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Bah i went to this system and it had a shipyard it took me FOREVER to reach it was like 149,999 away it was a big system. Anyhow i thought it might be a jam packed shipyard and equipment place but nope. :(

Anyhow with the trouble of getting there and seeing as it has a cobra mk3 i just bought that.

Ok so now i need a loadout for this it seems. :/

Sry about mucking u all about, didnt mean to.
Dude cobra is awesome. Get gimballed beams and cannons on that biatch. Your main expense is going to be a good FSD and power plant, followed by a power distributor and thrusters. Wedge as much cargo space in as you can and go nuts.
I have a E4 shield gen i can buy without going over power deployed a D3 but for some reason the message when i click buy and it asks me if i wana replace the E4 it says "reduces module performance". So im confused as if i should buy it or not.

Really i need a better power plant but dunno where one near me is.
Shield cell banks, are these automatic or do you need to press somit for them to work? I put one on but no idea what do with it.
You have to activate them manually; if you go into controls you can bind a hotkey for this function, which I highly advise you do (along with chaff if you have it).
You have to activate them manually; if you go into controls you can bind a hotkey for this function, which I highly advise you do (along with chaff if you have it).

Just got my Vulture. What a ship... Still need to spend another 10m on it to max it out I think. lol. Still though, I am finding it easier bounty hunting than my maxed out Viper.

After I kit it out I will save 20-30m and get a fully kitted ASP to go out primarily for exploring. Not sure I enjoy trading in this game, though I did enjoy it a lot playing Freelancer back in the day.
Just got my Vulture. What a ship...
I've heard so much about this ship, think I'll treat myself to one once I get back from my current exploration trip :)

Speaking of which, I highly recommend you take up your suggestion and plan a trip of your own!
I have a E4 shield gen i can buy without going over power deployed a D3 but for some reason the message when i click buy and it asks me if i wana replace the E4 it says "reduces module performance". So im confused as if i should buy it or not.

Really i need a better power plant but dunno where one near me is.

That's because a class 3 power plant is smaller. An A rated class 3 might be better than an E rated class 4, but really you want the A4 when you can afford it. Until then go nuts and just try to keep your build close to your power limit (remember to set your module priorities up). A high tech system will be more likely to have the goodies you want. I do most of my shopping in zaonce at Ridley Scott station
So... Items have a CLASS and a RATING.
Class = Number / Size.
Rating = Letter / Quality.

If you CAN equip a Class 4 FSD for example, even an E rated Class 4 FSD Drive will give you more performance than any Class 3.

The only exception to this is Power Plants in trading vessels. There A rated wins as long as it's "enough".

Check your cargo racks... In a Class 4 slot you can equip any cargo rack up to Class 4... But why would you go with a 2, 4 or 8 cargo rack when you can have a 16 slot in a class 4?

Same as power plants, power dist, FSD, Thrusters etc.
Always go for the max Class, then as good a rating as you can afford.

Priority for me:
-FSD (so you can get places!)
-Power Planet (so you can equip more things)
-Power Dist (so your weaps recharge quicker, can boost more often)
-Other gubbins inc weaps etc. Shields if combat.

Shield cells need activated manually.

In terms of Module priority, a quick google got this simple guide:
Thanks that helped a lot.

Found a nice system and yep high tech and it had quite a few a4 things in. Cost me most of my 6.5mill i had left tho. Got 1.2mill left iirc but the insurance cost says its 240k which i suppose i now have 4 chances if i die i suppose.

Hope this link works if not ill put a pic up.


Just select beta insurance at the bottom as its what i have, doesnt seem to be saved in the url that option.

Is that a ok setup?
Module priority means that if your deployed power usage is more than the power plant can supply, you can select which modules are the first to be shut off. So you want things like fuel scoops, your FSD etc to be in the highest number (lowest priority) since you won't be using them in combat anyway. This is only really necessary if your total power usage is higher than what your power plant can supply though. It is handy if your desired loadout uses more than your current plant offers while you save up for a better one.
Thanks that helped a lot.

Found a nice system and yep high tech and it had quite a few a4 things in. Cost me most of my 6.5mill i had left tho. Got 1.2mill left iirc but the insurance cost says its 240k which i suppose i now have 4 chances if i die i suppose.

Hope this link works if not ill put a pic up.


Just select beta insurance at the bottom as its what i have, doesnt seem to be saved in the url that option.

