*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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To be Continued:)
The FAQ on the kickstarter homepage has been updated with some interesting information with regards to multiplayer and DRM. A larger update with additional content is due soon.
Wow multiplayer sounds epic.

How does multiplayer work?
You simply play the game, and depending on your configuration (your choice) some of the other ships you meet as you travel around are real players as opposed to computer-controlled ships. It may be a friend you have agreed to rendezvous with here, or it may be another real player you have encountered by chance. All players will be part of a “Pilot’s Federation” – that is how they are distinguished from non-players – so you will be able to tell who is a player and who is a non-player easily.

You will be able to save your position in certain key places (probably just in space stations, but possibly while in hyperspace too, if we feel it is needed). A save-and-quit option will be freely available at those points, as will the subsequent reload, but there will be a game cost for a reload following player death. Your ship will still be intact in the condition it was when the save occurred, but there will be a game currency charge (referred to as an insurance policy) for this. This is to prevent the obvious exploit of friends cooperating and killing each other to get each other’s cargo. If you can’t pay, then it will accumulate as an in-game debt, and the police may chase you!

There are no multiplayer lobbies, and the game will be played across many servers, augmented by peer-to-peer traffic for fast responses. Session creation and destruction happens during the long-range hyperspace countdown and hyperspace effect (which is a few seconds only), so is transparent to the player.

We have the concept of “groups”. They can be private groups just of your friends or open groups (that form part of the game) based on the play styles people prefer, and the rules in each can be different. Players will begin in the group “All” but can change groups at will, though it will be possible to be banned from groups due to antisocial behaviour, and you will only meet others in that group.
Last updated: Wednesday Nov 14, 7:52am EST

Will the game br DRM-free?
Yes, the game code will not include DRM (Digital Rights Management), but there will be server authentication when you connect for multiplayer and/or updates and to synchronise with the server.

Last updated: Wednesday Nov 14, 7:50am EST

How do we plan to address PvP (player vs player) “griefing”?
An obvious danger is an advanced player with a big well-armed ship in a busy system spends their time just picking off beginners, for fun.

To understand how this will be stopped requires a little bit of understanding how real player ships will be treated slightly differently to non-player ships. Players will automatically be part of a “Pilot’s Federation” and will be identified as such, together with their ranking and name. Bounties are paid by this Federation – something that is therefore much higher for those that kill other Federation members. It will be balanced so that this cannot be used as an exploit (so a beginner killing a beginner is taken less seriously than an Elite pilot killing a beginner – it will be based on the ranking difference).

There are four separate ways we will address this:

1. The offender will very quickly get a serious price on their head (bounty) and criminal record. That price on their head will attract bounty hunters.

2. Local police or military will respond very quickly and strongly to them.

3. It will be legitimate for other players to attack them for the attractive bounty without attracting a bounty for themselves, as once there is a bounty on their head they are officially a pirate and ‘free game’ for everyone.

4. If enough players complain about the offender's behaviour in a certain time, then they will be banned from this group.

Last updated: Wednesday Nov 14, 7:52am EST

Will the game br DRM-free?
Yes, the game code will not include DRM (Digital Rights Management), but there will be server authentication when you connect for multiplayer and/or updates and to synchronise with the server.

Last updated: Wednesday Nov 14, 7:50am EST

Speed of Communication
Players will be able to communicate directly with each other. This has to be done instantaneously, otherwise we think it would be very frustrating. Space is truly huge, so an inter-system distance would mean delays of several years or more if we were being realistic!
Last updated: Wednesday Nov 14, 7:50am EST
i really like the penalty for attacking and killing lower players than yourself, It reminds me abit of the mmo Silkroad in that if you murdered somebody you became free game for anyone, People would be messaging other players "High level murderer at blah blah location", Many players would then rush to that location looking to kill the murderer and steel there goods once they had been killed, I see it being very much the same for Elite, Same concept, You just swap the murderer for a Space ship Murderer instead.

Expanding on that you could have "triangulation" gameplay which consists of 3 different players which have a Job title.

Hunter (Trader protector)
Trader (Obviously trader)
Thief (Space Pirate who commits Robbery and Murder of traders and Hunters)

You could have an online global ranking for each of these, Top 100 in each class in the world.

The more a trader trades the more his/her ranking goes up and more money he makes.
The more a hunter protects a trader and kills thiefs the more his/her ranking goes up.
The more a thief commits robbery and murder of trader/hunter his/her ranking goes up.

Once you have the biggest ship and all the upgrades i feel this would keep people playing longer with something actually to do, Will you be a Thief and Hunter or a Trader, You could be all three but only at one time.

And you could only change from one to another while at a specific Station, Real Ingame trading players would then offer high level Hunters money to escort them safely to there destination, The further they go the more money the trader makes, The more risk of being attacked by a Thief but the hunter is there to protect the trader,

What happens if 10 low level thiefs come to try to kill the high level hunter and trader?
What happens if a hunter calls his friend for backup against the thieves?
What happens if the Thieves are too strong and kill and take all, Then lots of hunter arrive and kill all of those and take back the plundered cargo?

Possibiltys are endless......Just an idea!
Where's these new updates?

Can only see the few in FAQ. Like multiplayer and drm.
Or is that all the updates.

He certainly doesn't have kickstarter knowledge.

And after all my bullish bluster early on. These not enough of us oldies and the sale pitch all though improved is still lacking compared to some.
I think the faq is the updates, One of the Devs John Kelly said much earlier today in one of his posts to "Trust him and FD as they have a lot of updates coming soon, a lot of content" He also went along to say that this is like "Calm before the storm" and "there will be more devs providing more information on new game features very soon and a lot more content will be shown shortly"
I've just added my two-pennyworth.

Though I've been following this for decades on the ancient newsgroups. I'm not holding my breath, but it would be wonderful if it did happen.
Fingers crossed this makes it. I have invested quit a fair bit of cash into this, because I have been waiting for it for 20+ years, and you only live once :)
The planet and asteroid field are the game running. The procedurally generated cloud formations later in the video are stunning. You will be able to pass though clouds, when landing on planets.
Where's these new updates?

Can only see the few in FAQ. Like multiplayer and drm.
Or is that all the updates.

He certainly doesn't have kickstarter knowledge.

And after all my bullish bluster early on. These not enough of us oldies and the sale pitch all though improved is still lacking compared to some.

As I was afraid would happen a bit over 400K and it looks like its run out of old fans and doesn't yet have enough of an impact in the mainstream gaming scene to pull in new people. As I pledged more on the basis of the games heritage than with the hope of seeing a new game I will probably up my pledge a bit if convincing new media/publicity comes to light but I can see it struggling to top the 1million mark.
Great video, reminds me of the I-Novae Engine. I wonder if it's licensed?

Some decent updates on Star Citizen as well, lots of great space sims coming out in the next few years!
Rroff, did you watch the above video? Its new and was only released about 30 minutes ago.

Watched it, not that impressed the background reminds me of stuff I was playing with almost 10 years ago (granted I fully understand that the artwork in it is place holder stuff but thats not a good way to show it to the general public) and the explanation of procedural generation was somewhat rough.

One thing that is somewhat more reassuring, tho also a reason its not having the impact on the mainstream gaming scene it could, is that David doesn't promise the earth or hype up features he has no realistic chance of delivering. reading between the lines hes convinced he can live upto the promises of what hes saying hes going to deliver.
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