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We are getting Imperial Courier too?

Hmmm, will have to read up what thats about...

Also, are there any plans for them to dd the Imperial Fighter? Think that what it called anyway. This weekend being my first time in Imperial space, it was first time I saw one. Looked like an awesome little ship, and NPV seemed able to really throw it around while I was trying to follow and get a better look.

I want one!
The Imperial Fighter is like the F63 Condor. Short-range fighters that generally only show in conflict zones and around stations. They're NPC-only craft and as far as I am aware, will remain so.
Finally managed to rank up to be able to buy the Imperial Clipper yesterday! The clipper is on a discount at the moment in the 'Nu' system, down to around 15/16million :)

Took the beauty out for a spin last night, probably my favourite looking ship in the game so far!


4K version HERE
Finally managed to rank up to be able to buy the Imperial Clipper yesterday! The clipper is on a discount at the moment in the 'Nu' system, down to around 15/16million :)

Took the beauty out for a spin last night, probably my favourite looking ship in the game so far!


4K version HERE


I want one!

And then I want to become an Imperial scum slave trader! muhahahaha
Me sad :(

They looked like they could be awesome fun for dogfighting!

Yeah. They die in a few shots in conflict zones, though, so I wouldn't expect to have a long career in one. :p

Finally managed to rank up to be able to buy the Imperial Clipper yesterday! The clipper is on a discount at the moment in the 'Nu' system, down to around 15/16million :)

Took the beauty out for a spin last night, probably my favourite looking ship in the game so far!


4K version HERE

Welcome to the dark side. Now you can fly in style. :)
Are the Empire evil?

Well, not evil necessarily, but the less nice faction?

Don't know much about the lore really...

Neither the Federation nor Empire is really good, to be honest. They're both quite corrupt. :p

Yeah, I'm an Alliance carebear. Deal with it! :p
Figured it would be a fun way to spend the day, especially since I love bright blue stars. :3
Have to love those bright blue sapphires, for anyone with an interest in stellar evolution they're fascinating!

Me sad :(

They looked like they could be awesome fun for dogfighting!
I'm still hopeful that they'll be carried as parasite fighters in the Federal Corvette and Imperial equivalent at some point in the future, might not see that implemented for a while though.
Elite picture pron

I bought the Clipper on Sunday as well, it is a thing of beauty and flies like a dream. I haven't got it all A rated yet but the FSD and power coupler are A.

I must say its very aptly named though as in my first few flights I managed to "clip" a few NPC ships coming through the letter box which unfortunately led to them having some king of seizure and getting themselves stuck, leading to them getting shot by the station :(

I also managed to "clip" the side of the letter box with my wing while leaving the station at an awkward angle while getting some what exuberant with my new found confidence leaving my B7 shields of line and my hull at 1%!
Needless to say the flight back into the station was a lot more sedate :D

22,000 credits repair bill as opposed to 6,000,000 credits if I had lost 1 more percent.....phew :cool:
Damn, what's your Clipper loadout to have a rebuy price of 6mil?! :eek:

Also, don't you use four pips in SYS when coming in/out of the station? I know it makes the god-awful thrusters on the Clipper even worse, but with four pips there even my class 4 shield is fine with a few bumps and scrapes, as long as not doing silly speeds. :p

Currently 600LY from Sol and wondering if I made the right choice to go exploring. I've found a few untouched systems and seen some cool stuff, but at the same time, a lot of it is kinda samey. Worried that not even half-way into my first leg, I'm kinda missing shooting at stuff. :o
I can't stand the Imperial clipper, other than speed everything else is just wrong for me. The laser placements mean its really gimbals only as they simply do not converge at all and I hate using gims.

I would rather use a T7 for trading in the same class and I would rather use anything else for fighting.
You should be able to. If I remember rightly, Steam gift cards add credit to your Steam wallet, which can then be used for purchases.
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