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I have been playing this for a good few hours and have about 100k from doing some cargo missions and a bit of bounty hunting. I have upgraded my sidewinder to have a better super cruise and hyper space drive so ican jump a bit further (about 10ly now). Should I upgrade to the adder ship (general purpose ship costs about 87k)? Will my upgrades transfer over or does a better ship have better stock kit anyway?
I think the new thrustmaster looks good but you are right about the buttons on the bottom of the stick, would have been better on the throttle.
Might try getting into this again, never got round to putting much time in.

If I start from scratch, what's the best route to a bit of exploring? Upgrade the starter ship or just cargo missions until I can afford something else?
Makes me chuckle seeing the pictures/recommendations of the joysticks people use for this, while I'm just using a humble Xbox controller.

Might try getting into this again, never got round to putting much time in.

If I start from scratch, what's the best route to a bit of exploring? Upgrade the starter ship or just cargo missions until I can afford something else?

Running courier missions in one of the popular grinding spots would probably rack up the cash faster than trying to squeeze out a profit in the small ships. The grind is real in this game.

The other solution is just wait for another ludicrously large pay out from the next community goal. That worked for me. :o
Makes me chuckle seeing the pictures/recommendations of the joysticks people use for this, while I'm just using a humble Xbox controller.

Running courier missions in one of the popular grinding spots would probably rack up the cash faster than trying to squeeze out a profit in the small ships. The grind is real in this game.

The other solution is just wait for another ludicrously large pay out from the next community goal. That worked for me. :o

Why chuckle, personally i couldn't use a controller and find it more intuitive to use the flight sticks, each to their own.
I have been playing this for a good few hours and have about 100k from doing some cargo missions and a bit of bounty hunting. I have upgraded my sidewinder to have a better super cruise and hyper space drive so ican jump a bit further (about 10ly now). Should I upgrade to the adder ship (general purpose ship costs about 87k)? Will my upgrades transfer over or does a better ship have better stock kit anyway?

When you sell your upgrades you can buy them back for your new ship, but usually the new ship uses bigger parts so they may be worse than stock or not ideal. Adder is a good stepping stone ship. More combat capable than the hauler but still okay cargo space

Might try getting into this again, never got round to putting much time in.

If I start from scratch, what's the best route to a bit of exploring? Upgrade the starter ship or just cargo missions until I can afford something else?

Definitely get a better ship. The Sidewinder has dire jump range. Maybe a diamondback Explorer or preferably an asp for exploring.
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Just earnt 20million for the LTT-133 bounty hunting community goal - submitted about 3 million in bounties.

Never realised money was so easy to earn.

Make my early grind to my 1st Asp look like something new players would never have to go through.

Just duck into a RES and get a coupel of kill steal shots into a wanted anaconda and you are set.
Just earnt 20million for the LTT-133 bounty hunting community goal - submitted about 3 million in bounties.

Never realised money was so easy to earn.

Make my early grind to my 1st Asp look like something new players would never have to go through.

Just duck into a RES and get a coupel of kill steal shots into a wanted anaconda and you are set.

The community goals are crazy this is what happened to me...........

I went on the DW expedition scanned around 5000 systems, head back to Jacques station to sell my data and earned 70million.

At Jacques the community goal of handing in data appeared so I scanned and submitted 78 systems and received 52million! :eek:

I was salty, but used that salt with a lemon and tequila at Jacques bar. :D
Yeah I got about 83 mil for dropping 3 loads of cargo in at the recent CG in morai. Ridiculously easy. I remember grinding rare runs in my cobra for a month to get my asp!
Those buttons on the bottom of the flight stick are a total waste of time if you're using the throttle at the same time IMO.

If you're just using the stick, then fine, you have a free hand to press them, if not then you need to let go of the stick to press or hold a button! :confused:

That isn't going to end well :eek:

Thanks, but I'll stick with my HOTAS X, especially when considering the price.
Judging by what looks to be a mini throttle on the base of the stick, I think they do plan on selling it without the throttle
Having serious trouble beating elite/deadly npc's since the update :( Have now had to run away with a blown canopy twice and survived by the skin of my teeth.

My Fer De Lance all of a sudden seems to lack any punch against the better ships.

Any advice?
Having serious trouble beating elite/deadly npc's since the update :( Have now had to run away with a blown canopy twice and survived by the skin of my teeth.

My Fer De Lance all of a sudden seems to lack any punch against the better ships.

Any advice?

Obviously crafting will beef up your performance 25-40% or so...

But I'd suggesting keeping behind enemies, and throwing 4 pips to shields if/when you can to better protect against fire might help...
Very nicely done - great use of position. How do you control your thursters ?

Can't help thinking that the AI would have done a lot better with some turrets, big ships without either turrets or in a wing deserve to be chewed up like this.....
Very nicely done - great use of position. How do you control your thursters ?

Can't help thinking that the AI would have done a lot better with some turrets, big ships without either turrets or in a wing deserve to be chewed up like this.....

Analog mini thumb joy on a CH Pro.

As has been pointed out to me since then - explaining my ownage of the Anaconda - there is an AI bug where if you don't lock onto you, they won't open fire. eg: Even with turrets.

So that video is far more an example of AI fail than my skill...
Weeks after buying the horizons, finally figured out it wasn't installed today:O (curse steam)

Question though. Just purchased a vulture, which I swiftly lost to the security services, because I had automatic tracking weapons on it. Wasn't aware of this at the time, but hey.

I prefer fixed weapons, which leads me to ask, is there a downside to this on the vulture, or bigger ships?
Weeks after buying the horizons, finally figured out it wasn't installed today:O (curse steam)

Question though. Just purchased a vulture, which I swiftly lost to the security services, because I had automatic tracking weapons on it. Wasn't aware of this at the time, but hey.

I prefer fixed weapons, which leads me to ask, is there a downside to this on the vulture, or bigger ships?

Fixed vs gimbal?

Well the downside of fixed is obviously less accuracy (on hard to hit targets) and no firing arc. ie: With a gimbal, the enemy may well be 20 degreed off true, but you can still hit him. In something like a Python gimbals will make the difference between being able to keep hitting a smaller craft, or not obviously. All pretty obvious stuff really..

Personally I prefer gimbals due to these reasons. Even on something like a Vulture.
Understandable, many thanks.

I'll see how I get on with fixed for now, swap up on something bigger perhaps. Aiming for Fer de lance next.
Fixed do more damage than gimbal, usually with a bit more power draw, so if you are accurate enough then fixed is generally better. Especially for pvp where most players are going to utilise chaff and even silent running to avoid being targeted by gimbal and turret weapons. You can still fire those weapons forwards of course by unlocking your target, but generally if you can stay on target you are better off with fixed. I can't recommend fixed kinetic weapons though (eg cannons). My anaconda wouldn't last a minute with fixed hardpoints!
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