*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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What exactly in that video has not been done before?

I don't think heat has been done before. Yes x/eve ect have heat on weapons that damage modules your ship. But don't massively give away your dog fight.

Has any game got anything similar to the way multiplayer works, I haven't seen any game with something similar to that.

As far as I know elite is the only game series with huge number of star systems you can visit. Ok done in previuse version of elite. But not replicated in a long time. Eve has what ~6000, x doesn't even number headreds.
I don't think heat has been done before. Yes x/eve ect have heat on weapons that damage modules your ship. But don't massively give away your dog fight.

Has any game got anything similar to the way multiplayer works, I haven't seen any game with something similar to that.

As far as I know elite is the only game series with huge number of star systems you can visit. Ok done in previuse version of elite. But not replicated in a long time. Eve has what ~6000, x doesn't even number headreds.

Heat is just a mechanism to show where conflict is. It's not different from WvW in GW2 showing you where the battles are - just renamed.

And Infinity demonstrates a stupid amount of systems. I am presuming you've seen that.

The problem with Infinity and Elite is we'll have all those asteroids and we won't be able to interact with them. :( I want to blow them up.

I know I am naysaying here and I really want Elite to work but there is nothing really to show for all that work he is alleged to have done. And when you look at how bad their financial situation is and his reputation. Well I am not as confident as I would love to be. But I dearly hope he proves me wrong because, well it's Elite!
Braben really can't win :rolleyes:, he releases a video showing a game that is in a far more advanced state than anyone thought. It's clearly the start of a series of dev vidoes which will show other stuff. He has already shown the cloudscapes and has been talking about procedurally generating landscapes which differ greatly (section about national parks in the procgen video) which is a huge hint to planet landings. Mining asteroids, seemless planetary landings are all going to be there much as they were in Frontier.

All the negativity with regards to the companies finacing etc seem to have all started from that one forum post.
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I think this will be a great game but the kickstarter is going along as a snails pace. Maybe it will pick up in the last week but it's a bit worrying at the moment. The videos show something that is quite far into development, you would think that would give the kickstarter a nice boost.
so if this doesnt get the cash , what happens to what they have done so far I dont get it lol
Absolutely loved Elite and Frontier, was always going to pitch in, but between the latest video and the new pledge rewards, well I'm in for £100 to get the physical collectors edition and access to the beta. This is the first Kickstarter thingy I've ever done as well.

The original games gave me so much happiness through my childhood that I don't care about whatever risk is involved, if I lose the money then I'm happy at taking the chance on Elite 4 being made.

Fingers crossed it makes it.
New video looks good, but there's a lot more I want to see of it. I loved Elite: Frontier.

My fondest memories are browsing the jobs boards and looking for clues to secrets hidden in faraway systems.

Might up my pledge if they struggle to hit the target.
Braben really can't win :rolleyes:, he releases a video showing a game that is in a far more advanced state than anyone thought. It's clearly the start of a series of dev vidoes which will show other stuff. He has already shown the cloudscapes and has been talking about procedurally generating landscapes which differ greatly (section about national parks in the procgen video) which is a huge hint to planet landings. Mining asteroids, seemless planetary landings are all going to be there much as they were in Frontier.

All the negativity with regards to the companies finacing etc seem to have all started from that one forum post.

Advanced state? You could knock that out in something like Unity in short order. Hopefully, he will show more. He is talking about stuff but not showing it. I will be very happy when he shows it.

Let's be honest what has he shown:

Two ships flying in what looks like a realistic dimension fight. Why is this relevant? Because they didn't jitter about therefore indicating there was no lack of precision which means that they have implemented the code from the off to be 64 bit to allow the precision needed to model a galaxy.

Now he claims they have always had some skeleton crew working on these ideas. Which begs the question to me if they have had a few years of 2-3 people putting 10 hrs per week in then why have they not achieved the same as one person who does the following after finishing a fulltime job:

If you mean by that one forum post being the one I made then yes I do think it is pretty relevant when a company with over 275 people shows a balance of that amount when they have nothing actively being developed because if I was in that position I would be bricking myself how I was going to keep everyone paid and the studio open which is why I think such a poor start was made to the kickstarter.

Does that mean Braben can't pull it off. Of course not but let's be realistic here this is a task that has not been done before, is absolutely immense and has some major major technical challenges to actually even get some of the stuff promised working and working well eg seamless space to planet transition.

That is why am I am sceptical because I fully appreciate the complexity of what he is proposing and because after this time he seems to have less to show for it than other people following down the same path.

Got more info on that? What is supposed to be done so far?


All he has said is a very non-specific skeleton crew working on "procedural techniques". Whether he means the galaxy generation, LOD for the planets etc then your guess is as good as mine and I presume to be a feature in a new dev update maybe. (Nate as an aside keep meaning to ask you - do you play Steel Beasts - I've been looking into it and you are the most likely candidate on here to play).
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He's said working on the underlying systems, he also said that from the start, in the BBC np news video that was released same day as kickstarter launch.
He's said they've got the procedural stuff working, the multiplayer connections/servers etc working and other underlying processes.
In the same bbc video you can see the game running in the background.
Then why not show it? That Josh Parnell bloke doing that Limit Theory has got more to show for just 3 months work (although he appears not to use realistic distances from his video).
Xordium, fundamentally what are you saying? That the game doesn't exist, they have no intention of ever making it, and that its all a big scam. The dev video was just something knocked up to help the funding along?
Having Pretty graphics means very little...

It having great gameplay that counts

But then again the amount of people that spend hours playing with 3dmark I may be wrong :D.....:D........:D

Ive been playing games since around 1981 almost everyday till 2012 so i am aware of gameplay over graphics.

if you know anything about Mars you will know about Valles Marineris which is what i was referring to.

You can clearly see it on the Planet although i do think the Planet in the game is Saturn within the Sol system as it has rings around it but does have the appearance of Mars.
Xordium, fundamentally what are you saying? That the game doesn't exist, they have no intention of ever making it, and that its all a big scam. The dev video was just something knocked up to help the funding along?

No, I am not saying that what I am saying is that we should judge this on what we have seen. The simple fact is if a politician made the same claims without any real evidence behind them then General Discussion would be ripping them apart and going lolpoliticians etc.

What I am saying is someone is selling a dream I am not wholly convinced they can deliver. I am sceptical when someone tells me they've been working on something for years but they have to show something that is akin to a grad student project and considerably less than other teams with less staff/time have produced when pursuing broadly the same goal. I am sceptical when the financial situation of the company calls for drastic measures. And also some of the things I have heard about Braben do not bode well.

What I think is Frontier are in a financial mess. This is there last hope and I am not sure they can deliver a decent product let alone a worthy successor.

I am also openly saying I would love to be proved wrong.. ;)
But you're pledging to build the game, the game's not built yet.

How do you show of underlying techniques. Like the programming for multiplayer, or the code for massive procedural generation?

Also they where not prepared for kickstarter. I made the same mistake I thought the. Name would get the funding needed, and it looked good for the first 24hours.
Now they realize there's not enough info and are rushing out videos etc.
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