*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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The X52 is supposed to be good, but for another £25 the X52 Pro is upoosed to be much better, and I've read it's the main joystick Frontier Developments have been using, but that may not be correct, just what someone said on their forums.

X52 Pro has more metal parts externally and on the inside too, as well as two springs as opposed to one. It's quite a different beast over all and just that little bit better, worth the extra IMO.

only downside my Saitek cyborg evo does not have enough buttons :(

I had the same problem with the Thrustmaster T.16000M, so I imported a CH Pro throttle and it works flawlessly and has an insane number of input options. Pricy but IMO the best throttle on the market. Rainforest site, US version did the job even calculated accurate import tax.

Alternatively you could try to get a second hand X52 throttle (if someone broke their stick) or team it up with a Nostromo / G13, I tried that though and couldn't get use to having no analogue throttle.

Voice attack is an obvious option too, just don't go on team speak if you use it..
X52 Pro has more metal parts externally and on the inside too, as well as two springs as opposed to one. It's quite a different beast over all and just that little bit better, worth the extra IMO.

I had the same problem with the Thrustmaster T.16000M, so I imported a CH Pro throttle and it works flawlessly and has an insane number of input options. Pricy but IMO the best throttle on the market. Rainforest site, US version did the job even calculated accurate import tax.

Alternatively you could try to get a second hand X52 throttle (if someone broke their stick) or team it up with a Nostromo / G13, I tried that though and couldn't get use to having no analogue throttle.

Voice attack is an obvious option too, just don't go on team speak if you use it..

i'm always on teamspeak / mumble so voiuce attack is a no go.

I might upgrade to the X52 once release hits though ;)
Just did a really good run of goods, sold them for a decent profit (for my current in game position) and bought some more, set nav target and launched.....engine engaged................BOOOOM just exploded, blew apart in the station lol. So that's me back to square one hahahha

If that happens Task Manager, kill process.

The first attempt I had docking, the station disappeared and I was then flying around inside an invisible station. Needless to say, I didn't last long!

Another time I was outside the station, and was trying to ask for docking permit, and missed the Q key, and pressed TAB. Boosted straight into the station :mad: TAB is no longer mapped!!!
Was considering Voice Attack. Why doesn't it work with TeamSpeak?

Couldn't you set teamspeak to push-to-talk so others don't hear you talking to your ship or is there some conflict?
BTW. ED is one of the few games that seems to handle 16:10 monitors "properly". ie: It shows the same width wise as a 1080p monitor, and MORE vertically. Typically games show the same vertically, and LESS horizonally :(

Was considering Voice Attack. Why doesn't it work with TeamSpeak?

Couldn't you set teamspeak to push-to-talk so others don't hear you talking to your ship or is there some conflict?

I'm fairly sure you can set a key to:-
- disable VA
- broadcast to TS.

So yes, you'd hold "KEY" to talk to folks over TS.

TBH, I doubt you even need to diable VA as it tends to be quite clever in ignoring general chat. I was talking to some people in game last night, and VA ignored it all :)
I was wondering if you could disable VA, I use teamspeaks own voice activation rather than a key as it works fairly well. Must admit with my config I've no need for VA, actually got spare buttons lol CH Pro Throttle is insanely good for such a garbage looking peripheral!
simply: is this now worth the 50 pounds to sign up to? does all the progress get lost when they properly release it?

(ive signed up to star citizen ages ago)
simply: is this now worth the 50 pounds to sign up to? does all the progress get lost when they properly release it?

(ive signed up to star citizen ages ago)

It's definately still buggy and a bit clunky! 4-5 times last night it froze and I had to kill the process. Also when entering/leaving hyperspace, sometimes there's long (scary) delays of 10-20 seconds.

Unless you really want to go through these early stages and will get some enjoyment specifically out of this and don't mind teething problems, I'd wait now...

Yes, I believe all your work will be reset at some point in the future.
The X52 is supposed to be good, but for another £25 the X52 Pro is upoosed to be much better, and I've read it's the main joystick Frontier Developments have been using, but that may not be correct, just what someone said on their forums.
I hope you work on commission as I just ordered a pro ;) haha
simply: is this now worth the 50 pounds to sign up to? does all the progress get lost when they properly release it?

