*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings or the obvious %appdata% route.

I just archive that before any patches, just in case.
c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings or the obvious %appdata% route.

I just archive that before any patches, just in case.

Yeah I always do that to

Strange, my binds are all ok.

The Gandii CG has been unexpectedly wiped.
Shame....i was top 10 % too. Community manager looking into it for me.

I had to change my bindings file to version 2.0 from 1.8 odd

anyway all done
I'd say Horizons makes the game better.
I had vanilla only for ages & it was okayish, but landing on planets & pottering about really adds to the game, even if the planets are barren ;)
I only started playing again last week, and had lost all my progress from before. So I'm currently sat in an Eagle with about 1.5 mil Credits in the wallet. I'm trying to get up to about 8 mil credits so I can buy and fit a Cobra MkIII for long distance exploration well outside the bubble. Any quick ways to make credits, as I'm already bored of bounty hunting at Nav beacons in my weak Eagle.
I only started playing again last week, and had lost all my progress from before. So I'm currently sat in an Eagle with about 1.5 mil Credits in the wallet. I'm trying to get up to about 8 mil credits so I can buy and fit a Cobra MkIII for long distance exploration well outside the bubble. Any quick ways to make credits, as I'm already bored of bounty hunting at Nav beacons in my weak Eagle.

For a start bounty hunt in RES, ideally high but be careful.
Any easy way to find what system near me has a RES?

On the maps keep a look out for systems with economy's based on mining, extraction, refinery etc. Have a look at the system details and see if it has any ringed planets or asteriod belts. You can select them and on the info page it will say what type of reserves it has. You want to aim for pristine, major etc. Fly to the system and on your nav panel once within 1000ls of a res they should appear. Avoid hazardous as the police won't help you there!

The other option is to check out eddb.io
It has lots of useful info on systems, where to find ships, modules, good trade routes etc. although I don't think it has RES's themselves.
On the maps keep a look out for systems with economy's based on mining, extraction, refinery etc. Have a look at the system details and see if it has any ringed planets or asteriod belts. You can select them and on the info page it will say what type of reserves it has. You want to aim for pristine, major etc. Fly to the system and on your nav panel once within 1000ls of a res they should appear. Avoid hazardous as the police won't help you there!

The other option is to check out eddb.io
It has lots of useful info on systems, where to find ships, modules, good trade routes etc. although I don't think it has RES's themselves.

Thanks for the help, I'll give it a try! Will probably pick up Horizons the weekend as well.
The holo-me thing could fill hours of my time by the look of it... but I suspect I'm only ever going to recreate myself sporting that uniquely odd look that in the Elite universe has. :D

So after that I then went to buy a name plate and id plate, principally to adorn my gorgeous Cutter. Of course I only bought one by mistake and then couldn't remember which one I'd bought. Frontier's transactions servers may take a while to catch up tonight, so I'll log out and come back tomorrow.

I suppose once the 2.3 novelty wears off it'll be back to working on my Cutter's jump range as well as fitting out my old Anaconda in to its new role as an "Exploraconda".
Forgot to look at the Holo me, :confused:

Did some passenger missions. Wow that is easy money if you have good Rep with faction. 4 million in 20 mins and 2 contacts 3 jumps... However mistakenly took on a tour mission. Whilst that got me over my surveyer rank to Trailblazer, it was time consuming and only worth 4 million.

Since I egineered my Anaconda, it has become a fantastic passenger ship.


That seems dodgy. Watched last bit of DJTruthsayer stream. They'd been sat in multi-crew for 2hours 27minutes whilst the pilot just flew & honked.
All pilot got was 1.64million credits, but... DJTruthsayer said he got nothing from all of that.
A lot of bugs with this patch :/

system map bug if playing in 2k/4k.

packhound no heat / infinite ammo bug.

autodocking bug if using the new camera.

and key binding the new camera mode was tedious.
Have not played this game since horizons launch. Is it worth playing now or is it still worth leaving alone? I had 2 billion credits and all this ships except cutter so im no nooblet lol. Were is Neil Fawcett
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