VaderDSL said:Yup bigsteve - rather a lot
There's a bug atm that prevents people making Freighters in Empire lol
bigsteve said:A bug?
A feature that CCP hasnt mentioned. hehehehe
is some cases CCP class the as the same.
Aggymon said:
dymetrie said:oc-ps won't accept hotmail or yahoo e-mail addresses...
it stops bots creating accounts and posting pron
dymetrie said:curse of the proph eh will
dymetrie said:I'm at work
there're generally drops and stuff for a few days after a patch, and sometimes up to a week after a hooge patch like this one...
Freezes how? after the flash you just get a black screen and nothing else? if so, delete your settings folder (backup first of course) and it should fix it...
Byron5184 said:Nice, i was thinking more along the lines of
5x Tech 2 Heavy Launchers
2x Large Tech 2 Shield Extenders
1x F-90 Sensor Booster
1x Gravametric ECCM mod
1x Small Gistii A-Type Shield Booster
4x BCU II's
Tank runs forever easily with about 10'000 shields i believe. Heard it can solo any guristas lvl 4 mission.
DanSolo said:Late reply but ive been afk for some time
Thats fine for npcing and guristas, but the lack of em and only a small amount of boost per cycle rules it out for pvp