*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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Finally found something worth reporting...

Behold! my first undiscovered Earth-like


Im sure I saw lights down there too, but maybe thats the space madness kicking in :D
Behold! my first undiscovered Earth-like

Grats Commander! o7

What a spectacular view any potential inhabitants must have in their night-time sky! :eek:

Don't forget to record the system name so you can report your discovery once you make it back home.
How much you need for a min spec conda?

I'm in a Python, have 100 million in assets in my only ship, and also have 20 million credits on me.
Hit a milestone last night,

80% A rated Anoconda and 100m creds in the bank :) Just need another 250m creds for the A rated powerplant and Military composites, Insurance and Cargo :(

I reckon 2 months steady play, of back and forth, back and forth. Still i am halfway through watching the entire X files, So 2 episodes of the X-files = another 10-15 million in the bank.

I like the grind.
Wow, can't believe the amount of credits some people have in this thread. My modest cobra is probably worth 3.5m and I have 350k in the bank and thought I was doing OK :(
Anyone know if a release date for 1.3 has been agreed yet? Its going to take me a week to get back to civilization so i need to plan it in.

I know they will be running it in beta for a while so I should be ok for a week or two at least
Wow, can't believe the amount of credits some people have in this thread. My modest cobra is probably worth 3.5m and I have 350k in the bank and thought I was doing OK :(

I've got about 150million nett woirth. But to be honest I was able to make megabucks by trading rares in the beginning when you could just fill up in one station and then fly off with 100+t from place to another.

I've now got a type9 for trading (again the luxuries wanted goldmine helped here) and an Asp halfway to Sag-A.

There was very easy money to be made in the beginning and during the gamma. I feel a bit sorry for the players starting now.
Just need another 250m creds for the A rated powerplant and Military composites, Insurance and Cargo :(
Military composites reduce your shield strength (which is based upon shield class versus weight) by adding weight and only protect your hull, not modules (and since good players will only shoot at your power plant, they're effectively useless); if you really want to increase your survivability then see if you can spec around a B-class power plant, since they come with increased armour (hence the reason they're so much heavier).
I dont play in open anymore for serious play, to many combat loggers, cheaters and griefing if you want to do the public events. I may have been unlucky in coming across them, but they are there i am afraid.
Damn! 7k out from Sagittarius A and I ran straight through a binary and stopped in between it and the main star, I mean I flew straight through it! how I survived I have no idea. While I was then just sitting there thanking any god I could think of my temperature alarm went off and I realized that sitting in between two stars was not such a good idea and it took me a minute or so to clear the stars, taking damage as i ran

Hull is down to 79% a lot of my systems are pretty screwed and my canopy is cracked....I have a repair module that will get most of the systems back in order but my power plant is at 80% and i believe that is not repairable?

I'm in a anaconda, should i turn around and save my exploration data or carry on regardless?

And i thought exploration was going to be relaxing! :D
I ran straight through a binary and stopped in between it and the main star, I mean I flew straight through it! how I survived I have no idea.
I've jumped into a lot of contact binary systems, but I've only once jumped right through a star and yes, it's freaky!

I'm in a anaconda, should i turn around and save my exploration data or carry on regardless?
Your call, but bear these two things in mind:
  • If you keep on exploring, it's only a matter of time until you jump into another system which could cause you damage
  • As long as you act with presence of mind, there's no reason why you should ever take damage again
There are several keys to avoiding taking damage, the most important of which is to never initiate a jump and then leave your computer to do something else because as you have seen even if you set your throttle to zero there are systems where you will take damage as soon as you exit hyperspace.

The next key is to keep an eye on your temperature gauge in systems in which you know you've entered close to a contact binary, if it keeps rising then you have three options:
  • Exit the area as quickly as possible in supercruise: this is the most instinctive option, and as long as you have a clear escape route then you will usually escape with no or minimal damage.
  • Drop out of supercruise: this seems counter-intuitive, but should always reduce your temperature to below the point at which you take damage and allow you to calmly shut down non-essential systems whilst you plan your escape vector. Also allows you to deploy heat sinks if you have any.
  • Save and exit: yes, you can "combat log" against stars; whilst I would never condone this behaviour against other players, I'm not going to lose dozens of hours of exploration data because of a freak stellar alignment. Once you log back in the game will place you a safe distance from the star and you will be safe to carry on.
n.b. I've only employed the last option once, when I jumped in between a neutron star and its companion white dwarf; a scary proposition made all the more so because the neutron star is all but invisible! I didn't want to gamble on avoiding the neutron star and getting trapped, so hit the save and exit button and when I logged back on was placed safely out of harm.

Follow the above steps, and there's no reason you should take any more damage as long as you're vigilant. Oh and not to be a jerk, but I did warn you about this a page or two back :p
Always play open, must be lucky I guess as have never come across griefers/cheaters combat loggers yes.

Finally ranked Dangerous last night but so bored of the Vulture may buy a decent survey ship and go traveling.
Ha! yes you did, and to be honest I have jumped close to binarys before and not been worried, mainly because if I did take damage I could just pop in a station and get it repaired,but this time I had a total panic moment :D
The thought of loosing all that data got me spooked

Don't think I will shut the game down if it happens again but dropping out SC seems a good option although as you say totally counter intuitive

I was getting over confident really and just jumping quickly to get to my end point before I called it a night, lesson learned

Was awesome though :cool:
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