*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

The core is fantastic, the economics is pointless and should be left as simplistic buy/sell. It's clear the infastructure cant handle player input and they have zero understanding of the subject.

The player effecting the universe is a mess and should be dropped it has not worked from day one. They do not have the tools or the knowledge to do correctly.

I also need to read up on this charging of ships if i do not play. This in itself is a shocking decision and does nothing to male anyone want to revisit the game.
It's not all the ships itnis the fleet carrier which is currently in beta.
On the bright side FD have relaxed it a bit. They have cut running costs by 80-90 % what they were initially due to huge backlash. It's still around 20mil a week however iirc

Personally I don't mind players having a tiny effect on economy however when servicing a system of many billions of people we should be a drop in the bucket. The lions share of the economy should be done with NPC's. I don't mind it being abstracted to some degree but right now it is basic in the extreme.

I would love to be able to make trade routes starting with very basic raw aggricultural stuff and working all the way up the food chain and making money off each leg. As it stands however only a handful of commodities are really worth trading in and it is almost impossible to create fully profitable trade routes.

And all this is forgetting of course why bother trading fullstop when you can just mine a few void opals or low temp diamond and earn heaps more
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I've not played ED in well over a year. Like many players, I'm disappointed by the gap between what the game is and what I want it to be. I absolutely believe I've had my moneys worth out of it.

A few days ago, I reinstalled it and reset my account so that I could start fresh without the temptation to jump straight into my good ships. I had a couple of hours in the starter ship. Even had the VR headset on for maximum immersion. It was fun, but when I came off, I knew it wasn't entertaining enough for me to want to play it regularly. It probably doesn't help that I've recently got into X4, which is in my opinion, really good in many of the areas where ED doesn't quite hit the mark.

The bits they do well though I'd suggest have still not been done better in any other game. It's still worth a buy if there's anyone who likes space games and hasn't tried it.
As a VR showcase and an exercise in immersion, it's excellent.

When they decided to forge ahead with essentially serverless multiplayer, I knew they would struggle to create a truly interesting and dynamic universe. To make anything complicated happen in the current ED framework would leave the game too open to abuse. I mean, I get why they made that choice, properly persistent universes are tough (although EVE does it) and expensive, but as it stands ED's ended up kinda massively multiplayer, but not in any way that makes it compelling to play. Personally I feel it's a ganker's paradise, so I play it "offline" anyway.

If we could go back and do it all over again, I'd rather pay a monthly fee so they could maintain proper infrastructure for a true MMO universe.
As a VR showcase and an exercise in immersion, it's excellent.
Yes, for sure. If you want to get the feeling of flying a spaceship in an endless universe, ED in VR is gobsmacking. It's a terrific experience, but unfortunately as a game it is mediocre.

I'm disappointed at Frontier's lack of ambition. Depending on shallow exploration and space-trucking was excusable when the game was new and obviously still raw, but after five and a half years not nearly enough new elements have been added. I started playing EVE when it was in beta and five years later the game was barely recognisable, CCP had added so many new features.

It annoys me that even simple improvements don't even get done. Why can't I move cargo from the ship into a storage hanger? Why no side or rear view cameras, like in the original Elite? ED feels like a five year old game that's had one year of development put into it over that time.
The talk over the last few days is the very reason I haven't started playing this yet, despite owning it since launch.

I keep waiting for them to make it the game they promised but it seems it keeps coming up short.

An Endless Universe should have endless things happening, but, it seems to be a very boring place to be for the most part.
The talk over the last few days is the very reason I haven't started playing this yet, despite owning it since launch.

I keep waiting for them to make it the game they promised but it seems it keeps coming up short.

An Endless Universe should have endless things happening, but, it seems to be a very boring place to be for the most part.

You have to remember that most people (in my experience at any rate) bemoaning the game have usually got hundreds if not thousands of hours (I don't even want to know how many I am up to, and no I'm not going to look lmao) played so are a little jaded. Don't discount it just because we long time layers like to have a moan :D
I endorse the above comment. If you are new to the game then the first couple of hundred hours are probably going to be the best you will ever have in the game, as long as you resist the urges to shortcut with any of the early game breaking money making routes. Stick to normal missions, trading, combat as you work your way up through the ships, you will have an absolute blast in those early hours. Only if you skip this will you be exposed to the lack of real endgame problems.
Really well put.

For the price it is great value for money. Easily 50 out so hours of great entertainment.

Next 50+ not so much. Doing the same stuff just simply in bigger ships.

I would encourage anyone to play the game, it's a solid 9 for the first 50, then it's a 6 for the next 50, then it's a 3.

Play in VR add 2 to all those scores....
Yeah, that's pretty accurate. Despite being personally jaded about ED I'd still recommend it to someone who hasn't played yet, because there is a period early on where it manages to be entertaining. If you can get the game when it's on sale it is probably good value.

Anyone who has a VR headset and a HOTAS though, just buy it. The game may pale fairly quickly but the experience of flying around in VR is well worth the cost.
Agreed, its a great game for a 150-200hrs but then you begin to understand Space is empty, just like the game :)

Well worth the small amount of cash they are asking for it now.
So, that didn't go well.

Been sooo long since i played.. I updated the game. Updated voiceattack and HCS etc.

Booted up with my VR flew out to a resource extraction zone to get some kills.

Didn't last long


I'm in my ASP explorer!!

Ok rebuy and an jump in my Vulture


Find my first foe.. "Deploy hardpoints" I call out.

Bluuurrrrrrrgh. Er why's everything gone off......24 mins to work it out......Ok "retract hardpoints" and fly back home..

So I now have to re-frequent myself with WTF I had done to my setup.

This is so hard to re-learn

Hmmmm..... this was leaked on official channels and removed rather quickly, not before somebody snagged it though :D

Edit: Definitely official, have changed the embedded link to genuine Elite channel.
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Ok so it seems I got back into the game..... Now double Elite and on my way to triple..

Bought a T1600m as couldnt get a X56 for lack of stock. Only for stock to be available the day after delivery.....

Currently happy with the T1600 although a little plastic if I'm honest but the X56 looks nicer...But going to stick until I can justify a VKB or Virpil...

only thing letting it down now is my Oculus rift....Just cant seem to set it up so the focus is good....
Ok so it seems I got back into the game..... Now double Elite and on my way to triple..

Bought a T1600m as couldnt get a X56 for lack of stock. Only for stock to be available the day after delivery.....

Currently happy with the T1600 although a little plastic if I'm honest but the X56 looks nicer...But going to stick until I can justify a VKB or Virpil...

only thing letting it down now is my Oculus rift....Just cant seem to set it up so the focus is good....

Are you using the default UI colour? If so change it to green. The original rift has a far denser green subpixel layout and it makes a marked improvement. That is of course if it's the text and UI you are referring to, otherwise just ignore me :D
Are you using the default UI colour? If so change it to green. The original rift has a far denser green subpixel layout and it makes a marked improvement. That is of course if it's the text and UI you are referring to, otherwise just ignore me :D

No mate, Your bang on its the all the panels and stuff. Didn't know you could change the colours. I'll go hunting for the option... Cheers
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