*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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Has anyone got the Edtracker? I'm thinking of ordering one as it would be quite neat, though totally geeky. I feel far too geeky for having bought a joystick and throttle.

Currently waiting for mine to turn up, was supposed to of been sent saturday signed for delivery
Just gotta quickly post about how insanely good this game is on the DK2. Really, I bought ED when it was a 100 quid to get into the beta and I tried using my trackir with it - it was fun, but I didnt really have that wow moment with it so I also wanted to try out Gettysburg and MetroLL a couple of other games so it kind of got shelved.

DK2 comes, of course Elite has a good rep so pulled it all out again and good lord, i'm in the cockpit. Massive meteorites are rolling past my window and I am suspended in the middle of an asteroid field. you actually have a sense that you are floating there, surrounded by metal and glass. In the Crimson Triumph scenario its not just trackir (my point of reference for decent head tracking), im actually craning my head to follow him across the screen, trying to pull my nose up to get my guns on him. I actually jumped the first time he shot me, long time since i did that.

Weird thing is - well not so weird i suppose - but flight assist off is great when you have this kind of spatial awareness. You can dance around asteroids using thrusters but in combat a mix seems to work best. The DK2 isnt perfect of course, the rez (for as long as you notice it, about 30 seconds for me) is still not ideal and some people report judder when moving your head - which will be fixed apparently.

But wow, the best is yet to come. Cant wait to get docking and doing some hyper travel. More importantly, cant wait now for the oculus consumer version, which will be a much better piece of equipment and will jsut increase the immersion. The future is here, at last!
I'm using the Hog at home which is perfect. For the laptop or work i'm using the Logitech Extreme 3D pro which has a throttle, yaw and hat and covers all I need for basic needs when away from my home base.
You could get something as cheap as the Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS X, there are quite a lot of people that use this just fine, it seems like it is better value for money and means you don't have to fork out £150 for a single game.

Wait a minute... £150 for one game!! What the heck are you guys buying! Are your controls gold freakin' plated or something :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Anyway as for the joystick yeah it looks nice and everything but that on top of the cost for the game is like £70... once release arrives I'll get the game and see how I go using mouse and keyboard I'm just not in a position to pay that kind of money.

I won't be popular for saying this but as an ex-X52 owner I'd say keep the money and save up for a Warthog, X55 or pick and mix your peripherals as I have. The X52 was released in 2004, you are buying old technology which over the years has tended to require mods to make it work the way people really want it to. The fact you see mods for springs etc really isn't a good start on what is meant to be a precision bit of kit.

Don't get me wrong I loved my X52, but would I buy it or a pro now? Not a hope in hell. There are simply too many cheaper alternatives around and more options if you're willing to look and consider mixing and matching. Lastly the X55 is a bit step up and frankly worth the money.

I absolutely loved my X52 throttle but the stick was (Even modded) average at best.

Are you a flight sim enthusiast? I really can't see the average user having complaints on what to them will be a 'premium' piece of equipment.
Just gotta quickly post about how insanely good this game is on the DK2. Really, I bought ED when it was a 100 quid to get into the beta and I tried using my trackir with it - it was fun, but I didnt really have that wow moment with it so I also wanted to try out Gettysburg and MetroLL a couple of other games so it kind of got shelved.

DK2 comes, of course Elite has a good rep so pulled it all out again and good lord, i'm in the cockpit. Massive meteorites are rolling past my window and I am suspended in the middle of an asteroid field. you actually have a sense that you are floating there, surrounded by metal and glass. In the Crimson Triumph scenario its not just trackir (my point of reference for decent head tracking), im actually craning my head to follow him across the screen, trying to pull my nose up to get my guns on him. I actually jumped the first time he shot me, long time since i did that.

Weird thing is - well not so weird i suppose - but flight assist off is great when you have this kind of spatial awareness. You can dance around asteroids using thrusters but in combat a mix seems to work best. The DK2 isnt perfect of course, the rez (for as long as you notice it, about 30 seconds for me) is still not ideal and some people report judder when moving your head - which will be fixed apparently.

But wow, the best is yet to come. Cant wait to get docking and doing some hyper travel. More importantly, cant wait now for the oculus consumer version, which will be a much better piece of equipment and will jsut increase the immersion. The future is here, at last!
Is there enough resolution to read all the text clearly?
Is there enough resolution to read all the text clearly?