Is that a ok setup?

I would drop the docking computer and life support and put a shield booster/chaff/point defense in the spare utility hardpoints and more cargo in the internals.
That's good - Although I'd ditch the docking computer ;)

If wanting to cargo with some combat on the side, ditch the shield cell bank, just run away if shields low :)

Sensors and Life Support I always have at D. Lightest / lower power use and sensors are enough at D for me... They do not affect Gimballed weaps.
Only had my canopy blow once so never needed more than D life supp.

Prsonally I'd work towards A shields and if wanting to cargoness...

Burst lasers will drain capacitor quicker, has the same effect on shields as pulse lasers but better damage to hull I think.

Remember to use the KWS :D Can double the amount you get for wanted targets.
(Or make you get something at all in Anarchy systems)
Don't bother using it in conflict zones tho.

Viper is cheaper and more effective for combat only.

Point Defence is only for once shields down now - As Missiles no longer do good dmg to shields.
And in general for game mechanics:
From http://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDanger...mic_state_and_code_poisoning_the_well_or_how/

No mass disruption

FSD to hyperdrive cannot experience mass disruption. This means that if you find yourself in a pinch you can escape. Most people will simply try to navigate and lock a destination while in combat. There is a better way. Before you head out to a dangerous area, plot a single jump to a nearby system. In supercruise you can unlock your destination and choose a new one. If you get interdicted, your system plot will automatically reengage.

ex. You jump into Lave. Immediately plot a route to Leesti. Unlock your destination and choose Lave Station. Now you're flying to Lave Station and S7 interdicts you. When you submit, you'll have Leesti already set as your destination. Now just pip to shields and boost away while charging.

Nearly 100% escape rate.

Here's the big one that many of you will recognize as a favorite tactic of CODE, I mean our's. CODE doesn't use exploits or grief.

Teleporting and the no wing cooldown bug

In a wing, if both players are in normal space, when player 1 drops his beacon and player 2 has player 1 nav locked, upon charging their FSD player 2 will be teleported directly to player 1 regardless of distance.

The other half is that the second to last player to leave a wing (3rd person in a wing of 4) drops the remaining player out of the wing with no cooldown (can immediately join another wing).

How is this used?

A wing flies in supercruise and is either interdicted or interdicts a player. The wing immediately disbands and the last player (predetermined) is invited to a waiting wing of 3. While those players nav lock the aforementioned, the original wing drops beacons. The new wing can now teleport to the original wing. In less than 15 seconds 7 players allied dropped into a single instance (numbers sound familiar?). In just a few more seconds the remaining members of the original wing will come off of wing cooldown and can do the same trick for 3 more wings (up to an additional 9 players) in 30 seconds.

What does this all mean for traders.

With our "secrets" revealed, there is no reason you should fall to piracy unless you actively make yourself a target.

Get yourself a wing either 3 traders or just some random guy to be your "escort". Hell I'll even escort you myself. Player 2 (the trader) sits in regular space at the origin station. Player 1 (the escort) jumps to the next system and SCs to the destination station while Player 2 plots a route to the destination system and gets out of mass lock. Player 1 upon arrival drops beacon and Player 2 teleports directly to the destination station without ever entering supercruise. Beyond the 0% risk of piracy, imagine the time this could save. As you sell/buy, Player 1 is making his way to the next station.
Going to go out on my first exploration expedition tonight.
Seeing how far I can get in my top of the line Adder.

Ideally I need to find a load of stuff, and then get back before the Alliance exploration community goal finishes! (a week left IIRC)

Generic question though, why would I want an ASP over an Adder for exploring?
If I max out the Adder I get a decent jump range (20LY with weapons) and all the exploration essentials, both types of scanners, decent fuel scoop and a field maintanence module. What would the ASP give me over that, apart from a better looking ship
36+ LY jump range.

When travelling 1000's of LY, that extra 15LY makes a BIG difference.
Not only less jumps to get where you want but more direct routes possible so a double saving.

If in a rush to get home? Nearly twice as quick.

EDIT - If you just jump until out of inhabited space, weapons just reduce jump range.
I had shields but didn't need them on the way back.
As long as you jump/jump/jump until 300LY away from inhabited space, you'll never see another ship so weaps are useless, shields may help on way back if hanging around stars too long.

Another reason to get the biggest scoop you can... Vulnerable time = Scooping.
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