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448Kbps upstream, 8128Kbps downstream is what my router is syncing at.

fairly high end adsl router, short cable to master socket (got an ADSL faceplate splitter)

When i moved home to parents it was 0.16U 1.5D but the router, cable, faceplate got me to 0.4U 8D

its a back water village with a coal powered exchange.
27 kills in the destress signal. got rammed by a fighter and insta death from full shields/hull. all bounty tokens gone. kind of ****ed at that. Fair play being owned but just rammed sucks.
Beta 1.02 Change log:

- Fix for rare infinite loop in missions on start up
- Fixes for type 6 repair, cockpit now has marketable data and won't crash. localised the cockpit and the radiators
- If the launchpad returned by the ship is null (because the space station has disappeared), then we should assert - but not crash
- Fix crash in location data gathering
- Safer method for transferring values for damaged regions
- Made the space location component not crash if it has an invalid address, instead it will now wait until it get a valid address
- Fix bug in handling access token lock/unlock - could cause a deadlock
- Additional null proofing for launch bay components
- Possible fix for soft lock in hyperspace
- Show the hyperspace limits to inform the player while reviewing the mission details
- Paintjob tweaks for both Sidewinder & Eagle to match them more closely to the thumbnail images we have on the store
- Make double sure we have an object before applying a replication to it (Crash fix)
- Only check for correct authority transfer state if actually needing to transfer authority
- When a death message arrives for a subsidiary (which, for example, would remove the internals of a space station), if the object itself doesn't know what the response is then ask the subsidiary's parent if it knows
- Fix one of the crash paths dealing with inside/outside paths of the docking bay
- Make sure we get something useful from locking vertex and index buffers when creating stellar body geometry
- Add some extra logging when joining a private group
- More vanishing station-bits crash guards
- Stop the toxic cobra from crashing the game by starting in a redundant state in operations mode
- Missing black markets fixed
- Fixed incorrect paint job name
- OOM stability: when encountering an E_OUTOFMEMORY HRESULT on the render thread, flush the immediate context and reattempt the operation before we give up, since experiments show at least some drivers do not do this internally
- Server should not clean up (apparently unused) sessions that are still in the process of being set up: apply a minimum lifetime of 60 seconds before a session can be cleaned up
- Extra careful tracing of space station deaths
- Crash fix in Initialise Launch Bays
- Added more reporting for missions softlock issues
- Ensure the condition for checking a new authority is OK to take it match between the issuer and the checker
- Send HTTP status code in telemetry for failed game load
What's a good joystick for around £75-£100?

I played it for the first time today, the game is fantastic but I can't get on with mouse control which tarnished the experience a little, not the game's fault though.
What's a good joystick for around £75-£100?

I played it for the first time today, the game is fantastic but I can't get on with mouse control which tarnished the experience a little, not the game's fault though.

The X52 is supposed to be good, but for another £25 the X52 Pro is upoosed to be much better, and I've read it's the main joystick Frontier Developments have been using, but that may not be correct, just what someone said on their forums.
well did my first docking last night, was nice and smooth. felt like a boss :cool:

only downside my Saitek cyborg evo does not have enough buttons :(
I wasn't so sure after the move to the latest phase of Beta, the fuel system kind of took me a while to get my head around it. I think it could do with a fuel 'bubble' being shown on the galactic map that shows your jump range, along with each ships range being shown so you know what you're getting before purchasing a ship upgrade.

In order to earn credits I started out at the federal distress call close to Eranin 2, I choose the Eranin side as that means you can stock up on kill vouchers and go straight back to the station in Eranin to collect the money.

Once I had earned about 5000 I started experimenting with trading, I'm now quite enjoying the challenge of trying to find decent trade routes spanning multiple jumps. The trading actually seems really reasonable now and with a small amount of money you can start trading lowish cost goods for good profit per unit. So far I've earned enough to upgrade to an eagle and I'm back to doing combat while I save up enough for either a viper, a hauler or a Lakon type 6.

The game is absolutely brilliant and I couldn't be happier with the direction it is going :)
Just did a really good run of goods, sold them for a decent profit (for my current in game position) and bought some more, set nav target and launched.....engine engaged................BOOOOM just exploded, blew apart in the station lol. So that's me back to square one hahahha
well did my first docking last night, was nice and smooth. felt like a boss :cool:

only downside my Saitek cyborg evo does not have enough buttons :(

voice attack!

My X52 pro arrives sometime in the next 45 minutes, then Im spending the day configuring voice attack and playing through the combat tutorials
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