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Got my HOTAS thrustmaster so did a couple of runs tonight, not making huge amounts (circa 1000 credits) each time using that links web page rather than the app, I am however struggling to dock on the pad more, getting into stations fine but can't get it to register that i'm on the pad.
Got my HOTAS thrustmaster so did a couple of runs tonight, not making huge amounts (circa 1000 credits) each time using that links web page rather than the app, I am however struggling to dock on the pad more, getting into stations fine but can't get it to register that i'm on the pad.

I had that problem for a while but it seems to of sorted itself out, however I'm now getting loads of ctd's and lockups, hopefully the next patch will squash a few more bugs
This morning was tough learning what all the buttons on my X52 Pro do and figuring out game mechanics like silent running, heat, power distribution pips and the like.

I've got all that worked out now and I'm exploiting profitable trade routes and have 20K credits in my bank account :)

Piloting was the easiest part, having some flight sim experience and flying model aircraft probably helps. One thing I really like and am trying to use as often as I can are the directional thrusters, you can do some funky things with it :)
I too remember this from 85, though it was just me who wasted far too long playing it, and just like you Im loving it, a real trip down memory lane and it still even at this early stage feels like Elite.

Would you say its a different animal to original Elite though? Because I doubt anyone played the original Elite more than I, I played it in at least 3 different versions was Elite status at least 2, if not 3 times over and I traded right across all 8 galaxies after which I returned to the 1st, parked up in the spaceport where the game started and hung up my lasers for good.

Is it more than just original Elite with pwetty graphics? Because if its just the same as the original, gameplay wise, I'm not sure I'm interested because I'm done with it, honestly.

It does look damn good though, but thats not enough to sustain me if its too similar.
It certainly evokes the Elite feeling and to me it feels like an updated version, but with the upgrade of a multi-player experience.

I'd recommend watching as many vids on YouTube etc to see if entices you. I've uploaded 3 vids over the past few days, with basic trade runs and I'm still figuring out all the key-binds. I've not even set up my X52 yet :D

Also bought my docking computer, which is a little odd :D

But surely those prices fluctuate?

I don't think they change a significant amount , if at all. I have not seen them change yet since I started playing a few days ago?

I've been doing the cargo missions, which give a LOT more profit/hr then manually trading stock between ports (which I did for a while before finding the missions in the bulletin board), I don't understand why people do trade manually, or does it get more profitable when you get the bigger cargo ships??
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I don't think they change a significant amount , if at all. I have not seen them change yet since I started playing a few days ago?

I've been doing the cargo missions, which give a LOT more profit/hr then manually trading stock between ports (which I did for a while before finding the missions in the bulletin board), I don't understand why people do trade manually, or does it get more profitable when you get the bigger cargo ships??

Prices do change depending on demand.

I trade manually, I was making 110k profit a round trip in my type 6.
looks like my elite career is over :(

my stick has been causing me problems for a while but today i can't seem to fix them.

I feel at the current state, the missions and the fighting just aren't viable routes to obtain the top end hardware. I've made far more money trading then I could ever make doing any of the above.
Oh I don't know. I amassed a whole 8k and had 4k in cargo when interdicted by 4 sidewinders. Suffice to say after 1600 to get the ship back I'm down to just 3k again! :)
Oh I don't know. I amassed a whole 8k and had 4k in cargo when interdicted by 4 sidewinders. Suffice to say after 1600 to get the ship back I'm down to just 3k again! :)

Just keep all pips to engine when trading wait for supercruise to cool (boost couple times while waiting) never get interdicted again..........
I've been doing the cargo missions, which give a LOT more profit/hr then manually trading stock between ports (which I did for a while before finding the missions in the bulletin board), I don't understand why people do trade manually, or does it get more profitable when you get the bigger cargo ships??

I started doing a few cargo missions, but the price offered by the mission-giver for the delivered goods was less than the price on the market.

I may be being a bit dim, but am I missing something?
Oh I don't know. I amassed a whole 8k and had 4k in cargo when interdicted by 4 sidewinders. Suffice to say after 1600 to get the ship back I'm down to just 3k again! :)

As Max has said full pips to engines, boost away and get back into hyperspace, it seems (to me so far) the further you are from the other ships the lower the time penalty required to get into Hyperspace.

I've never been blown up in my Sidewinder when interdicted, I check to see what type of ship has pulled me out and if it's a single Sidewinder I'll see if it's hostile, let if fire first so I don't get a bounty on me then blow it up, otherwise I just get out of there ASAP!

The profit from trading is pretty insane though when you compare it to ship cost and how hard it is to earn cash by combat. The risk v reward is out of step on combat IMO.
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