*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Fired it up last night to look at some of these bases.....

Gave up from boredom and watched it on YouTube, far more enjoyable than playing the game.....

Ooo Ooo lets travel lightyears then get stuck in my SRV... wait for it.....wait for it.... To scan a Node.

Actually fired this up for the last couple of nights and really enjoyed it yes its grindy as **** and yes 90% of your time is spent listening to a woman go but regardless I actually for the first time in a long while enjoyed myself just dossing around landing on planets and flying around.
OK, Some advice please.....

I've decided to build up my cutter for PvE - res/cz....

I've unlocked quite a few engineers but would like some advice on engineering options for a weapons loadout.

I'd rather stay away from ammo based weapons. So what are the best options for engineering energy weapons ? Efficient (to run beams), rapid fire (to make pulses better) ?

Also I know the weapons placement and the manoeuvrability on the cutter makes turrets a good option but again advice would be great.

Also I'm guessing that with the reboot/repair shield changes the benefits of bi-weave in terms of recharge is less dramatic.

So anybody here with a cutter that has any advice to offer ?
You wish to fight in a Cutter? Are you mad? ;)

Best advice: go gimballed for everything except the top two rear size 2s and add turretted burst to them.

Best way to fight in a Cutter is boost full tilt, flight assist off and the turn toward your chasing enemy. Fire everything (hence gimb) and repeat. The turning of that ship is madness slow. I have both the Corvette and Cutter and I prefer the former. Defo

Problem is a RES is asteroids. Maybe make it a shield tank and slam your foes first before opening fire. You can hit an enemy several times and drop their shields before engaging and they won't be firing back. Maybe also try flying backwards while turning to keep your enemy in front of you. Overall advice: don't try and fly forwards and outturn your foe

Good luck
It is painful fighting in a Cutter but doable. Gimballed and muti cannons (I know I know)was what I used and it did the job well but up against smaller ships could be a nightmare.... I could never get them in my sights.
OK, Some advice please.....

I've decided to build up my cutter for PvE - res/cz....

I've unlocked quite a few engineers but would like some advice on engineering options for a weapons loadout.

I'd rather stay away from ammo based weapons. So what are the best options for engineering energy weapons ? Efficient (to run beams), rapid fire (to make pulses better) ?

Also I know the weapons placement and the manoeuvrability on the cutter makes turrets a good option but again advice would be great.

Also I'm guessing that with the reboot/repair shield changes the benefits of bi-weave in terms of recharge is less dramatic.

So anybody here with a cutter that has any advice to offer ?

Weapons wise... Having a pair of overcharged G5 multicannons, with something like Corrosive Shell and Incendiary Rounds is useful as they use to next to no WEP pips...
The problem with Multicannons is they run out of ammo... and the point of RES hunting is to be out as long as possible. I say efficient beams and two multi-cannons with corrosive on the rear to breach the hull

Just my two cents
The problem with Multicannons is they run out of ammo... and the point of RES hunting is to be out as long as possible. I say efficient beams and two multi-cannons with corrosive on the rear to breach the hull

Just my two cents

Corrosive effect isn't stackable?
The problem with Multicannons is they run out of ammo... and the point of RES hunting is to be out as long as possible. I say efficient beams and two multi-cannons with corrosive on the rear to breach the hull

Just my two cents

Corrosive effect isn't stackable?

Nope it doesn't stack - you only need one with corrosive, maybe the second with incendiary or something.
Spent about 12 hours on the game in the last few days. WOW dropping commodities from the engineer blueprints has made a MASSIVE difference. It has meant I can play my smaller ships again rather than having to ferry around useless cargo like modular flipping terminals.

My Cutter is now pretty much done, All A graded where needed. Shields up to over 4800. 2 rapid fire MCs one corrosive and one incendiary and the rest beam lasers al grade 5 efficient with thermal vent. I can put about 10 seconds of constant beam fire into something before it drains the capacitors. Heat barely gets over 80. It literally melts targets.

Power plant, FSD, distributor, shields, are all engineered. Just need to decide on clean or dirty drives...

Other discovery are SLFs - they rock. I *tag* a target and the SLF just eats it up. Love it. With 4 pips to shields I can just sit there with my turrets helping out the SLF.

Almost like the Cutter more than my FdL !
Spent about 12 hours on the game in the last few days. WOW dropping commodities from the engineer blueprints has made a MASSIVE difference. It has meant I can play my smaller ships again rather than having to ferry around useless cargo like modular flipping terminals.

My Cutter is now pretty much done, All A graded where needed. Shields up to over 4800. 2 rapid fire MCs one corrosive and one incendiary and the rest beam lasers al grade 5 efficient with thermal vent. Power plant, FSD, distributor, shields, are all engineered. Just need to decide on clean or dirty drives...

Other discovery are SLFs - they rock. I *tag* a target and the SLF just eats it up. Love it. With 4 pips to shields I can just sit there with my turrets helping out the SLF.

Almost like the Cutter more than my FdL !
Congrats on your stamina... I just couldn't be bothered after a while...
The key thing was to enjoy the ride. If all you do is A->B->C it gets very dull. Mix it up, drop into a few USS, go to see an alien ruin, go for a mountain climb in an SRV. Keeps it a lot fresher.

Plus if you get into a habit of picking up materials and scans the engineers are a lot less hassle. No Commodities mean your cargo hold can be empty so you're not tied to a ship!
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