*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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Had an amazing idea guys, instead of christmas presents ask your familiy to make pledges to Elite instead.

Think you should all buy tickets for the Euro tonight, £120mill jack pot if you win then you could just give him the money :D
X3 has a huge learning curve. I actually much proffered x2 over x3

But yes the series is worth a play. It's a lot smaller than elite though. No millions of stars.

Hmm, start with X3 or X2 you reckon? Im not a fan of games that look dated which Ive not played in the past (i.e. nostalgia factor).
To be honest, I'm all kickstarted out for now. I've funded $280 of projects (Ouya, Planetary Annhilation, Xenonauts and Expeditions) and so far have only had the beta access to Xenonauts and Expeditions. Whilst I don't have any doubts about those projects ability to deliver a final product I'm waiting until I have some firm deliverables from the projects I have funded and hence I'm not backing this.

I probably would buy it if it looked decent once it's released and probably would have backed it if i hadn't done so much already.

A few months ago I wrote a thread about this being a danger (kickstarter saturation): http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18390658

One thing that really leapt out at me when looking at the backers list for Elite was just how many serial-backers there are out there. I was really surprised to see so many people had backed more than just a couple of projects, I thought it would be much more specific depending on the title
From the X series, see if you can get the 'all of them' pack on sale on STEAM. X3:TC was my favourite, but is more story-ish and less snadbox-ish than some of the others. There's also a massive and very active mod community around them too (and I mean proper mods - people have developed entire alternative economic systems including new automated sales ships etc.)
The problem with the X games, is that you just don't feel like you are in a real galaxy with real star systems. You move from one cube of space to another almost flick screen like. The learning curve and combat are horrible too. I just don't feel it for these games at all.
The thing that amazed me about Elite 2 was just how they generated the galaxy out of one floppies worth of data. Incredible.
I appreciate the point of view of those refusing to pledge based on the dearth of media... But this is David Braben and Elite. I still have my copy of 'The Dark Wheel' in my bookshelf! Instapledge.
Looking at the trend it's had as much today as it did yesterday so that's good news, see how things continue to go over the next few days.
Hopefully theyll figure out that this is what you need to do continuously to recruit new backers. Star Citizen is brilliant at it with facebook campaigns, constant updates, releasing the new ID cards, really worthwhile stretch goals (a corvette! yes!) and above all else, a whole lot of comms with the community. This has almost been the complete opposite.
Folks sorry for the Off topic, but regarding X3, there are many versions/expansions it seems, which one should I go with? (Are they expansions or standalones?)
X3 : Terran Conflict, I think you need it installed before you can install and run X3 : Albion Prelude anyway. Steam quite often has the entire series on special.
I don't know why many people are worrying about the goal not being met.

Its 100k short of half a million. Its still got 55 days on the clock. Most kickstarters seem to drag slowly thru the early stages. I'm only gonna start to worry if its only raised £500k with 2 days left.

As with X3, I didn't like it much due to the steep learning curve and, as already described, space felt like rooms with doors to the next room. I never got away from that "boxed in" feeling.
With any luck X: Rebirth shouldn't be far away, hopefully that will remove the "boxed in" feeling of the previous games. I personally like the X series, its been the nearest thing to an Elite game for years.
Agreed, the X series is the closest thing to Elite ... but I too found it hard to overcome the "boxed" feeling to the universe. Killed any suspension of belief for me.
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