*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

woo hoo just made duke, cutter here I come, hope it was worth it.

what's everyone doing for money these days, I hear sothis/ceos are low pay-outs now is this true.
what's everyone doing for money these days, I hear sothis/ceos are low pay-outs now is this true.
Scraping it up a couple-dozen grand at a time, right now.
Need more to buy guns and stuff, to beef up my FDL, to fight the tougher NPCs, to start earning reasonable monies again!!

I'd not be too bothered about losing it all and starting from scratch, 'cept a Dangerous guy in a Sidewider will attract insanely powerful NPCs that I could never beat... and I'm NOT resetting my profile!
I stopped playing this as soon as I heard you needed to pay to get extra content that should have been in the original game (landing on planets) I guess from the sounds of it I am not missing much, still feel I wasted my 20 quid when I backed it from day one...booo
I stopped playing this as soon as I heard you needed to pay to get extra content that should have been in the original game (landing on planets) I guess from the sounds of it I am not missing much, still feel I wasted my 20 quid when I backed it from day one...booo

No matter how you feel about the purchase model (for my 2p I don't mind funding continued development as long as the base game is solid), it's still probably the best space sim ever made. If that's what you backed it for then I'd stick with it. Horizons just adds lots of extra fun bits. You could argue that engineers adds a bit of a balance issue against non horizons players though.
I stopped playing this as soon as I heard you needed to pay to get extra content that should have been in the original game (landing on planets) I guess from the sounds of it I am not missing much, still feel I wasted my 20 quid when I backed it from day one...booo

Happy to continue to pay if the game gets better. Only one DLC and so much more content. I am happy
woo hoo just made duke, cutter here I come, hope it was worth it.

what's everyone doing for money these days, I hear sothis/ceos are low pay-outs now is this true.

LOL - same as you - got my Cutter last week. Took it *very* carefully to Felicity Farseer for a FSD upgrade - got a decentish roll and now up to 26LY range unladen.

Needed a holiday so I'm just killing skimmers and stuff. Although those missions still seem to pay out OK especially the higher rep you get with teh factions giving the missions. Made 10million for about 45mins fun earlier. So nice not to care about ranking !

So yeah - my advice would be to just have fun for a bit and then check out some passenger runs for the serious easy money.....
I want to jump back into this but I'm one of those who paid £50 after the crowdfunding but before the release so am ineligble for Horizons and need to spent and extra £20 :(
I want to jump back into this but I'm one of those who paid £50 after the crowdfunding but before the release so am ineligble for Horizons and need to spent and extra £20 :(

Sometimes the way the timing of things lands just sucks. I paid full price for both, no regrets at all and if it wasn't for Horizons I wouldn't have paid for base ED. I did have to cut things out for a month to pay for it but yeah, I know, that isn't possible for many. There is always the Steam sales and perhaps when Season 3 debuts Season 2 will be discounted otherwise Frontier may risk having an extremely fragmented playerbase with 3 skews to maintain (I wouldn't be surprised if over time Horizons became the base game but not for a couple of years).
I always look to get £1/hour on my games investments. I got the kickstarter £20 base game and then £20 for Horizons. Have spent about 200 hours playing so I have £160 of credit I'll happily throw at this game, and still desire to play it.
Not having Horizons would feel awful, and would nibble at my frustration.
Happy to continue to pay if the game gets better. Only one DLC and so much more content. I am happy

Yes game is awesome.

I see these comments saying there is nothing to do and I say rubbish!

Sometimes I have trouble choosing what to do because there is SOOOO much to do in this game :D:D:D:D

Its a sandbox and you need to have a bit of imagination to play - perhaps that is what the problem is? Also getting involved with the in-game stories and news articles and goings on on the frontier forums adds to the immersion.

If you want a game on rails then I'd suggest getting the latest Call of Duty.
(for my 2p I don't mind funding continued development as long as the base game is solid)

and here is the problem, It was a buggy mess when I played it when it first came out. I will not be returning and purchasing anything else from frontier unless they decide to give me the content I should have had from originally backing the game.
LOL - same as you - got my Cutter last week. Took it *very* carefully to Felicity Farseer for a FSD upgrade - got a decentish roll and now up to 26LY range unladen.

Needed a holiday so I'm just killing skimmers and stuff. Although those missions still seem to pay out OK especially the higher rep you get with teh factions giving the missions. Made 10million for about 45mins fun earlier. So nice not to care about ranking !

So yeah - my advice would be to just have fun for a bit and then check out some passenger runs for the serious easy money.....

Just made Marquis last night and on 5%. 95% to go until she is mine. But tbh I probably will smash Passenger missions for some more cash. I want to A-rate her

Yes game is awesome.

I see these comments saying there is nothing to do and I say rubbish!

Sometimes I have trouble choosing what to do because there is SOOOO much to do in this game :D:D:D:D

Its a sandbox and you need to have a bit of imagination to play - perhaps that is what the problem is? Also getting involved with the in-game stories and news articles and goings on on the frontier forums adds to the immersion.

If you want a game on rails then I'd suggest getting the latest Call of Duty.

+1 from me CMDR. I often waste time doing stupid stuff. I need to focus on one task - of many many options - and go for it.

Grinding ranks
Exploring the whole galaxy (cf. spending weeks away from the bubble)
Passengers missions
Std missions
Reddit social events
Neutron star hopping

To name a few
There is still MUCH MUCH more room for improvement. If you look at the DDF from the days of Alpha you would understand why a lot of original backers complain. I want to get back into this game too but to be honest ive had about a 12 month break as it did become stale after playing the same stuff from Alpha to present.
and here is the problem, It was a buggy mess when I played it when it first came out. I will not be returning and purchasing anything else from frontier unless they decide to give me the content I should have had from originally backing the game.
Bye then.

If I took that attitude, I'd not have played a single game since the Speccy days!!
woo hoo just made duke, cutter here I come, hope it was worth it.

what's everyone doing for money these days, I hear sothis/ceos are low pay-outs now is this true.

yes they nerfed all the trade missions, not just the sothis run.
Sucks really as I posted on reddit the other day, it was fun getting a few missions and flying around exploring. wasn't making massive bank but it was my way of playing.

Now its all just a bit pathetic, I hear they may be fixing it but who knows how long that will take. I just do the CG missions when they show now to get money.

I might just take my ASP and fly to the edge and see what happens. Hopefully by the time im back they have sorted it all out!:p
and here is the problem, It was a buggy mess when I played it when it first came out. I will not be returning and purchasing anything else from frontier unless they decide to give me the content I should have had from originally backing the game.

OK then, just don't let the scarab bay door hit you on the way out.
and here is the problem, It was a buggy mess when I played it when it first came out. I will not be returning and purchasing anything else from frontier unless they decide to give me the content I should have had from originally backing the game.

Indeed it was, but a lot has changed since then in the base game so I would still recommend you give it another go. It feels much more rounded and polished than at launch.

There's still plenty of room to grow, and that's what the seasons are all about for me.
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