Beta 1.02 Change log:
- Fix for rare infinite loop in missions on start up
- Fixes for type 6 repair, cockpit now has marketable data and won't crash. localised the cockpit and the radiators
- If the launchpad returned by the ship is null (because the space station has disappeared), then we should assert - but not crash
- Fix crash in location data gathering
- Safer method for transferring values for damaged regions
- Made the space location component not crash if it has an invalid address, instead it will now wait until it get a valid address
- Fix bug in handling access token lock/unlock - could cause a deadlock
- Additional null proofing for launch bay components
- Possible fix for soft lock in hyperspace
- Show the hyperspace limits to inform the player while reviewing the mission details
- Paintjob tweaks for both Sidewinder & Eagle to match them more closely to the thumbnail images we have on the store
- Make double sure we have an object before applying a replication to it (Crash fix)
- Only check for correct authority transfer state if actually needing to transfer authority
- When a death message arrives for a subsidiary (which, for example, would remove the internals of a space station), if the object itself doesn't know what the response is then ask the subsidiary's parent if it knows
- Fix one of the crash paths dealing with inside/outside paths of the docking bay
- Make sure we get something useful from locking vertex and index buffers when creating stellar body geometry
- Add some extra logging when joining a private group
- More vanishing station-bits crash guards
- Stop the toxic cobra from crashing the game by starting in a redundant state in operations mode
- Missing black markets fixed
- Fixed incorrect paint job name
- OOM stability: when encountering an E_OUTOFMEMORY HRESULT on the render thread, flush the immediate context and reattempt the operation before we give up, since experiments show at least some drivers do not do this internally
- Server should not clean up (apparently unused) sessions that are still in the process of being set up: apply a minimum lifetime of 60 seconds before a session can be cleaned up
- Extra careful tracing of space station deaths
- Crash fix in Initialise Launch Bays
- Added more reporting for missions softlock issues
- Ensure the condition for checking a new authority is OK to take it match between the issuer and the checker
- Send HTTP status code in telemetry for failed game load