH!
Is progression in this just a case of making money and buying better ships?

That's only a part of it, in the final game you'll be able to improve your standing with the various factions which will open up missions and potentially faction specific items. Arguably the main aim is to improve your combat rating and finally hit the Elite rating (which the game is named after), again various opportunities are likely to open up depending upon your combat rating. I can't remember whether there will be specific ratings for trading / mining.

Your criminal record/status is also likely to have a bearing on your opportunities within the game.
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How much did the 52pro cost you and please let me know how it is, if I don't go mad and order something before then.

tenner more than here, and will do. I'm expecting it to be a PITA at first as I have never had a joystick on a PC before, but there were too many comments on how immersive it is for me to ignore.
Ta, now looking at the x55 pro.
52 pros just a little more, then x55 is just a little more, where do you stop.

God I need to choose Something, rest of the parts are ordered. So should be good to go on Monday.
Ta, now looking at the x55 pro.
52 pros just a little more, then x55 is just a little more, where do you stop.

God I need to choose Something, rest of the parts are ordered. So should be good to go on Monday.

X52 is what the game devs use, and Id seen too many posts online over X55 build quality...
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