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I'm currently at 45M Cr in a T7 (total assets that is), making about 650-700K trading per round trip... which takes about 10-15 mins. I don't think I can do much better than that really. Just wondering whether to jump to a Python when I can afford it so as to increase my tonnage slightly, or keep going until I can afford a T9... although they are rather unwieldy so I've heard.
Python. No question.
My favourite ship :)

Don't have one at the moment, but am getting it back "Soon" :D

Also - I found the T9 good albeit a pig to fly - Conda much, much better.
Python. No question.
My favourite ship :)

Don't have one at the moment, but am getting it back "Soon" :D

Also - I found the T9 good albeit a pig to fly - Conda much, much better.
T7 was a bit iffy at first, coming from the Cobra, but I got used to it. I've seen the T9 coming in to the stations though, and it BARELY fits!!
T7 was a bit iffy at first, coming from the Cobra, but I got used to it. I've seen the T9 coming in to the stations though, and it BARELY fits!!

You get used to it.
I am fairly confident at entering the dock at full speed in my T9 now.

Muscle memory from a billion trade runs.
(Only need 15mill more and I can afford a Tradeconda)
What kinda money do you guys make when you do RSE runs and how long does the average session take for you? Im just wondering if im just at a crap RSE or not. I tried to go to another ringed body which was much bigger than the one i usually go to but there was zero RSE at it at all and i went all away around and checked.

I think i might try find a diff high tech system that has a station a lot closer to the ringed body as atm the one im at is like planet here and theres about 7 things under then the station i go to.
What kinda money do you guys make when you do RSE runs and how long does the average session take for you?

Depends how fast the ships come at me and what they are.
My current one used to be great - Anacondas and Pythons a'plenty, with even the cops bringing a 'Conda in occasionally!!
Lately it's just been Vipers, Cobras, Sideys and Eagles.

I keep going until I run out of ammo, which is usually about 20mins to half an hour.
Money depends on the ships, so anywhere between 300k and 700k.
What kinda money do you guys make when you do RSE runs and how long does the average session take for you? Im just wondering if im just at a crap RSE or not. I tried to go to another ringed body which was much bigger than the one i usually go to but there was zero RSE at it at all and i went all away around and checked.

I think i might try find a diff high tech system that has a station a lot closer to the ringed body as atm the one im at is like planet here and theres about 7 things under then the station i go to.

It's called a RES (Resource Extraction Site) and you find them on metal rich rings. You can look for the metal rich rings in the system view from another system (if available) when you click on the planet description

If you are in-system them just hit 1 and go to the Navigation tab - look down the right hand list of places to visit in the system and if there any there, they will be listed here, you do not need to go hunting for them.

I can make over a million Cr easily in a single session (over 2 million when not butting heads with overloaded Anacondas while in my battered Cobra) before having to re-arm

(edit to add: )
For some reason if you load a new game in a system with a RES or two and you are in the station, it will not list them. You need to launch and look again, then they will be listed. They do stay for the session though, so you can list them when subsequently docked.
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I just managed to get access to the SOL system, which is cool, saw a capital ship missed the warning not to get too close and managed to get away with 34% hull left :) any other game this would have annoyed me but this one is just fun
Just had the best time in the usual RSE i go to as lookin around it seemed i was in the better system so hoped the random spawn gen was just being a bit crap the first few times and today i go in and theres a fair few big bounties in the system and came one after another i think i got a python a clipper and loads of federal drop ships that were wanted. I think the first one i killed gave me 174k bounty. Made about 500k in about 30-40 mins. :)

I would have done more but i was getting a bit worn out with all the action lol.

When warping home tho i was indirected just as i was about to go to normal space for the station i go to. Bloody ship. It was a viper i dunno what skill he was at but managed to get my shields down a bit but not all the way more like half. I popped a shield cell so was ok. Not sure i needed to do it but better safe than sorry i guess. Killed him as no time to scan for more money from extra bounties if he had any. Shame but meh the little sucker got what he deserved.

Would have been a cooler story if it wasnt solo play lol but ah well still interesting for me i guess.

Also about the large ships i was facing a lot of the times my weapons wouldnt work during a fight and its really starting to annoy me. Mainly my lazers. I have the energy there aimed at the ship im close like under 1k at least probably 700m or less id think but they just didnt show that they were working like the fx. Maybe my cannons didnt either but harder to notice them sometimes.

