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So if I get the CH Throttle, what would pair nicely with it? I see the Thrustmaster T16000M, but combined this is quite a bit more expensive than an X52 currently, but still less than the X55.
The mini sticks allows gradual control of thrusters in more than one direction simultaneously it's a nice touch and yes it makes manoeuvring a lot easier or more precise. Whether that precision is required or not is down to the individual though, I enjoy being able to land perfectly and having that extra precision means station entrances are a doddle as I never over compensate as I do with digital thruster controls - again this is a personal preference.

It's the one thing I'm missing on my stick!

If there was a cheapish simple joystick with an analog hat, I'd be all over it!
Noxia - That's what I've got mate but honestly if the analogue stick throttle control isn't a big deal the throttle on the X52 is nice, I just didn't like the stick movement much although granted that was only after trying other sticks and realising how different they can feel. It may well suit you, if you can get a quite try of one it may be best.

You might be fine with the T16000M and keyboard tbh, I did try it with my N52Te but couldn't get use to not having an analogue throttle in my left hand. The T16000M does have a throttle but it's tiny and poorly placed due to them making it an ambidextrous stick.
I think it's got an mouse nubbin thing somewhere on the throttle but I've no idea if it's something that can be calibrated like normal axis controls can.

Anyone up for an Elite: Dangerous meet up in-game on Sunday evening? We're going to get a few of us together and have a laugh if anyone is, just hop on our Teamspeak around 8:30PM Sunday for shenanigans. :)
I think it's got an mouse nubbin thing somewhere on the throttle but I've no idea if it's something that can be calibrated like normal axis controls can.

It does and as far as i can work out so far it can't but I am far from an expert,

Since Std beta came out ive bearly been able to play due to work and i havent gone too far from the std x55 control scheme which im finding very intuitive now.

I'm very happy with my X55 and would strongly recomend it to anyone.
CH Pro Throttle is the only one I know of mate, don't get too hung up on it though. Seriously it's nice to have but no where near essential!

Must be a joystick out there with an analog HAT surely? Time to hit google!
Edit: Beaten

Argh, now I'm swaying back to X52 again based on value, x55 doesn't have the rudder twist I don't think and if I add pedals as well I'm getting into way too much money.

My Pros for X55 are:

Better? than X52 due to choice of springs and build(?)


Clearly looks like a fighter jet set, not keen on aesthetics
Would probably bug me only using one of the two thrust levers
Quite a bit more expensive
No twist function for rudder/yaw

X52 Pros:

Looks more 'spacey' with LEDS and general aesthetic.
Cheaper by a good bit.
Has twisty bit.

X52 Cons:
Awkward placement of a few buttons on thruster highlighted by earlier video
No changeable springs so best hope I like the default.
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X55 has twist.
Throttle has a button to either stick them together or separate them, so acts as just one throttle.
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You can mod the X52 though to make it a little more stiff etc.

I had one for years, you will get use to it especially if you haven't used another stick for a while.
X55 has twist.
Throttle has a button to wither stick them together or superset them, so acts as just one throttle.

Oh ok that's handy, thank you. I think I just need to order one, see how I get on and go from there, procrastinating too much.
I suppose the main question is, is the X55 worth the extra £70 over the X52 Pro. That's a set of rudder pedals there. Or the Beta I jsut bought and the EDtracker.
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Are they doing something with servers?
Trying to log on and just get "bad request from server"

edit - new client is out, need to go to my account and download it, then re authorise.
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