Yup. I can look at the two panels and cycle through them no probs. The comms writing is a tad small and difficult to read but thats the only problem ive had so far. You can of course lean in and read stuff and there seems to be a centre spot in your vision which has good clarity.

Sweet mate, B0ne on out teamspeak would probably want a chat his is coming any day :D

Ill try and pop on, still havent sorted out VA 100% and MP is next!
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Yup. I can look at the two panels and cycle through them no probs. The comms writing is a tad small and difficult to read but thats the only problem ive had so far. You can of course lean in and read stuff and there seems to be a centre spot in your vision which has good clarity.

I guess it must be like playing in 720p? Isn't that what each eye is sort of getting sort of in reality?

ie: Your entire vision is 1920x1080 and then that's split across your two eyes?
First comedy death last night, forgot to get docking clearance before entering Aulin Enterprise, panicked and then turbo'd straight into the wall whilst trying to leave before the countdown. Didn't lose too much fortunately :D
Did anyone else increase the FOV? I had to max it out to see better, I'm playing a bit too close to a 27" monitor.
Are you a flight sim enthusiast? I really can't see the average user having complaints on what to them will be a 'premium' piece of equipment.

No I've never been massively into flight sims, love my space games though! Whilst I'd agree most wouldn't complain that should stop us offering advice when one device is worse value for money than another. It's up to the person with the wallet which they go for after all, the X52 is a perfectly good HOTAS but like every other one it has it's problems and if someone has never used a better quality stick (I am focusing on the stick here) then they won't realise just how different they can feel and how a stick like the X52 can make a game feel more difficult than a cheaper one like the T.16000M which is far more user friendly but obviously lacks a separate throttle and a lot of functionality.

Honestly having used a range of sticks the X52 looks decent, has a great throttle but the stick itself is so floppy and poor that it can put people off playing games, they blame the game but the problem is really the stick - hence the number of users who modify their X52s.
That's interesting because I had the problem with Cyborg, I know it's a cheaper one but because of how stiff it was I would always be overshooting on games and could never manage delicate manoeuvres. I absolutely agree with giving advice, I was just making sure it wasn't coming from someone who was a hardcore enthusiast and was playing down a peripheral that is generally fine for the average player or newcomers :)
You have made me reconsider though and think about the X55.
That's interesting because I had the problem with Cyborg, I know it's a cheaper one but because of how stiff it was I would always be overshooting on games and could never manage delicate manoeuvres. I absolutely agree with giving advice, I was just making sure it wasn't coming from someone who was a hardcore enthusiast and was playing down a peripheral that is generally fine for the average player or newcomers :)
You have made me reconsider though and think about the X55.

I had a Cyborg FLY 5 and the spring/movement was very stiff - especially near the centre of the range of movement. That made manoeuvring very tricky.

I've got a Thrustmaster HOTAS X now and it's a lot easier to manoeuvre with that.
I guess it must be like playing in 720p? Isn't that what each eye is sort of getting sort of in reality?

ie: Your entire vision is 1920x1080 and then that's split across your two eyes?

Yeah basically, thats the impression I get anyway. THe massive difference of course that negates that almost completely, is the ability to look around and get a real sense of depth. When the clarity is there (CV model) its going to be another step beyond, but right now its still mind blowing.

One thing I would say is that I had not played much ED beforehand so have nothing to compare it to - I wonder if i might have noticed the graphical difference more if i'd been playing in crystal clear clarity beforehand? Still, it seems to stop being an issue very quickly as youre flying around.
That does look tempting for the price, just not sure it has enough buttons on it (correct if wrong) where as the X52/55 have a lot and should eliminate the need to even touch the keyboard.
If you can Noxia try out the sticks especially before buying, it's incredible the difference between them and different people will prefer different sticks, if not check out some you-tube videos for comparisons.

^^ This guy has a similar opinion to me on most sticks from what I've seen, he's also just an average guy giving honest opinions but even if you aren't interested in Saitek or CH stuff he gives you some things to consider, like positioning and utility on throttles etc. I won't deny that he influenced me enough to stop me getting an X55 and opt for the individual peripherals that I actually liked and had tried.
I'd love to but there are literally no places that sell them near me. I'm being drawn in by the pretty lights on the X52 Pro! Budget isn't too much of an issue, and I intend to order from the Rainforest as they have absolutely no quibbles in returning stuff. I may order a selection just to try out tbh.
Will watch video when not at work. I'd much prefer a separate throttle though I know this much.

Thanks for the tip on the turning sweet spot too, will try again tonight.
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