*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

I've not explained myself right. It's not just the getting to allied status by completing missions.

It's on the 'Galactic powers' window, where I can choose to 'pledge allegiance' to one of 11 powers.

I've also never worked out how to do anything about combat bonds.
Ah okay, so yes that is powerplay and a different thing.

There is only one real reason to pledge with someone and it's their unique unlocks. Lots of them are very good (prismatic shields, cytoscramblers etc).

It takes a month of being pledged before you become eligible for those rewards, so it's worth pledging now, waiting 4 weeks and then carting 750 of the special cargo (you're gonna need about 7m credits) for preparing a system for takeover. Then the following Thursday you'll be rank 3 and can buy the special unlocked module. You'll need a lot of credits because you are never going to buy these things again without having to do this whole cycle, so buy as many as you think you could possibly need. For prismatics you're going to want about 350m credits, for others you will only need a fraction of that.

As soon as you have that done, you abandon the power and start on the next one. Obviously it takes a year to do 12 powers so get started now.
Doing missions for a faction will increase your reputation with them, and the better rep you have, the better paying missions you get from them. If that minor faction is part of one of the major factions (eg federation or empire) it'll also boost rep with them, and this is good because eventually you'll want to increase ranks with the major factions as they unlock systems and ships that are gated behind those ranks.

In short, there is no downside to being allied to any faction. It does slowly degrade over time btw, and obviously taking missions from another faction where you have to do mean things to the faction you're allied with will decrease your rep with them.

Cool fact, doing missions for minor factions also strengthens them in that system, and if enough people support a faction that isn't the top dog in the system it can trigger civil wars and change the kinds of missions in that system and spawn conflict zones to fight in.

ooo , i didn't realise this

so is it best to trade with a faction over any other ?

im just landing where ever, getting mission and off i go ..
ooo , i didn't realise this

so is it best to trade with a faction over any other ?

im just landing where ever, getting mission and off i go ..

That's how I started off too. Going wherever the next mission took me.

However, the better your rep with a faction, the better the rewards they will offer you for missions are.

So once you find somewhere nice, ideally with at least one Federation and one Empire faction, use that as your base and keep going back and taking missions from whoever is offering something you can do. That way you'll level up with all of them and get progressively better rewards.

Keep an eye out for a trade-based community events nearby - they will generally be profitable to take part in, even at the lower reward levels.
ooo , i didn't realise this

so is it best to trade with a faction over any other ?

im just landing where ever, getting mission and off i go ..
At the station in a system controlled by a particular alliance you can see your rep and influence. The more missions you do for a single one the more rewards you get as said above. I was in Cubeo running trade missions and was eventually getting missions worth 50mil for trading gold or triton etc. Initially they are fairly low priced. So try picking a "home" system and keep running missions out of that. You can also turn around the power struggle in a system if you wanted to. I.e each system has a bunch of factions. One of them is ruling and they could be at conflict with one of the other factions in the system. Hence why you see some factions asking you to wipeout ships of another one. You can influence the outcome of this and also change who the ruling faction is by doing missions for a non ruling faction.
This was me, I spent days exploring/trading, I haven't played in years now, if I remember correctly I was way out making my way back in so that I could see an expert to increase my jump drive range. I'm talking about the days just after they brought planetary landings i and you still had to go to each planet and scan it.
Been out so long now probably can't my head around all the changes if I jumped back in
Reckon you'd be surprised. I thought the same when I last jumped back on and it just came to me (I was more worried about the controls etc) without any issues. I havent touched it for the last year or so. Remember being at an asteroid station last in horseshoe or monkey head nebula. That was one of the cool things I wanted to do but making that 5k LY journey reminded me why I left in the first place - Space is empty.
Worth it imo, I love having cytoscramblers on my small combat ships as they shred shields in a way that class 1 hardpoints have no business doing. Prismatic shields are also the bees knees, as are some of the others (eg the frag cannon with the tighter spread). No need to worry about them early game though.
All your Horizons progress will carry over into Odyssey. In fact you can swap back and forth between the two without losing anything.

You just can't access any Odyssey specific content while in Horizons.

No need to rush out and get Odyssey unless you want the on-foot "experience". I don't know if Odyssey is supported in VR yet.
All your Horizons progress will carry over into Odyssey. In fact you can swap back and forth between the two without losing anything.

You just can't access any Odyssey specific content while in Horizons.

No need to rush out and get Odyssey unless you want the on-foot "experience". I don't know if Odyssey is supported in VR yet.

ooo right, thanks for that

i just read / or heard something. you cant bring horizons over to Odyssey
From what I had read about the reviews and probably on this thread a few pages back, it was a mess since launch. Not sure if its any better now but I definitely would not pay full price for it. And believe it does not support VR but the devs have it on their roadmap (unspecified date in the future).
in ships, SRVs - VR is working as in horizons
on foot activities - no VR, if you're playing in a headset you will have sort of a cinema screen

you can keep switching between horizons/odyssey back and forth if you own odyssey
just choose version in the launcher
in ships, SRVs - VR is working as in horizons
on foot activities - no VR, if you're playing in a headset you will have sort of a cinema screen

you can keep switching between horizons/odyssey back and forth if you own odyssey
just choose version in the launcher

good to know

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