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I just managed to scan all the planets in one system with FSS but I'm not really sure how exactly. Like I could do it but couldn't explain it to someone lol.

I was going to go to the nav beacon but it had a level 3 threat on it so didn't. Luckily found a carrier to refuel at too so I can get back to where I started. Also sold my bag data for another 25k which isn't bad as I've only done like 3 systems.

Not sure on the significance of some signals like convoy dispersal, is that just for if you want to do piracy?

Edit: I'm now fully comfortable with FSS, made about 500k selling stuff so now wondering why I'd bother doing some missions for credit purposes.
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Regarding the planet scanning thing, as far as I understand it you can do your FSS scan when you arrive in a system and you will get credits for that, but to get the most credits you then have to fly out to the planets and use the Detail Surface Scanner on them up close, and for that you get quite a lot more than just doing the initial FSS. It is usually only worthwhile doing this though for those planets which are deemed high value in game, which are your Earth-like worlds, water worlds, high metallic content etc. For bog standard icy balls it is not worth it unless you want your name on one. So you do your FSS, look at what the planet summary says it is, then fly over to the good ones to get the extra credits, which can be significant. And with any NAV beacon which says it has a threat, it is usually only a risk to you if you have anything in your cargo hold, if you don't have anything in your hold then any pirates that show up will just moan at you for having nothing then bugger off.
I saw something about this before and I think it makes logical sense too. Does the nav beacon tell you what all the unidentified signals are? There is no way people spend time scanning each of those is there...
Don't really have a plan at the moment, I was just enjoying getting used to stuff and I recall bouncing off the FSS before so glad I got that nailed down. I did find it odd that a couple of planets were completely away from any orbit lines, assumed they'd all be on one. Played for quite a while in VR too, took me a while to work out how to use the GMap with it but sorted now.

Did get blown up when I tried to help defend a station, but I had handed in all my data so had nothing to lose (assuming you lose scan data if you die).
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I saw something about this before and I think it makes logical sense too. Does the nav beacon tell you what all the unidentified signals are? There is no way people spend time scanning each of those is there...

Dropping in the nav beacon instance and scanning it is pretty much the same as scanning every body in the entire system including any signals. And the ones which say they have threat will say say are a "compromised" nav beacon. The difference being that those will not have any police in them who would attacked pirates and wanted ships. But as I say, unless you have something in your hold, the pirates are unlikely to bother you, and if just scanning the beacon that should only take about 30 seconds tops before you can just get out.
Dropping in the nav beacon instance and scanning it is pretty much the same as scanning every body in the entire system including any signals. And the ones which say they have threat will say say are a "compromised" nav beacon. The difference being that those will not have any police in them who would attacked pirates and wanted ships. But as I say, unless you have something in your hold, the pirates are unlikely to bother you, and if just scanning the beacon that should only take about 30 seconds tops before you can just get out.

So would I get the same credit reward for just scanning the nav beacon, or does that bypass the FSS reward as it's convenient.
Ah, no you don't, you must use the FSS if you want any credits.

I was going to say I thought that sounded a bit too good to be true lol.
As it stands, I've made more money scanning about four systems than I have in my previous 90 hours on the game lol.
Once I've sold my stored data, I'm going to start flying to a few of those signals to work out what is in the different type. I mean, yes, I could just look it up, but I'd rather do it manually to start
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Made my first million and gave another one in scan data to hand in further away.
I'm not sure what determines more valuable planets because I've had two of exactly the same type, one was like 147k and the other about 13k both brown dwarfs.
This is why is tend to scan everything.

Currently in a system called Asha, jumping one short system at a time towards nowhere in particular.
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Just completed my first First Footfall. I souped up a Mandalay to 60+LY jump and headed out 6000LY into the Black. Quite cool to find dozens of undiscovered systems on my way out now working my way back in stopping to map systems and look for exobiology. There is something mildly risky feeling about flying so far from the nearest other Commander. It's taken me several days to fly out and I'll probably spend the rest of the next week or more coming back.
It's an awesome yet humbling experience, getting to see just how vast the galaxy, and how little we actually are in the grand scheme of things. And then you're completely alone out there with nothing but the sound of space, which in itself at times can be quite deafening, if you get what I mean. Even though there's no sound most of the time, there's something so absolutely haunting and yet beautiful all at once. I really have enjoyed my trips out to the Black.

