*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

From your responses it is definitely laziness then.. Lol!

To be honest with my current jump range/the ship capacity/available missions its about the right balance even using up the spare slot for the docking computer so its all good from my point of view and the money seems to be ticking along nicely. So what's next after the Cobra? (I kept the first ship and my white van for sentimental value :p)
Depends on what you want to do.

Next decent all rounder from a cobra is an asp.

If you want to go combat route, the next ship to aim for is the vulture.

I had a vulture for quite a while and its an absolute killing machine for the money.
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I did fit my Python with a docking computer once, just to see what it was like... It worked great, until some NPC decided to use the hatch at the same time as me, whereupon I ended up grinding against the sidewall until the shields failed, then the hull failed, it breached and then I was breathing vacuum... followed by a nasty insurance rebuy cost!

Also, it took FOR-EVAHHHHHHHHHHH to dock... I'm used to worrying about speeding tickets, but this was more about whether I'd be docked by the time I draw my pension!!
Finally arrived at Jaques in my asp exp after what feels like weeks. Enjoying the exploring and intend to head out again, maybe use Jaques as a jumping off and return point for a bit.

However, I really need a bit of a break for a little while. What's to do? I've about 15 million in the bank after selling the data. Could refit the asp but tempted to just park it and buy something else to play with for a bit. There's only five ships to buy here though. I could buy a viper, is there any bounty hunter action out here, I've not tried combat yet?
Or maybe a type 6 and fit for mining.

What's going to be most fun until I get the urge to go deep into the black stuff again?
I'll be landing at Jaques hopefully later tonight, missed the bloody cut off for the data dump tho, internet went down last night :(
So I took a small jaunt out to Pleiades Sector AB-W B2-4 last night. With my newly modded (grade 5) FSD, my combat ready Anaconda made it there in just 14 jumps, not bad for just over 400ly. When I got there it was night time at the crash coordinates, and thick mist meant it was difficult to see from anything from a couple of thousand meters up. I took it lower and then I caught sight in the corner of my searchlight.

Lowe those are the best pictures I've seen of the alien artifact!!! Seriously you should see if you can submit them to the newsletter - I didn't realise how big it was until I saw your pictures.

Finally arrived at Jaques in my asp exp after what feels like weeks. Enjoying the exploring and intend to head out again, maybe use Jaques as a jumping off and return point for a bit.

However, I really need a bit of a break for a little while. What's to do? I've about 15 million in the bank after selling the data. Could refit the asp but tempted to just park it and buy something else to play with for a bit. There's only five ships to buy here though. I could buy a viper, is there any bounty hunter action out here, I've not tried combat yet?
Or maybe a type 6 and fit for mining.

What's going to be most fun until I get the urge to go deep into the black stuff again?

Welcome to Jaques MrWhippy - I do hope that you entered the Community Goal here at Jaques before selling your exploration data?

I'm looking at top 25% currently and another 34M on top of the 14M I got for the data :)

There are some RES sites and the Nav Beacon but no Unidentified Signal Sources unfortunately and only one mission agent but they don't have any missions...


Nothing like the other CG that is a hot topic everywhere but every little helps - considering I only made my first 20M a few weeks ago - I'm pretty happy.

And the Jaunt to Jaques expedition came to an official end yesterday with a race around the canyon on a nearby planet. I was late unfortunately so just about caught the start of the last race -


Haha that looks like a chuckle....

Just out of interest, out of the guys that have gone Jaques way, what's the biggest system you've seen, I scanned one about half way out that had 97 objects...
i missed getting back to Jacques to dump my data for the exploration cg by 5 minutes!! gutted as i totted up I have 18 mill of data to sell.... not sure whether to hang about at jacques or head back to the bubble
I dont play that often so by the time I get back into it Jaques could have moved again lol

We'll end up being the advanced force for a strike against the Thargoids home planet lol
Wow! I feel I got a bit lucky here. First bit of exploring I've done (about time I used my smuggler Asp for its intended purpose!) so I took a few days to hop out there from the bubble.
Wasn't really paying attention to when the CG looked like ending but got my data in with plenty time to spare it seems.

However I'm now a few thousand light years towards Sag A, floating in space with a broken Advanced Scanner, no repair module and a flagging will to live.

Back to Jacques I guess.

Also a bit miffed that the Alien ship was found near the bubble though.
So, I have my rift, and I think it's time to go exploring out towards jacques to take in the sights.

BTW, rift is immense in elite. Menus are all readable and the scale of everything is so intense. Flying out of the letterbox is actually a bit scary as this wall flies towards you and then suddenly you're outside, and it FEELS like you're outside. The wierdest sensation though was moving my stick while looking at my in game arm, and my brain decided that it must be my arm I was looking at. It actually felt like it was my arm.

So yeah, worth it. Felt a little bit dizzy in combat at some points but I probably shouldn't have tried that in my cobra before getting used to it.
So, I have my rift, and I think it's time to go exploring out towards jacques to take in the sights.

BTW, rift is immense in elite. Menus are all readable and the scale of everything is so intense. Flying out of the letterbox is actually a bit scary as this wall flies towards you and then suddenly you're outside, and it FEELS like you're outside. The wierdest sensation though was moving my stick while looking at my in game arm, and my brain decided that it must be my arm I was looking at. It actually felt like it was my arm.

So yeah, worth it. Felt a little bit dizzy in combat at some points but I probably shouldn't have tried that in my cobra before getting used to it.

Nice one Devrij :)

Yes the "virtual" joystick moves almost 1 to 1 with my real joystick so the immersion is awesome :)

Being able to look around as you take off in station is amazing and really gives you the scale of things.
Yeah, really you want an asp that is kitted out to do long range (ie a light class 3 shield, few or no weapons, class D everything except FSD and a small power plant), and if you fancy doing the engineer upgrades (I got mine to 49.95ly jump range) then you can make long journeys much more bearable. I tend to use my asp for missions and for checking on things I might be interested in, and then I hop in my anaconda for hauling or fighting. Cobra is really just a break from slower ships and has a collector limpet fitted for scooping up materials from dead enemies, and the type 6 is purely for mining.
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