Anyone else get somit like that happen? Im not 100% sure but it might have happened during tight turns to keep them in sights and locked. Dont think i ever lost lock during the non working weapons events. I was wondering if ships have some sort of ecm type of thing but then that would have busted my shields and engines too so cant be that.
Also about the large ships i was facing a lot of the times my weapons wouldnt work during a fight and its really starting to annoy me. Mainly my lazers. I have the energy there aimed at the ship im close like under 1k at least probably 700m or less id think but they just didnt show that they were working like the fx. Maybe my cannons didnt either but harder to notice them sometimes.

Anyone else get somit like that happen? Im not 100% sure but it might have happened during tight turns to keep them in sights and locked. Dont think i ever lost lock during the non working weapons events. I was wondering if ships have some sort of ecm type of thing but then that would have busted my shields and engines too so cant be that.

From what you've said here I'm assuming you're using gimballed lasers? It sounds like you've moved out of their trackable zone, it has to be like this otherwise you'd end up shooting the nose of your ship off.
Also about the large ships i was facing a lot of the times my weapons wouldnt work during a fight and its really starting to annoy me. Mainly my lazers. I have the energy there aimed at the ship im close like under 1k at least probably 700m or less id think but they just didnt show that they were working like the fx. Maybe my cannons didnt either but harder to notice them sometimes.

Anyone else get somit like that happen? Im not 100% sure but it might have happened during tight turns to keep them in sights and locked. Dont think i ever lost lock during the non working weapons events. I was wondering if ships have some sort of ecm type of thing but then that would have busted my shields and engines too so cant be that.

An A Rated Power Distributor and 4 'Pips' in Weapons will give you Maximum pew-pewness, some things are slow reloading though and Beam Lasers heat up your ship if you keep them on too long. Chaff will throw off Gimballed Weapons and Turreted Weapons but all you do then is 'De-Select' them as a Target and all your weapons will then act as 'Fixed' weapons unaffected by Chaff.
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Nope im sure i had the ship in the middle of my view dead on. Dont think i overheated ok once i did but i was firing a long time at the time but rest of the time i wasnt. Yes i had gimbled mc and lasers.

Noticed another post after replying to this one.

Yeah i have best power gen and distributer thing and thrusters and fsd, only thing i aint got the best of is shields which is a B4 i think due to power.
Nope im sure i had the ship in the middle of my view dead on. Dont think i overheated ok once i did but i was firing a long time at the time but rest of the time i wasnt. Yes i had gimbled mc and lasers.

Noticed another post after replying to this one.

Yeah i have best power gen and distributer thing and thrusters and fsd, only thing i aint got the best of is shields which is a B4 i think due to power.

You may have to upload a video of it happening so we can actually see what's going on.
Hi guys,

I've got a session planned this weekend with a friend who's just got the game. I'm fairly far out and I was,wondering how we'll actually meet up. Is there a way for him to spawn near me or is it just a case of a long haul flight?

Not sure if he'll be up for "open" play so if it's a case of solo or group etc then so be it!
I fancy trying out Wing trading.

It involves a group of three and two stations.
You nav lock onto your wing mate who is waiting at your destination station & the game will then drop you out of a system jump right at the station. Saves the SC time.
(Not tried it personally as I usually play solo trader in open)

If you had three ships running a relay, it could be quite beneficial.
Even newbies could join in & get 5% of the other guys profit.
This would work out about 25k bonus every 5 min or so, assuming one Type 9 and a couple of Sidewinder's.
Python. No question.
My favourite ship :)

Don't have one at the moment, but am getting it back "Soon" :D

Also - I found the T9 good albeit a pig to fly - Conda much, much better.

Python without question. You need at least 110m for a T9 and that should be spent on a uprated drive, it has a appalling jump range. With the Python you can rig for 284ton cargo runs quite easily and still jump 13.5ly and you can use any pad. So those small extraction stations are there for cheap gold/paladmium are yours for the taking.

Oh and you can rig 3 beams and not run from interdiction's :)
Python without question. You need at least 110m for a T9 and that should be spent on a uprated drive, it has a appalling jump range. With the Python you can rig for 284ton cargo runs quite easily and still jump 13.5ly and you can use any pad. So those small extraction stations are there for cheap gold/paladmium are yours for the taking.

Oh and you can rig 3 beams and not run from interdiction's :)

How much to kit out a Python adequately do you reckon then, with the full cargo allowance and a decent weapon setup? 70M or less?
I can make over a million Cr easily in a single session (over 2 million when not butting heads with overloaded Anacondas while in my battered Cobra) before having to re-arm
How long does this take you, and how much tonnage can you get with mining? Given some metals fetch upwards of 10K a ton, I can see the potential for huge profits, but I had heard it's VERY boring and takes an age. Or is that very much dependent on the mining equipment you have?
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