*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Decided I needed to get away from people, so I'm spending the night in a canyon, on an undiscovered rocky ice moon, deep in the Outer Arm Vacuus, say about 9 thousand light years from Earth.

Seems a sensible thing to do on Halloween night! :eek:

This game lacks many things, but just occasionally it does make you think you really are a long way from home, just a little.
Decided I needed to get away from people, so I'm spending the night in a canyon, on an undiscovered rocky ice moon, deep in the Outer Arm Vacuus, say about 9 thousand light years from Earth.

Seems a sensible thing to do on Halloween night! :eek:

This game lacks many things, but just occasionally it does make you think you really are a long way from home, just a little.

In VR its more than a little!

I'd love a bit more for wings to do. Like take down a capital ship etc.

Or something along the lines of what gta5 did with the heists where you all have a specific task that then all comes together if you've all done it right (eg one person has to scoop some important piece of cargo from a military base while two others need to disable the defense system power on either side of the base, and the fourth has to fight off response ships while the scooper escapes through an asteroid belt to safety where they can jump out.

You get the idea. That uses all existing game mechanics but would be so much more interesting for a wing than just grinding a rez or pvp against fully engineered trolls.
I enjoy the game, however the the idea of adding TAXI missions is laughable and why people are claiming its great as it takes you to new places etc is just pathetic.


Take 120 tons of Computer Components to SOL, this is elite level mission and the chance of being hunted is high.

Take Mr X to Sol, this chap is wanted so the chance of being hunted is high.

So you sacrifice cargo space for a cabin and gimp yourself in jump range as you end up being wanted.

This is probably the most frustrating game i have ever ever played which is down to liking it so much but its just so


I agree, viewed like this passengers are just warm cargo. But - Dr Juliet Claire wants to visit dancing rings. Will take you to amazing planet combinations and let you explore.

People get obsessed with getting the next ship, upgrading the FSD etc etc. But actually exploring is great too. Find a low g planet with craters and get in your SRV and just have a blast around. Fly your fighter down some canyons. What would you do if you were really there. Marvel at being the VERY FIRST person to discover a planet and land on it. Your wheel tracks will last 1000s of years. Use your imagination.

I have a pet theory that modern games spoon feed stories, make the sandbox good enough and with imagination you are good to go. Add some missions as hints and it's even better.

Player generated missions are an important step - why I need to wait for the right sort of USSs is mad. I've got 500,000,000 credits - "oi, you, noob in the sidewinder - find me 25 modular terminals and I'll buy you a Vulture." That sort of thing.
Player generated missions are an important step - why I need to wait for the right sort of USSs is mad. I've got 500,000,000 credits - "oi, you, noob in the sidewinder - find me 25 modular terminals and I'll buy you a Vulture." That sort of thing.

Haha that'd be epic. But they'd never add sending money or buying ships for others. It'd then become farmed by folks. Maybe it could work
One thing I'd love to have introduced is the ability to salvage ships. e.g. you go in, disable the PP, then damage the life support until the crew ejects.
If the ship is small enough, attach tethers, and tow it to a suitable base for sale. If you're wanted, prevent the player selling within that system.
If you can sell, the ship can be sold at a % of it's current value, e.g. 50% in a normal system, or 25% on the black market. If the ship is too big to be towed (e.g. Cutter, T9), allow the players to chop it up using mining lasers, at which point the value decreases to say 10% of original cost.

THAT to me would definitely give pirates a real reason to exist.
Yer, capturing ships would be awesome and a tractor beam towing.

For me, I would love to buy a capital class ship and if it required 2 or more crew to fly it, then so be it. It would be awesome having one flying and several friends shooting the crap outta other ships and taking on other capital ships.
Hey guys, I haven't played since the first few months of the games launch on PC.

I really enjoyed the flight sim side of things, but felt that the game was really empty and lacked fun stuff to do. I always felt like it was really hard to understand what jobs to take and the jobs were always the same with a high chance you'ed end up getting illegal loot and then struggle to off load it. I gave up but hoped it would get some much-needed love.

Now, since launch I have seen multiple patches and a season pass. It all looks quite promising (though i'm disappointed that a season pass was needed to add stuff that I felt should have been there to begin with..) My question is, given my frustrations with the game, do you think enough has been added for players like myself?
Hey guys, I haven't played since the first few months of the games launch on PC.

I really enjoyed the flight sim side of things, but felt that the game was really empty and lacked fun stuff to do. I always felt like it was really hard to understand what jobs to take and the jobs were always the same with a high chance you'ed end up getting illegal loot and then struggle to off load it. I gave up but hoped it would get some much-needed love.

Now, since launch I have seen multiple patches and a season pass. It all looks quite promising (though i'm disappointed that a season pass was needed to add stuff that I felt should have been there to begin with..) My question is, given my frustrations with the game, do you think enough has been added for players like myself?

A tough one as what works for one doesn't always work for the other. I like doing missions and you can choose to do illegal or normal. The payouts have improved as well. Combat is tougher now against NPC's as well but for someone like me, I don't mind doing missions, exploring, combat and generally just relax when playing. I don't try and force missions/obtaining stuff anymore and do them as I fancy.

And I like passenger missions. It adds to my exploring likey and it is nice to see space from my cockpit window and my imagination does the rest :D
Some great ideas here - I'd love to hear FD's responses.

Now 21% Marquis so nearly there. As a side effect of running passenger missions I am now some 50million better off as well. The cutter is still going to be very much a D spec ship with an A spec engineered FSD. Get that cargo (warm or cold) moving.

Finally gave some info re. 'wanted' passengers. I submitted a ticket for my lost A-rated Conda. Not fair tbh that I have to learn a lesson and it cost me 19mil in rebuy and around 25 mil in missions

Some chap on Reddit got his money back

We shall see

They are pretty good in fairness (but slow to respond). I lost an Anaconda before that was fully A rated and it was killed with one hit. I submitted a ticket and linked them the vid and they said I had lost connection but still showed as there and hence me getting one shot killed as such and gave me the rebuy costs back.
If you get caught carrying a wanted passenger there should be a big fat fine and you should be refused docking.

Insta destruction is very unfair.
On my way to 94 mil

Its a sad state of current gaming, when you have to watch a TV program on the side whilst playing a game....

Something is dramatically wrong with industry these days.
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