*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

What are you piloting?

It's just the eagle I get by default when I start a new game. I don't see the point in trying to get another ship until I understand a lot more of the basics. There's basically no penalty for me dying in the eagle as I get one every time.

I also don't really want to read guides on meta builds and stuff because that removes all the fun out of the game for me
Okay, ignore me then, I'm not sure what the range is on an eagle so you are probably very right to be cautious about fuel. One tip I will give though is to make sure you have your discovery scanner mapped and make sure you use it in every system, then remember to sell the cartographic data every now and then, it adds up quite quickly.
I have indeed started honking every system :)

One thing I don't really get is when I eventually get out of the bubble. How do I know if I've discovered a system because when you enter a new one it always says stuff is undiscovered initially.
I have indeed started honking every system :)

One thing I don't really get is when I eventually get out of the bubble. How do I know if I've discovered a system because when you enter a new one it always says stuff is undiscovered initially.
As you "tune into" each planet in the FSS, you can see at the bottom the names of who first discovered/mapped them. No names means you are the first.

Unlike first footfall, though, to get your name on it you actually have to hand in the data before anybody else.

The other sign is there being nothing on the scanner when you first jump in (although sometimes, somebody will have discovered the primary star and maybe a couple of planets and nothing else - typically from before the FSS was introduced).
Thanks for that. Does the Discovery scanner automatically catch everything or does it have a range of sorts?
As in will I get a different result if I jump to somewhere else in that system and 'honk' again?
Noooo! I was landed on a planet and for some reason I can't understand my ship exploded:confused: I boarded with my SRV and was sitting there doing something else on the other monitor and the buggetr just exploded. Gutted doesn't cover it. About 8-12 hours of play gone poof. I'd collected loads of mapping and was picking up exo-biology I was hoping to really progress my ranks in both :mad:
As you "tune into" each planet in the FSS, you can see at the bottom the names of who first discovered/mapped them. No names means you are the first.

Unlike first footfall, though, to get your name on it you actually have to hand in the data before anybody else.

The other sign is there being nothing on the scanner when you first jump in (although sometimes, somebody will have discovered the primary star and maybe a couple of planets and nothing else - typically from before the FSS was introduced).
Not forgetting you can also just look on the system map and see the discovered by, mapped by and first footfall entries.
Thanks for that. Does the Discovery scanner automatically catch everything or does it have a range of sorts?
As in will I get a different result if I jump to somewhere else in that system and 'honk' again?
The DSS covers the whole system, once you've got the "System scan complete" message, you are done for the basic discovery. You can then, if you want, move on to mapping planets.
Thanks for that. Does the Discovery scanner automatically catch everything or does it have a range of sorts?
As in will I get a different result if I jump to somewhere else in that system and 'honk' again?
It catches all these days, used to be two versions of it, one had a limited range the other was system wide iirc, was quite fun trying to find stuff in a system by watching for parallax movement of bodies against the background if you couldn't afford the decent version.
The DSS covers the whole system, once you've got the "System scan complete" message, you are done for the basic discovery. You can then, if you want, move on to mapping planets.

When I enter a system, sometimes as soon as I enter it will say like discovered 3 <whatevers> is that just due to proximity?
I was landed on a planet and for some reason I can't understand my ship exploded
The reason (if you really want to know) should be in the journal file (default location C:\users\username\Saved Games\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous).

But that's another place that one of the various external tools come in handy - the journal files aren't easy to follow just by opening them (unless you like reading JSON).
The reason (if you really want to know) should be in the journal file (default location C:\users\username\Saved Games\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous).

But that's another place that one of the various external tools come in handy - the journal files aren't easy to follow just by opening them (unless you like reading JSON).
Thanks for the reply, which tool would you recommend? I am curious.
I have indeed started honking every system :)

One thing I don't really get is when I eventually get out of the bubble. How do I know if I've discovered a system because when you enter a new one it always says stuff is undiscovered initially.

You sound like me when I started in he game. I remember getting an invite to see the FSD engineer Felicity Farseer, and to unlock her you had to travel something like 500 LY from your starting system, and I was still in a Sidewinder. I had a fuel scoop I think but I didn't know about KGBFOAM or anything like that, so started to go out and got about 200 LY out of the bubble, but then chickened out and went back as I started to see land on non-scoopable stars and started to panic. KGBFOAM is your friend, so look in to that if you haven't already.

Another little tip about arriving in a system with everything saying it is unexplored, *IF* it is a populated system in the bubble, and you *don't* want to mess about scanning with the FSS scanner, then the shortcut is to look for the Nav Beacon target on your left panel, target that and fly to it, drop into its instance and once in there target the white blob on your radar in front of you and wait for that to scan, then jump back in to supercruise and you will find everything in the system had been scanned for you. This includes any unidentified signal sources in the system which is a massive benefit when looking for those High ones for materials, as it is so much quicker this way to find them.
I remember KGBFOAM yes, I think the alternative was something like OBAFGKM which served a different purpose, it was something like oh bother a friendly ganker killed me.

I'm just doing some slow learning at the moment like learning what the different kind of signals are I come across and what happens when I go to them etc. The codex is semi helpful too. I should say though I haven't spent a huge amount of time playing the game. I have watched various videos so I do recall some stuff but hands-on experience isn't much.
I'm also not stressing about my choice to take credits as a mission reward and not materials or reputation. I just don't think reputation is going to help me early on and choosing credits only just gives me a bit more freedom even if it's not as profitable for reasons I don't understand yet.
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You are playing the game exactly the right way by the way. The worst thing you can do as a new player is to go looking for the numerous get rich quick schemes, which if you do them you totally spoil the best part of the game which is the first 100 hours.
You are playing the game exactly the right way by the way. The worst thing you can do as a new player is to go looking for the numerous get rich quick schemes, which if you do them you totally spoil the best part of the game which is the first 100 hours.

I tend to approach all games like this, I may watch videos to understand certain mechanics etc, but I won't watch any "how to make zilllions in 5m" or "how to have the BEST start" type stuff. The grind is part of the fun for me.

On a negative note, the flickering shadows drive me mad and really pull me out of the game sometimes. According to Steam I've played for 94h! But that is since launch and 90 of those were probably me binding controls :D

edit: Oh ffs, just went to play and the servers are down for maintenance. I'll see if I can mess around in the training modes. Oh no it just kicks you out.
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As far as mission rewards go, the thing I didn't understand early on was the link between reputation and reward.

So I was ambling around taking a mission that took me to another system, where I'd take another mission which took me further on, and so on.

Whereas, if you keep going back to the same place to take missions, your reputation with the local factions will increase and they will start to offer you better rewards as a result.
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