Why do people say this? It isn't remotely like eve at all. It's not even an MMO. It's also fps style rather than clicky button.
Every single thing he said is 'exciting' about the project, every single feature, etc. Eve already has.
Elite was ground breaking, exciting and revolutionary.. In 1984. It now needs something more i my opinion - Other games have already done what he is aiming for a long time ago.
As much as I loved the original Elite, and sequel - To me, it sounds like he wants to make Eve.. Which, for obvious reasons, hardly gets me too excited at this point - 9 years after it has already been made.
If Eve was ANYTHING like Elite i would have been all over it. But it isnt, so I wasnt. Cant see where the comparison is at all, other than theyre both based in space.
Having Pretty graphics means very little...Hopefully that video will stop the whiners from whining!
Look how detailed Mars is in this video!!
there's a lot of stuff that hasn't been done before.