*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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Now on the long trading haul to get enough to buy a Lakon 9, currently in the Lakon 6 with its 100 tonne capacity. I haven't seen an Anaconda for sale, do you need to do something special to get one, or are they only available in certain locations?
I see a lot of people are waiting for X52 pros so I thought I would try the one I've had sitting in its box since I bought it 2 years ago...WOW it's AWFUL! Even the rare times when it does hold calibration for more than a few minutes it just feels so sloppy and imprecise I just can't use it! I was going to put it on MM but I would feel bad inflicting it on others...Maybe I'm just spoiled by my Warthog.

On the subject of controllers is anyone using pedals? I've tried to use my Saitek pro combat pedals but just can't find use for them in ED...While they are a godsend in sims like DCS I find setting my stick to roll and using the push button option (converts roll to yaw when held down) for yaw much more useful.

an orange line between Dahan and I Bootis

Ah so the orange line denotes demand.
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Ah so the orange line denotes demand.

Yes and by the direction it is travelling you can also see who exports and imports. If you have some stock and don't know where to sell it, you can use this to determine who is importing :)

The below statement from that link is really important and annoying if you forget :D

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How are the mouse and keyboard controls in this? Been looking at the X52/X45 for any good deals in case m+k is rubbish but I loved Freelancers controls with them and it's easier for menu navigation and typing just to use a mouse and keyboard so I'm hoping they aren't rubbish?
I've been considering this but I'm worried about becoming bored before launch. Is there much to do? Any sign of getting bored by doing the same thing? Don't want to spend £50 and be bored by launch at the end of the year.
I was looking for at the x52 pro but £100+ for just the one game was too much do I bought the Speedlink Black Widow. I like it and at Less than £25 it wont break the bank and it is a good stepping stone for a better joystick.
I was looking for at the x52 pro but £100+ for just the one game was too much do I bought the Speedlink Black Widow. I like it and at Less than £25 it wont break the bank and it is a good stepping stone for a better joystick.

That's a cheap price. But for £15 more you could have got a Thrustmaster HOTAS X which has a separate throttle - much more comfortable...
How do you pay fines? I had a 300 credit fine, docked and loaded up, left the station and assumed it would be deducted, but I was wrong, it is still outstanding...
Well I started to give this a proper go today and have currently raked in a whole six and a half grand. :o Most of that came from a simple trade mission from the bulletin board too.

My main negative so far is the lack of traffic in the instances. I'd imagined the space stations to be very busy with human Cmdr's doing their thing, but things are relatively quite in my neck of the galaxy. On the plus side docking a sidewinder is a lot easier than I imagined. Well it was after I tweaked my 360 controller settings. :D
All parts arrived, however to hangover and tiered to sort it out this evening, all though nice surprise getting home, was expecting the we missed you cards.

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