Just gotta quickly post about how insanely good this game is on the DK2. Really, I bought ED when it was a 100 quid to get into the beta and I tried using my trackir with it - it was fun, but I didnt really have that wow moment with it so I also wanted to try out Gettysburg and MetroLL a couple of other games so it kind of got shelved.
DK2 comes, of course Elite has a good rep so pulled it all out again and good lord, i'm in the cockpit. Massive meteorites are rolling past my window and I am suspended in the middle of an asteroid field. you actually have a sense that you are floating there, surrounded by metal and glass. In the Crimson Triumph scenario its not just trackir (my point of reference for decent head tracking), im actually craning my head to follow him across the screen, trying to pull my nose up to get my guns on him. I actually jumped the first time he shot me, long time since i did that.
Weird thing is - well not so weird i suppose - but flight assist off is great when you have this kind of spatial awareness. You can dance around asteroids using thrusters but in combat a mix seems to work best. The DK2 isnt perfect of course, the rez (for as long as you notice it, about 30 seconds for me) is still not ideal and some people report judder when moving your head - which will be fixed apparently.
But wow, the best is yet to come. Cant wait to get docking and doing some hyper travel. More importantly, cant wait now for the oculus consumer version, which will be a much better piece of equipment and will jsut increase the immersion. The future is here, at last!