X52 (standard not pro) owner for 7 years before mine went terminal in May. I've got a Thrustmaster T16000M, stick wise it's better than the X52, button wise it's poor (fewer, lower quality), throttle wise it's pretty basic. Not sure if that's the Thrustmaster you've ordered though..
Thrustmaster T16000M (Owned for ~3 months)
- + Stick movement, accuracy and "ease of use" is phenomenal.
- - Lack of buttons on the stick.
- - Throttle is poor and built into the base, too basic for anything other than simple flight games.
- - Base buttons might be ambidextrous and individual but they should be better laid out especially as you need to keep one hand on the throttle.
X52 (Owned for ~ 7 years)
- + Throttle is excellent, solid unit with tons of functionality and lovely accuracy.
- + Nice options on the stick for sizing and lots of buttons etc.
- - Stick movement feels a little floppy, can take a bit of getting use to. Not as "clean" as the T16000M.
I've opted to keep my T16000M and use it with Saitek Cessna Pro pedals and a CH Pro Throttle. I'd love to try a CH Combat/Fighter stick but until I can I can honestly say the T16000M is the most enjoyable stick I've used so I'll hang onto it and the Ch Pro throttle gives me enough functionality to make up for it's lack of buttons/hats.