Forgot all about this!!!
Must try find some time this weekend.
From fighting these things in RESes, they seem quite maneuverable. Struggle to keep behind them in a Vulture.
Not sure I would have quite enough dosh once I traded in my Vulture in it's current state. Will have to grind a bit more I guess. But having been getting sued to the Vulture more and more, I think I might miss it.
And need to rank up in that system? That's a pain.....
The Clipper is fast and pitches very well. She can outrun anything bigger, chase down almost anything smaller (boosting Cobra will be faster than you), can turn better than a lot of things and packs quite a punch. With a class 7 shield and some boosters, she can also take quite the beating. It's also one of the most flexible ships as you can more or less use it for anything. Carries more than a Type 7, fights well, can chase down prey as a pirate and isn't
terrible for exploring (but also not really recommended because of the small fuel tank and terrible range). I wish it was a better exploration ship because the unobscured cockpit view is simply amazing.
Hardpoint placement may be an issue for you, and I'm still not used to having gimballed everything, but certainly for PvE it's more than enough. I think it's one of the most stylish ships available, getting away from the boxy and triangular designs that a lot of the other ships seem to have. It's sleek and sexy, in my opinion. The only other ships that come close are the Eagle and the Orca, for me, although I'm warming to the new Fer-de-Lance, too.
Simply amazing. Makes me sad that I'm about to abandon her for a while for this:
In terms of getting the rank, it's not too difficult but you
are at the mercy of the RNG, sometimes. Fly down to Imperial space and pick a location to start with. I started near to Achenar; Aymifa, Eotensies, Cemiess etc. and just start running missions for
Empire-aligned minor factions. Completing these will build your reputation with the minor factions, which in turn will build rep with the Empire. Some missions are pure rep gain (generally things like finding food, running courier jobs, donations - donations yield the highest amount of rep, but obviously the 4mil ones aren't really viable for many) and others offer payments. Turning in bounties can help to build rep, but I'm not sure what affects whether it goes up or down with this, so I avoided it.
You'll then start to get rank progression missions. Completing them builds rank, some give permits etc. After a while, you need to move and start doing work for different minor factions (still aligned with the Empire) in another region, as eventually rep gain stalls out. Becoming allied with as many appropriate minor factions as possible is the key to gaining rank quickly.
Yeah, I found it great to start with, but pretty boring quite quickly. I hate how there's no gimballed Class 3 Multicannon, especially since C3 Cannon projectiles are too slow unless you're right in their face and all class of Turrets seem to like 'accidentally' auto-shooting cops when they stray too close...
I found that, with the Vulture, just sticking with C3 pulse lasers is the way to go. It's a bit of a shame how boring the ship is, though. There's hardly any variation in loadout - very much a one-trick pony. The way it moves is great, but after a while I got bored and ended up grinding for the Clipper.