(ive signed up to star citizen ages ago)

Honestly I think it is, having an absolute blast on teamspeak with other OCUKers playing the game. It'll be £35 at release, so you're paying £15 for early access to the game to muck about, test configs and improve your skills prior to it going live which is a good while away anyway.

Everything we do will be wiped so in a sense it's care free playing in a sense, some are amassing fortunes, others like myself are focusing on learning the basics and improving our combat skills.

I use to pay £15 a month for access to an MMO, I've no issue paying that for several months early access to ED. :D
Good old DPD, mine has just arrived - report back later
Nice :) I stumped up the little extra for Saturday delivery too so not long to wait.

The mouse control wasn't all that bad to be honest, I could fly about and dock+land on my pad really easily, at least I felt it was easier than docking in the original. However combat is where I found I was constantly overshooting back and forth over the target, like an automated system with really badly tuned gains.

Only bug I've found so far is the game hung for about 30 seconds when I tried to leave supercruise.
Yeah it does like to freeze, especially entering/leaving supercruise. But I say its definitely worth the cash. The optimisation and smoothness is great, especially when you think of other games (cough X Rebirth cough).

Joined the TS server last night. was good fun, seemed like normal guys (until the chicken impersonations started). haha.
would like to see your opinion on how it feels with ED. :)

also are there enough buttons ;)

Plenty of buttons, it feels really nice, but Im having a nightmare try to get the ship to go where I want it to, all part of the fun and Im off to do combat mission 2. Have bought voice attack, just haven't set it up yet, thought Id better play the game first
1.03 is released

Hi everyone,

Beta Update 1.03 is currently being prepared for release and should be available for download within the next 30 minutes. Here is the change log for this update:

- Fix some collect missions that are trying to talk about destinations - they now talk about the start locations like they should
- More guards against the ship not having a frame shift drive (which should be possible).
- Speculative fix for CTD on an open space scenario
- Handle more vertex buffers returning null
- Further crash guards for launch bay component
- Correct check before accessing details about the current target location. Would cash if the location you were targetting goes away
- Fix broken pointer in mission progression
- Fix for softlock on missions that involved talking to stations, not showing "objective complete" when you kill lots of people
- Send check codes for bounty and voucher requests
- Reduce server maximum packet size from 1500 to 1400 bytes as temp workaround for Mission BBS problems
- Log the response to the friends info request into the network log file, if VerboseLogging is 1 or more, to help track down failing to find friends online
- Distance contract calculation now take into account the cargo that they're about to give to you
- Send telemetry on player's match-making choice
- Avoid menu stickage when in time zones behind UTC
- Fix null crash in AI pilot receive authority change
- Mission details panel can now have multiline detail row labels (as well as detail row details)
- The focus bubble now eases between its min and max based on the current dolly value. This should allow for a softer selection of stars to view and less background/foreground clutter
- Moved the confirm (pad X) and auto (pad Y) bindings into the ui controls so they don't conflict with the galaxy maps crane (pad X) and home (pad Y) inputs
- Tweak of the system connections to differentiate the independent jumps from those that depend on your current cargo mass
- Add police tags to response craft, so that they can be killed and count as police kills in the missions system
- Fix a bug causing many duplicate sets of supercruise lines being drawn - it wasn't limiting the rendering to local players ship only
- When flying v fast in Supercruise, don't call UpdateIsland more often than once every 5 seconds (don't bother at all in Solo mode) - reduces load on server
- Reduce time server spends on clean up
- Fixed the Federal Staging Area in i Bootis, it's location was wrong. It's still a bit hard to find, but it should be in a much nicer place
- Filtering the top 5 trades is now done dynamically rather than being baked into the data
- Fixed outfitting menu showing base price rather than the server provided buyPrice
- Actually cache the value use to govern variable consumption rate of data when trying to smooth over multiple frames
Regarding the crashes etc, I have seen a great deal of people say that it is due to the beta release as premium was the same for around a week or so. Any crashes are more likely to be server related so don't let that put you off :)

Disclaimer: This is just what I have read on official forums so may be complete rubbish (I am basing it off posters on the forums who seem to have been around a good while)
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