*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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I bought this, and the lifetime add-on yesterday before the deadline, then realised I didn't spend the extra cash to get beta access :( DOH!
You should still be able to upgrade to Beta for the difference in cost (£15 I think). The discount should be applied at checkout.

If anyone's interested in trying out the friend / grouping mechanisms, feel free to add me (Deadwoods in game).
No one else getting the sound bug and crash from main menu. Can't play the game at all, there is like a sound chirping loop and none of the menu selections work. :((
Poor bank :( x55 pro on it's way. I just know by the end of the year, entire Pc will be upgraded, trackIr5 etc.

how come according to you windows 8 was supposed to end traditional PCs and pc gaming haha what a flashback seeing your name and your post no one has ever been more wrong in this forum.
how come I thought windows 8 was supposed to end traditional PCs and pc gaming haha what a flashback seeing your name and your post no one has ever been more wrong in this forum.

Except that's a not what I said at all. And B time frame.

How is sales will continue to fall nd then stabilise at niche markets like gaming the end of desktops?
And yes other platforms are and will continue to eat in to desktop market.
Eventually cloud based computing will end desktop upgrading. Nit this year, not next year at some point.
Except that's a not what I said at all. And B time frame.

It's ok glaucus it was years ago don't worry no one expected pc gaming to come back stronger than ever not even me. back on topic...

Anybody else afraid of getting burned out by the time the game finally comes out?
It's ok glaucus it was years ago don't worry no one expected pc gaming to come back stronger than ever not even me. back on topic...

Anybody else afraid of getting burned out by the time the game finally comes out?

Edit - I like to point out I don't think PC gaming is dead. And this thread isn't about that.

Pretty easy to understand? No?
You can see what I said, and my desktop has been in the wardrobe for months, if not years.
I bought this, and the lifetime add-on yesterday before the deadline, then realised I didn't spend the extra cash to get beta access :( DOH!
I'm a bit skint and short on free time right now so I only bought the lifetime add on.
So I can't play yet but will get all the expansions when I do start.
Not worried/bothered cos it seemed like the smart thing to do out the options I had available with my bit of cash
Went for the budget option - T-Flight Hotas X. Makes an incredible difference especially with flight assist off.

Voice attack adds another dimension too with "GB Hazel" voice. Love it.

Hello btw, long time lurker and Elite lover :)
So....I bought the game, so far around 2 hours of just jetting around and crashing into things...How do I get clearance to enter Azeban City, or can I just fly in? I really need a joystick :(

Somewhere on the left screen, and request docking. Can't be much mire help than that, as I haven't played. Just watched youtube videos.
Feel free to use our TS server folks: pagan-sc.enjinvoice.com

8pm - 11pm UK time we've got 6+ on there playing Elite Dangerous, mostly OCUK members. Think we hit 10 earlier.
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