any help would be appreciated
Kieran posted an image a few pages back which may help:
Generally speaking you want to avoid brown dwarf systems as they're unscoopable and never contain anything but barren iceballs.
Stick to main sequence stars, especially K, G, F and A if you're looking for Earth-like or terraformable worlds.
Don't go travel huge distances to scan gas giants, generally I won't travel over 3,000 ls and try to look for ones of a thousand Earth masses or over because the payout for gas giants is directly related to their mass and the mass of their ring system. Don't get close enough to enter their gravity well if you intend to keep travelling in-system (this means you won't be able to get close enough to scan their moons, which are of very little value anyway).
Asteroid belts are worthless so don't waste time on them.
Make sure your throttle is set at zero before you enter a system, and if you jump into more than three unscoopable systems in a row then check your next system has a scoopable star before jumping in order to avoid being stranded without fuel.
Finally watch out for those contact binaries; if you jump into a system like the one below then your temperature will quickly rise to the point where you start taking systems damage.