The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Moeks said:
you'll regret saying that when I deep fry that Omen of yours :p

hehe, I finished HAC 5 a couple of weeks ago and got myself a 5% damage implant, on a typical 3 HSII setup on my zealot I'm getting a damage mod of over 9 now on heavy pulse & beam II's ...bascially all I can do now to fully optimise myself is train surgical strike 5 which I've been putting off close to forever. I don't consider training medium pulse and beam specialisation 5 remotely worth it, 2% damage on 1 type of gun for 20 odd days training, no thanks. Already using a Centus A-Type armour repairer on my pulse zealot, seriously considering a low-grade slave implant set now too ...which would be a nice addition :D

Dude, Surg Strike V was the first skill in the gunnery catagoiries i got to level V after getting Tech II guns fitted, do any thing to get more damage.
and that extra 2% for training the Medium Specilization will make a differance, oh did i mention do any thing to get more damage.

Now i realiaed i should have Trains Matari Battleship to V, intead of doing other stuff.
Also i would be training HAC's to V if i werent going for Captital Ships.

on the implant front, do all the damage implants take up the same slot??????
Yeah surgical strike 5 is a nice skill to have, ive been putting it off for some time now, just finishing off rapid firing 5 atm, then on to surgical strike 5. After thats done il hit the t2 large rails :)
Atleast im not training bloody science skills for R&D agents any more.
I know you can get a 5% in one slot then another 3% in another. The 5 and 3 can be for any type/size turret, or the universal one that does it for all turrets.
Moeks, do you love your Zealot?

Because I dont think your treating her well if you deny them lvl5's. I wouldn't trade my Pulse/Beam spec, Surgical Strike, HaC lvl 5's for a Mothership & Skills. And the spare implaints are just waiting for my next podding.

You've taken her out to dinner, lavished money on shiney Diamonds, now give her some time & show how much you love her.

Disturbed, ofcourse.
DanSolo said:
Yeah surgical strike 5 is a nice skill to have, ive been putting it off for some time now, just finishing off rapid firing 5 atm, then on to surgical strike 5. After thats done il hit the t2 large rails :)
Atleast im not training bloody science skills for R&D agents any more.

my main stopped training for R&D agents ages back. I got another accout to do more though

Currently have 10 R&D Agents Spread between 3 Characters, with another 5 planned for in the future on another character. :D :D :D :D
bigsteve said:
my main stopped training for R&D agents ages back. I got another accout to do more though

Currently have 10 R&D Agents Spread between 3 Characters, with another 5 planned for in the future on another character. :D :D :D :D

Nice! Ive currently got 8 running across 2 accounts, but im thinking of training my 3rd character up to get a few more :)

Its the way forward.
Neoteric said:
Moeks, do you love your Zealot?

Because I dont think your treating her well if you deny them lvl5's. I wouldn't trade my Pulse/Beam spec, Surgical Strike, HaC lvl 5's for a Mothership & Skills. And the spare implaints are just waiting for my next podding.

You've taken her out to dinner, lavished money on shiney Diamonds, now give her some time & show how much you love her.

Disturbed, ofcourse.

Oh yes I love her dearly, but I feel you have to draw a line between ultimate specialisation and real world effect vs time spent training though.

Apart from, as mentioned, surgical strike 5 and the 2 laser specialisation skills, which are all at 4 right now. Every other skill that effects the damage of my Zealot is at 5, cap skills are at 5, motion prediction, rapid firing, sharp shooter etc and of course others such hull upgrades and repair systems are at 5 etc. Once I'm through with SS 5 I'm calling it a day on the Zealot, for me at least training medium pulse/beam specialisation to 5 is just not worth it, I'd rather train to use an Absolution (Amarr field command ship).
I'm not one for posting twice in one day, but can you not do both?

I guess'd you had those other skill's mention'd at lvl5 already, although I should stop doing that, most selfrespecting pilots have them. I just think you would enjoy that little extra 2%. It is noticable, even much so with True Sansha Heat Sinks.

And would you not plan on useing either medium pulse or beam spec on a command ship. I pretty sure I will be, as soon as I can be bother to a) go buy 1 b) have the time to learn how to use it, fussing over recon ships & being in EC-P seem to have my time at the moment.

But meh, atleast if we ever cross paths in the future in hostile event's, I'll be feeling 2% more confident ;)
Hehe yea maybe, I probably will go for that 2% eventually, incidentally, I've been flying recons more lately than I have the zealot anyway, having lots of fun with the Pilgrim :)'s quite different from the Amarr ships I am used to, so many med slots, such a box of tricks :D
Really interested in trying out this game. Played MMO's before and they all require vast amounts of grinding time. Can I play this casually (an hour or two a day) or do I need to be sitting at the computer 24/7? Also, is pvp and fights in general more based on skill or how long you have been grinding?
Mallus said:
Really interested in trying out this game. Played MMO's before and they all require vast amounts of grinding time. Can I play this casually (an hour or two a day) or do I need to be sitting at the computer 24/7? Also, is pvp and fights in general more based on skill or how long you have been grinding?

Yeah 2 hours a day is more than enough time to do almost anything.

There is no grinding in eve. You do not have to kill NPCs or anything like that in order to gain skillpoints. Its all purely timebased. Specialisation is the key.

PVP fights are usually teambased, so your lack of skill/points will not be such a big factor. In a 1v1 duel (these are very rare), it can make all the difference. Players only a week old can take part in epic fleet battle flying small, fast and agile frigates. Or a 3 year old player can bring his dreadnought. It all counts tho.
Mallus said:
Really interested in trying out this game. Played MMO's before and they all require vast amounts of grinding time. Can I play this casually (an hour or two a day) or do I need to be sitting at the computer 24/7? Also, is pvp and fights in general more based on skill or how long you have been grinding?

To back up what Crypt said I was flying round in frigate squads killing Battleships in 0.0(lawless space) 3-4 weeks into playing the game. Also tackling Batteships and stopping them from warping off in fleet engagements. Hell I was primary scout at times in my second month of the game for CA.
[TW]Fox said:
'dymetries Mining Laser II strikes Skully, wrecking for 0 damage' :D

Mining Laser IIs are old hat fox my old chum...

Get with the program ;)

2006.04.05 07:03:25 | combat | Your Modulated Strip Miner II perfectly strikes [TW]Fox for OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!!!1shotkill!!! damage

dymetrie said:
Mining Laser IIs are old hat fox my old chum...

Get with the program ;)

2006.04.05 07:03:25 | combat | Your Modulated Strip Miner II perfectly strikes [TW]Fox for OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!!!1shotkill!!! damage


Modulated Strip Miner II are getting a bit outdated too.

2006.04.05 09:38 | combat | Your Ice Harvester II perfectly strikes [OCUK]Dymetrie stripping him of his ice cold heart....
bigsteve said:
Modulated Strip Miner II are getting a bit outdated too.

2006.04.05 09:38 | combat | Your Ice Harvester II perfectly strikes [OCUK]Dymetrie stripping him of his ice cold heart....

who wants to mine Ice?

anyway my hearts made of stone, not ice ;)
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