*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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Im finding making CR quite easy, away from trading , using the bulletin board and doing goods delivery's. Meaning that they give me the goods and i deliver to for eg Chango dock... and recieve 3-5k CR each time.

Nice earner if you have a few going at the same time.
Anyone new who fancies chatting to fellow OCUKers whilst playing feel free to jump on our TS, address in sig :)

On the subject of controllers is anyone using pedals? I've tried to use my Saitek pro combat pedals but just can't find use for them in ED...While they are a godsend in sims like DCS I find setting my stick to roll and using the push button option (converts roll to yaw when held down) for yaw much more useful.

Got to admit for 7 years I thought my X52 was fantastic then when it broke and I got a temporary T16000M I realised just how poor the X52 was, yes it's got lots of buttons and a fantastic throttle but the stick itself is fairly poor.

I'm using Saitek Cessna Pro pedals for roll, the toe brakes I'm considering making into switches using deadzones and simply assigning them to the less frequently required functions like radar ranges or something similar.
OK, Voice Attack is brilliant. While my T-Flight HOTAS X has quite a lot of buttons, there are a few often used controles that it just doesn't have quite enough for. So being able to lower the landing gear by saying "gear", or to go to supercruise (ok, I tell it jump because I watched to much of the recent Battlestar Galactica) by saying "jump" is incredible. You get to choose the commands, so you could set it so that it lowers the cargo scoop when you say shoelaces. Equally, because it's only listening out for certain commands there's nothing to stop you adding more to it. "OK computer, jump" sounds like you're talking to it, but it only registers "jump". Adds to the sci-fi immersion though. Squee!
I'll stop gibbering now.
But definitly worth the $8 it costs, even if you only experience it once.

I've not got into any heavy combat, but I'm amazed just how well ED is running on a Pentium Aniversary that's not even overclocked. The early Premium Beta was not fun on it, but Premium Beta 2, and Beta are so far running nicely (from where I've been and what I've done).

Next I'm getting an ED Tracker. I've got the parts and PCB ordered, but putting it together myself (that could prove to be a mistake).

This looks like a console game. Think I will stick to Eve and Star Citizen.
Are you trolling or do you actually think that? Serious question? How come you think a console game? I'd have thought Star Citizen was more so from it's dogfighting, but I'm genuinly interested in what has made you think this about Elite?
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OK, Voice Attack is brilliant. While my T-Flight HOTAS X has quite a lot of buttons, there are a few often used controles that it just doesn't have quite enough for. So being able to lower the landing gear by saying "gear", or to go to supercruise (ok, I tell it jump because I watched to much of the recent Battlestar Galactica)f you only experience it once.
Dont take my credit seabiscuit! its me you got that from cos i keep caalliin out jump when i hear the whoosh! :D:D
Gave up on the combat training, decided to have a nice lazy day trading, had a great time, huge smile on my face, Elite is back, the gfx are better, and I use a spreadsheet for the trades rather than a pen and paper, but it still feels the same, one happy camper this end :p
Cpu in, that was hard work, microatx case, had to take Everything out.
Win8.1 reinstalling aim (shows now long it's been in the wardrobe, plain win8 on it), when I get back from work tomorrow, will have to tidy up remove the big rubbish speakers for the headphones and see how the hell to stick massive joystick on desk, might have to see if screen fits on windows dill but that might be to high.. Hopefully get everything installed tonight.
Like MY processor Glaucus? :D:D

:) no idea, it's installing win8 fine. Should be a darn good upgrade from an e6300.
Harbin galore ;), I'll leave trust in a second.

Would overcooking it help ED? Only girl a gtx280 1GB if that makes a difference.

Edit - just noticed account
Did he sell it with out your permission. :p
:) no idea, it's installing win8 fine. Should be a darn good upgrade from an e6300.
Harbin galore ;), I'll leave trust in a second.

Would overcooking it help ED? Only girl a gtx280 1GB if that makes a difference.

Edit - just noticed account
Did he sell it with out your permission. :p

lol he had my full consent, I was pleased it was going to someone i knew and liked on the forums :D:D
Yay. \0/

But good god these joysticks are big and my desk is narrow. Can't even get a deeper desk. Can barely sit between bed and desk as it is.
My Edtrackers on its way, couldn't be bothered to make it. :D

Think we need a poll for peoples supercruise commands

To infinity and beyond
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