The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Pretty much, I warped to a planet once and got followed by a bunch of inties, my drones were out and attacking as my ship exploded but they carried on fighting and I received a kill mail a good few seconds later after I'd warped out in my pod.

Feek said:
From that killmail I extrapolate that he was armour tanked, using t1 adaptive nanos and a vestment. The only t2 modules were the damage mods.

What an awful setup for a Mach, no wonder he went pop - I'd guess it was pretty quick as well.


Most probably the owner had more money than sence, eermmmm sorry skills.
miracleboy said:
I notice that there is a free 14 day trial for EVE at the moment - should I bother trying it out or am I just going to get hopelessly addicted? :D

There is always a 14 day trial on... and yes you may well get hopelessly addicted.
bigsteve said:
Most probably the owner had more money than sence, eermmmm sorry skills.
Nail. Head. Hit.

I bought that Machariel that's pictured above yesterday evening. I took it out of the station and flew it around a bit and very very quickly realised that I don't have good enough skills to do it justice (specifically t2 projectiles) so I slapped it on Escrow and it sold within 20 minutes for a profit. It would have stayed in my hangar for months if I'd not done that.

I broke the half a bill mark a few days ago after starting to sell all my named loot over the past several months and my wallet has shot from 70 mill up to 630 million isk within the past 4 days. :D That includes some mods that i brought myself like 5 or my 6 Beta Hull mod expanders and a covert ops cloak i never got round to training for.

Going for a Caldari Navy Raven, isk is sorted and after DT ill be 11'000 LP from 200k LP so not long now :)
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Byron5184 said:
I broke the half a bill mark a few days ago after starting to sell all my named loot over the past months and my wallet has shot from 70 mill up to 630 million isk within the past 4 days. :D

Going for a Caldari Navy Raven, isk is sorted and after DT ill be 11'000 LP from 200k LP so not long now :)

youll need about 400k to 500k LP's for that,
thats just for the BPC, and not including the Nexus Chip needed
bigsteve said:
youll need about 400k to 500k LP's for that,
thats just for the BPC, and not including the Nexus Chip needed

You been in 0.0 too long. :p

Navy Raven 1 run BPC offer > 200'000 LP and 500 million isk
Byron5184 said:
You been in 0.0 too long. :p

Navy Raven 1 run BPC offer > 200'000 LP and 500 million isk

REALLLY !!!!!11111 :eek: :eek: :eek:

and there is me sitting on a nest egg of 400k with the Agent in Pakkonan.

hhmmm trip to see her is in order soon.
bigsteve said:
REALLLY !!!!!11111 :eek: :eek: :eek:

and there is me sitting on a nest egg of 400k with the Agent in Pakkonan.

hhmmm trip to see her is in order soon.

if they're still there :( been reports of people losing LP's after a long while inactive (agent inactive that is)
Feek said:
Nail. Head. Hit.

I bought that Machariel that's pictured above yesterday evening. I took it out of the station and flew it around a bit and very very quickly realised that I don't have good enough skills to do it justice (specifically t2 projectiles) so I slapped it on Escrow and it sold within 20 minutes for a profit. It would have stayed in my hangar for months if I'd not done that.


While i was cruising around Deklein last night i came across a pilot in a Machariel using 4 torp launchers, do me a favour and kill him. Not using the 4 bonuses on that ship to projectiles is criminal :P

My days of faction fitted/ships are long gone, i jsut cant bring myself to spend the isk anymore.

I better check in with my agent by the sounds of it, i probably only have a 100k or so with them, but since the changes it looks like its worth looking into.
alright I need some advice on fitting my carcal. at the moment i've got:
Hi Slots (going to go with all Arbalest when I get money saved up as i'm a bit poor at the moment)
1xArbalest Assualt Launcher
1xCompact "limos" Assualt Launcher
3xMalcuth Asualt Launcher

Mid Slots
2x Small Sheild Boster 1
2x Small Cap Boster loaded with 100s (dont need two, but I figured I might as well fill up the slot I wasnt using incase I needed it somday)
1x 10mm Afterburner

Low Slots
1x 800mm Reinforced Steel Plates 1
1x Small Armour Repairer 1

Alright does anyone have some sugestions for a better fitting? Because I dont know what I really need or what I dont.
b (thats it) said:

This is a list of all the NPC's and what damage they do:

Guristas - Kinetic / Thermal
Serpentis - Thermal / Kinetic
Blood Raider - Thermal / EM
Sansha's Nation - EM / Thermal
Angel Cartel - Kinetic / Explosive / Thermal
Rogue Drones - ALL Damage Types

Your gonna want a shiled tank and loose the cap boosters

- x5 Assualt Launchers (The more better named the better)

- 10MN Afterburned
- Medium Shield Booster
- Respective Hardner
- Respective Hardner
- Respective Hardner

