*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

There is some acknowledgement on the official forums that the low mission payout is a bug as it appears to effect not only long rang haulage missions. Conspiracy theories abound that it is some plot to turn the game into a space taxi sim as only the passenger missions are paying out anything reasonable lol.
YEah I noticed when I was on fora few minutes to check out the new stuff that there were 45mill missions to go 1000ly to black holes and such, sounds pretty boring to me tbh..
I haven't played this since before 2.0 came out, I take there's much more interesting content now? I've picked up a season pass as a few friends have picked this back up as well.
The biggest plus of the passenger missions (from what others have said) is that it allows the game to lead you to the more interesting systems and places.

I'm currently grinding Imperial rank for my cutter. Once I've got that it will probably become my trade/passenger ship.
The biggest plus of the passenger missions (from what others have said) is that it allows the game to lead you to the more interesting systems and places.

I'm currently grinding Imperial rank for my cutter. Once I've got that it will probably become my trade/passenger ship.

In 2.2, what are you doing to grind?
Seeing as the big secret of 2.2 has already been found and the scans only reveal another potential engineer grind, I've decided to head off out in to the deep reaches of space again. It's quite addictive, in its own mind-numbing way. :D
Seeing as the big secret of 2.2 has already been found and the scans only reveal another potential engineer grind, I've decided to head off out in to the deep reaches of space again. It's quite addictive, in its own mind-numbing way. :D

It does have that "je ne sais quoi" appeal. ;)

Elite Dangerous is not a game its just part of your life. :p
Was in Maia for the last couple of days in my Vette to do some CZ bond gathering for the CGs. Finally got the chance to try out the fighters.
Frankly, not a game changer, but a genuinely nice addition. In the combat zone, mine were being shot up once every 3-4 mins. Frankly, not a big deal as you just make another. My class 5 module can make 6 of them, and I was finding that by the time they'd all died, I needed to leave and re-stock the multi-cannons anyway. A good point is that FD have allowed us to bind orders to a single button. So I've got "attack my target" and related ones bound to a hat on my Fighterstick. Works well.

I'm hoping that FD will expand what we can carry instead of a fighter. I'd love to say an SRC that can be used for mining on a planet, or instead of a fighter, a shuttle for say traveling to a high G planet, to stations that are too small for say a large craft and similar.
So every time you lose a fighter do you also lose the pilot you hired to fly it? What are the financial implications here?

The SLF is a drone. Your crew member is onboard your primary ship. As such, when you lose an SLF, you 3d print another, which is ready something like 30 seconds later for launch. Class 5 fighter bays have the materials to build a total of 6 ships. You re-charge the buy as part of re-provisioning, but frankly it's dirt cheap. I understand that large bays can build more ships, and I think that they double bays can launch one whilst building another.
So the only way to kill your crew member is if you lose your primary ship.

The implications are that you basically use it as an additional set of guns, almost like you'd use chaff. Sure, you can also fly it, but I haven't built up the confidence yet to trust my 500 million credit Vette to be flown by my crew member.

Note that the crew member also builds up skill. No idea how good they'll be when really ranked up. I couldn't see the point to buy anything but an expert level crew member, not when the cost is frankly negligible. Kill 2 Condas in a CZ to pay for him.
Ok. So if you never chose to fly in one of your SLF's would there be any point to having a crew member?

You need someone to fly either your primary ship, or your slf. The game will let you launch and fly the drone, leaving your primary ship with no pilot, but clearly if won't manoeuvre or fire, not exactly a good thing.
Holy hell... Ive missed out on a lot...
Is there a document which details the new featyres? Or is that basically what the changelog is?

Well it's literally only just come out.

I'd give this a watch if you want an overview of the new features in this update:

Going to have another crack at this game, I felt the only way to make cash was farm ships at resource points but it got tedious.

So with this update, ferrying passengers around is a good way to make a few quid ?
Going to have another crack at this game, I felt the only way to make cash was farm ships at resource points but it got tedious.

So with this update, ferrying passengers around is a good way to make a few quid ?

Yep, that's one option.
The other is to get involved in the community goals (CGs) which are updated every Thurs, typically with a new bunch of 1 week location activities. From what I've seen, should be fairly easy to make a few million without a massive level of effort.
Passenger missions are pretty cool

Advice: Read whether the passenger(s) is wanted first. If they are - and you're taking them due to the value being crazy good - make sure you sort them out first. Otherwise prepare to go bye-bye if scanned at a station

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