The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Thoraxs scare me especially when i'm in my Carcal, I always always run away from them. I do run away from just about everything though so thats not saying much :p

Did he agree to fight at 15km though? I would have though he would have tried for a bit more range like 50-60km, I know when ever I warp places I default to 60km except when I'm docking or going to a stargate, and it would have given him some extra time, depending one what mwd you have, to do some extra damage, if he could even break your armour tank. Of course i'm I complete noob so I dont even pretend to imagine that I know what i'm talking about. :o
This is the last 15 seconds of the final fight. I'd refitted the Thorax with a t2 magnetometric backup so he couldn't jam me any more.

This time he warped in at 30km. At that range my blasters couldn't touch him so it was down to the drones. We both took a battering but the drones beat his tank and I called 'stopped' at 8 seconds into the video (you can see that in the top left chat window) as he went into structure. You can also see the drones being called off.

The missiles he had in space already we still making contact and I went into structure just after the video ended, but if I'd not called the drones off when I did, he'd have gone pop (again) just a couple of seconds later.

Again, lots of fun to play around and test these things.

Boohoo narrowly missed out killing a Deimos. Was in my stabber and narrowed him down to a certain belt so warped in there and hoped the NPC's would give me a helping hand. Anyway i land 60km from him which wasn't ideal but i do 2.5km/s anyway so i got there pretty sharpish, set orbit for 7.5km and was pounding him with AC's and Havoc heavy missiles but i clicked approach, got into his blaster range and died in about 5seconds flat :D Just when we was into 75% structure aswell, doh! Nevermind i knew it would be 100:1 that i'd get him anyway.
I've created a monster :eek:

Ladies and Gentlemn... I give you...



high resists, high speed, high damage (shredded a 50k ISK cruiser in under 15 seconds), plus it's purty :D

/me wants his cerbie
Skully said:
Like you're the first to fit blasters to a Harpy...
maybe not, but so far as i can tell i'm the first to post a piccie on these forums proclaiming it :p

[edit]you gimps aren't even playing eve at the moment! at least i'm having fun! shame on both of you...[/edit]
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Feek said:
I had no idea what ship I would be going against apart from the fact it'd be a cruiser. I knew warp in distance would be 15km so the MWD wasn't going to be essential so just went for the tracking disruptor in the theory that the person warping in would quite likely have gunnies.

Didn't make any difference to the outcome really!


Ahhhhh :) I see didn't realise it was an arranged battle hehe :)
dymetrie said:
I've created a monster :eek:

Ladies and Gentlemn... I give you...


high resists, high speed, high damage (shredded a 50k ISK cruiser in under 15 seconds), plus it's purty :D

Shredding 50k ISK NPC's eh?

Tough task calls for a tough ship ;)
[TW]Fox said:
Shredding 50k ISK NPC's eh?

Tough task calls for a tough ship ;)
Just because I'm a carebear doesn't mean you have to be rude...

She shall of course be tested out on tough ships later ;)

(pvpers smell of wee)
Gatsby said:
I've yet to see a decent tank on a Caracal, they always die incredibly fast to my Thorax.
Large shield booster, boost amp, extender, cap injector, and a hold full of boosters.

And let me guess... 1600mm on thorax?
Yeah that'd probably do it, like I said, yet to run into one though :p

And no, putting a 1600mm plate on a rax after the drone bay nerf isn't a good idea in my view. Medium electrons and an 800mm plate work so much better.
GF tonight guys, you and TS brought it, unlike others, best fun I've had in a long time, same time next week? :p

and soz ckozuk, you lewt died with me :(
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