- x2 Power Diagnostic

If you look at the rats damage and compare it to your sheild resists to get the best hardners e.g. Blood Raiders, so you'd have 2 EM and 1 Therm.
**** beaten by muffin..I took 40mins writing this :(

b (thats it) said:
1xArbalest Assualt Launcher
1xCompact "limos" Assualt Launcher
3xMalcuth Asualt Launcher

Mid Slots
2x Small Sheild Boster 1
2x Small Cap Boster loaded with 100s (dont need two, but I figured I might as well fill up the slot I wasnt using incase I needed it somday)
1x 10mm Afterburner

Low Slots
1x 800mm Reinforced Steel Plates 1
1x Small Armour Repairer 1

Alright does anyone have some sugestions for a better fitting? Because I dont know what I really need or what I dont.

Hello there, if I can give my best effort to help you improve, but I am afraid that may involve pulling holes in that setup!

Firstly I am assuming that you are missioning in which case the most important question is where are you because that affects which rats you face (guristas sansha serpentis angels for example)

The high slots I have no criticism of, obviously as you state, all arbs would be nice. If you shoot a lot more cruisers than frigates then you may consider moving up to heavy missile launchers because of their increased range and damage against large targets.

5x Assault or 5 Heavy (dont mix and match when you get skill to use heavy)

Large Shield Extender : This increases your total shield and adds to the passive recharge rate of your shield, the cost of it is a higher signature radius but this is a negligible cost for Lvl1-3 missions

Medium Shield Booster : This is obviously a step up from the 2x small, progressing to a techII or Cl5 (named) will offer even better performance.

10mn Afterburner : This enables you to dicate the range in missions and helps overall in making money by being quicker between gates/stations

2 Active Shield Hardeners: These reduce the damage you take by 50% by strengthening your shields by reducing the damage that the NPCs specifically do. These are worth skill training for as soon as possible.


Power Diagnostic Unit : This improves the shield size, capacitor recharge rate, shield recharge rate, and offers a power grid boost

Ballistic Control Unit : This is a damage mod for missiles improving rate of fire and damage.

For the active shield hardeners:

Vs Guristas : 1 Kinetic 1 thermal (kin)
Vs Sansha : 1 EM 1 Thermal (em)
Vs Angels : 1 EM 1 Thermal (kin)
Vs Serpentis: 1 Kinetic 1 thermal (kin)

Optionally for your setup you could switch out the 10mn AB for another hardener, the type in brackets is the additional hardner.

To make the most of your ship you should obviously improve towards techII components but first there are important skills which help even at low levels.

Fitting Skills

Electronics, Engineering, Weapon Upgrades, Electronic Upgrades : These will add to CPU, Powergrid and reduce Powergrid and CPU requirements respectively

Shield Skills
Located under engineering tab:
Shield Compensation : cuts down on the capacitor use of the shield booster
Shield Management: increases shield size
Shield Operation: Improves shield recharge
Tactical Shield Manipulation: needed for active hardeners (also stops damage leaking into armor when at 90% shield damage)

Capacitor Skills
If you are running low on capacitor you need to work on these:
Energy Systems operation : 5% quicker cap recharge a level
Energy Managment: 5% larger cap size per level

Missile Skills
Guided Missile Precision
Missile Bombardment
Missile Projection
Rapid Launch
Target Navigation Prediction
Warhead Upgrades

These missile skills are important and, if you want to specialise in missiles and caldari, will give you a large boost in damage, range and rate of fire for example. Get them to level2 asap and work them up to level4 whenever you can. Work on level5ing them all after a year in eve.

The caracal is a fantastic ship and it is worth noting that improving the skills to use the caracal will be far more useful than rushing into the next biggest ship ( ferox, raven). It is useful at range so make use of it, remember on "encounter" missions you can choose what distance to warp to the bookmark at, in deadspace remember you could Afterburner away before engaging targets.

A common mistake amongst caldari players is to panic and to try and keep their shields at 100% (no damage). This often causes players to run out of cap and has the small side effect of causing ships to explode.
Shields have a fantastic thing called passive recharge rate which you get the best benefit from between 30-60% shield damage. This means its best to boost to keep the damage at about 30-40% to be safe (it can be higher if you know what you are doing).

A good tip is to take your ship to an asteroid belt in safe high sec and play with it. Go find 1 easy rat and let it take you to 60% shield damage, watch how the passive rate works, also note the amount of shield you gain from a boost visually on the hud, this means that you can learn exactly where the damage meter can go before one boost takes you back to the 30% mark.

It sounds very complicated but that sort of knowlege later in pvp can make the difference between a win and a loss for players.

Hope that all helps you, I wish I knew all that when I was doing missions in an osprey with 11k in missile skills only!
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