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Ive just returned from a short exploration run, only got 1000ly from Sol, only earned about 8mill in exploration credits from it. I did it by picking somewhere random on the galaxy map and letting the route planner get me there, most of the jumps seemed to be of the 5-8ly range, is there a way to set it to do the least stops and use your max range where possible?
pantbash - Sensors are only for allowing other ships/stations/cargo to be targeted.
That's it.
Makes no difference to exploring, that's just the scanners.

I used 3D shields last trip - Handy if you do get interdicted next to a star...
But next trip I'm not going to use any.

Just going to use a bigger scoop and jump 600LY non-stop before then taking time to look at things.
If there's another ship on the radar, just jump.
Keep jumping until no ships seen for a few jumps.

Then shields are just extra weight and entirely useless - Unless you are taking screenshots in asteroid belts!
Then 3D shields do the job :D And only weigh 2 tonnes.

Darryn - Select "Fastest route" in the gal map, nav tab.
I'll also be using a cargo rack next explo trip too so I can set it to having some cargo.
Means I can jump at 80% of max range which saves fuel and can jump for longer.
No probs and the Federal Corvette :)

Ah yeah, I was thinking about that being my next ship or the Python. I can't seem to make my mind up but the mindless grind was doing my head in so took a break for a while, that and the new Dragon Age DLC got to me.

Is there any date for the release?
I decided to remove the cargo hold from my vulture as I only intend to do bounty hunting with it. The strange thing is, even though I do not have a cargo hold no more, in my module there is still a cargo hatch there which is on and takes up quite a bit of power. Is this normal?

I have disabled it for now and not seen any changes. Power management is very important on vulture it seems, as there is not enough available, even though it has only 2 weapons.
I disable the hatch with all of my ships.

Really not needed unles you need to scoop or have an emergency brake.
It will half your speed pretty quick if you are careering into a station ;)
Great. I will be doing the same. Probably only time I will need cargo hatch is when I get a t7 or t9 down the line if I fancy trading.

By the way, is trading still the best was to make money? I was going to get the t6, but it feels like it would be a waste as it is the smallest. Rather do bounty hunting and make the same-ish money from that. Or is it that the t6 is more than big enough to go for rares and make a big profit like that?
Great. I will be doing the same. Probably only time I will need cargo hatch is when I get a t7 or t9 down the line if I fancy trading.

By the way, is trading still the best was to make money? I was going to get the t6, but it feels like it would be a waste as it is the smallest. Rather do bounty hunting and make the same-ish money from that. Or is it that the t6 is more than big enough to go for rares and make a big profit like that?

My T9 makes about 1.2mill every 8min or so on a bog standard trade route.
Fairly dull though :D
My T9 makes about 1.2mill every 8min or so on a bog standard trade route.
Fairly dull though :D
8 minutes?? Nice. Takes me an hour on average via bounty hunting to make that kinda credits. lol. Problem is bounty hunting can be random, you can get many smaller ships thrown at you for a while, then it can go crazy and then get many anaconda, pythons etc.

In that 8 minute run you do, how much would a T7 if you can guestimate?
Not sure I enjoy trading in this game, though I did enjoy it a lot playing Freelancer back in the day.
Trading in Freelancer was naff - Once you'd visited each station in-game (or just edited your .ini file), you automatically got a list of the best prices and they never ever changed. You just ground away either on the big long runs, or found a short hop that was profitable enough for you to make more Cr/min than the long runs.
I played on several online servers and very rapidly became one of the richest players on each. Kinda boring when you have many billions of credits and nothing left to buy...
In that 8 minute run you do, how much would a T7 if you can guestimate?

That is with my 500T T9, Gold @1400 profit one way, something else @1000 the other way.

So a T7 should be around 500k per return trip, assuming its fully kitted out with cargo racks.

The run might be closer to 10min on average, but it is there or there abouts timing wise.
Trading in Freelancer was naff - Once you'd visited each station in-game (or just edited your .ini file), you automatically got a list of the best prices and they never ever changed. You just ground away either on the big long runs, or found a short hop that was profitable enough for you to make more Cr/min than the long runs.
I played on several online servers and very rapidly became one of the richest players on each. Kinda boring when you have many billions of credits and nothing left to buy...

I never played it that much to notice such things. It was played purely offline on two occasions many years apart.

I just loved the whole feel of the game. Still have fond memories of it and think for it's time it was a better game than elite is today. Elite needs to add a story campaign in there or something. Only so much trading bounty hunting one can do.

The missions in elite right now seem pointless and not immersive, they are low paying, kind of confusing at times to. Go find and kill this person, but it may take ages to find, the reward is not worth it either.

That is with my 500T T9, Gold @1400 profit one way, something else @1000 the other way.

So a T7 should be around 500k per return trip, assuming its fully kitted out with cargo racks.

The run might be closer to 10min on average, but it is there or there abouts timing wise.

Ah cool. Once I get a ASP and give exploring a wirl, T7 will be my next ship then :)
I made a massive mistake last night when buying my ASP

I switched from a fully loaded Vulture and I don't think I am ready for exploring yet.

My mistake was selling it and not remembering where I bought one from... LOL

So stuck with it for a while.
Vultures should be available at most high population "high tech" systems.

Leesti definitely has them :)
I made a massive mistake last night when buying my ASP

I switched from a fully loaded Vulture and I don't think I am ready for exploring yet.

My mistake was selling it and not remembering where I bought one from... LOL

So stuck with it for a while.

I intend on keeping my Vulture. But come to think about it, is it worth keeping ships at an early point in the game when cash is still tight?
I've seen a few vultures at high tech places too. Arnt they about 6-7 mill each? I hear their sounds are very nice.
4.8mil, maybe 4.9 I think it was. Certainly not much change from 5mil when I bought one the other day.

Leesti definitely has them :)
You sure?
I was out near Lave the other day when I decided to switch from my Asp to a Vulture - IIRC, Leesti was the one that only had the Fer de Lance and I distinctly recall having to go one or two systems over to.... oh, what was the name.... Milideptuii, or something... ended in a double 'i', definitely....
Ah yeah, I was thinking about that being my next ship or the Python. I can't seem to make my mind up but the mindless grind was doing my head in so took a break for a while, that and the new Dragon Age DLC got to me.

Is there any date for the release?

Sometime in April I believe. I have almost 400M in assets, so hopefully enough for the ship and some upgrades.

I was quite happy doing the grind in fairness and would take a break and go on missions or even just exploring. I have my name on a few systems and one Earth like planet. I dropped out of the game when I flogged the Titans and bought the 290X.... It was a bit of a mess with flickering no matter what I tried and then the Titan Xs came along and I did loads of benching and reviews, so no time for gaming :(

On it again now though and when this week of 14:00 to 22:00 is over, I will have more time.
Dunno how or why but I was on utube looking at cobra mk3 stuff and found this video where the NPC he is fighting is called Duane dibbly. Now dunno but I wonder if the devs are fans of the cat from red dwarf. If not then a spooky coincidence.


The game engine uses real life commanders names for NPCs. There's me and you floating around out there fighting other people somewhere. Only the ones with CMDR in their names are the REAL, real people :)
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