At the moment I've managed to find myself a system about 1500LY from the Bubble that hasn't had first footfall by anyone, there are 9 planets in the system has at least 5 exobiology signals, 1 of each signal at least rare. So far scanning that system alone has netted me 400 million and I'm only on the 4th planet!
Ive been meaning to play this for years and i have the base game free on epic. You guys talking about the Community event rewards got me to try it out.
I started 2 days ago did a few missions in the starting area and bought myself a cobra m3, headed straight for the minerva system doing a few missions on the way and got myself kitted out with A components and some decent weapons. Then i did community event challenges and managed to get into the 75% bracket and also earned 20 mil from the trades and bounties.
If im reading the rewards right i should be due 360 mil rewards. Now i just need to learn how to play the game and what everything does :D its a bit different to the original elite i used to play nearly 40 years ago.
I see the dlc is avaliable for a few £ i'll probably grab that too. Just got to an engineer base so i'll see what thats about too.
o7 Commander, welcome to the Galaxy!

If you need any help or tips etc, give us a shout in-game or here. Some of us have been playing the game for years and would happily share the vast amounts of otherwise useless information that we've managed to gain over the years :)

My ingame name is CHokKA, same as my username here.
As you "tune into" each planet in the FSS, you can see at the bottom the names of who first discovered/mapped them. No names means you are the first.

Unlike first footfall, though, to get your name on it you actually have to hand in the data before anybody else.

The other sign is there being nothing on the scanner when you first jump in (although sometimes, somebody will have discovered the primary star and maybe a couple of planets and nothing else - typically from before the FSS was introduced).
Just a quick clarification, First Footfall is recorded immediately when you leave the planet and actually doesn't require you to hand in any data to Universal Cartographics which is great:

First Footfall
It's an awesome yet humbling experience, getting to see just how vast the galaxy, and how little we actually are in the grand scheme of things. And then you're completely alone out there with nothing but the sound of space, which in itself at times can be quite deafening, if you get what I mean. Even though there's no sound most of the time, there's something so absolutely haunting and yet beautiful all at once. I really have enjoyed my trips out to the Black.

At the moment I've managed to find myself a system about 1500LY from the Bubble that hasn't had first footfall by anyone, there are 9 planets in the system has at least 5 exobiology signals, 1 of each signal at least rare. So far scanning that system alone has netted me 400 million and I'm only on the 4th planet!
Well I haven't made the journey back yet, netted about 9 exo-biology species on foirst foot fall planets, about 12 first foot fall and 30+ mapped planets. I like the hunt for the species flying low and slow or in the SRV and it is quite cool being where no man has been before :-D
Dumb question but when I'm playing on VR obviously the game is also showing on my monitor too, So do I get any performance bonus by lowering the resolution on the monitor or not? Or it's actually casting what's on my headset and not actually rendering it?

I'm actually really enjoying the VR more than I had previously. I just tailor my activity so if I want to do on foot stuff I will do it on my screen.
I've tweaked a lot of settings because I didn't realise initially but I was actually playing about 35 FPS and now I've lowered some stuff and it doesn't look much different and I'm getting above 60 so that's fine.

I got an invite from an engineer about upgrading my FSD but they are a very long distance from me. Is there any point me heading towards it at this early stage
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Dumb question but when I'm playing on VR obviously the game is also showing on my monitor too, So do I get any performance bonus by lowering the resolution on the monitor or not? Or it's actually casting what's on my headset and not actually rendering it?

I'm actually really enjoying the VR more than I had previously. I just tailor my activity so if I want to do on foot stuff I will do it on my screen.
I've tweaked a lot of settings because I didn't realise initially but I was actually playing about 35 FPS and now I've lowered some stuff and it doesn't look much different and I'm getting above 60 so that's fine.

I got an invite from an engineer about upgrading my FSD but they are a very long distance from me. Is there any point me heading towards it at this early stage
There are conflicting views on it, or at least there were when I last looked, I have my desktop window small myself, though I'm going to now change it and see if I notice any difference...

The engineer will require something to actually unlock them even with the invite and that will be something a bit annoying to get, I can't remember off hand if it tells you what you need in the engineers panel or if you actually need to visit them, it's easy enough to look up though. Once an engineer has been unlocked you can pin a single recipe which will enable you to use it at any station but you are required to actually visit the engineers base to rank up or apply any experimental effects. Do not visit engineer bases in open unless you are happy to run the gankers gauntlet.
I believe the part you need to give the engineer is called meta alloy and it's only available from a few places and quite pricey or you can try to mine it I've not done it myself yet as I'm farming materials first.
If you go on to the galaxy map, you can change route options from economical to fastest to greatly reduce the amount of jumps, couple this with a fuel scoop and you can get around a lot quicker.
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Finding out where Meta Alloys can be found in the galaxy, without resorting to external googling, will surely test your commitment to relying on in game only sources of info :D
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